瑞德 1927年因谋杀罪被判无期徙刑,数次假释都未获成功。他现在已经成为肖申克监狱中的“权威人物”,只要你付得起钱,他几乎有办法搞到任何你想要的东西:香烟,糖果,酒,甚至是大麻。每当有新囚犯来的时候,大家就赌谁会在第一个夜晚哭泣。瑞德认为弱不禁风、书生气十足的安迪一定会哭,结果安迪的沉默使他输掉了两包烟。但同时也使瑞德对他另眼相看。
导演 Director
弗兰克·德拉邦特 Frank Darabont
编剧 Writer
斯蒂芬·金 Stephen King ....(short story Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption)
弗兰克·德拉邦特 Frank Darabont ....(screenplay)
演员 Actor
蒂姆·罗宾斯 Tim Robbins ....Andy Dufresne
摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman ....Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding
鲍勃·冈顿 Bob Gunton ....Warden Samuel Norton
威廉姆·赛德勒 William Sadler ....Heywood
克兰西·布朗 Clancy Brown ....Captain Byron T. Hadley
祖德·塞克利拉 Jude Ciccolella ....Guard Mert
耐德·巴拉米 Ned Bellamy ....Guard Youngblood
吉尔·贝罗斯 Gil Bellows ....Tommy
Mark Rolston ....Bogs Diamond
詹姆斯·惠特摩 James Whitmore ....Brooks Hatlen
Jeffrey DeMunn ....1946 D.A.Larry Brandenburg ....Skeet
Neil Giuntoli ....Jigger
Brian Libby ....Floyd
大卫·普罗瓦尔 David Proval ....Snooze
Joseph Ragno ....Ernie
Paul McCrane ....Guard Trout
Renee Blaine ....Andy Dufresne's Wife
Scott Mann ....Glenn Quentin
John Horton ....1946 Judge
Alfonso Freeman ....Fresh Fish Con
V.J. Foster ....Hungry Fish Con
John E. Summers ....New Fish Guard
Frank Medrano ....Fat Ass
Mack Miles ....Tyrell
Alan R. Kessler ....Laundry Bob
Morgan Lund ....Laundry Truck Driver
Cornell Wallace ....Laundry Leonard
Gary Lee Davis ....Rooster
Joe Pecoraro ....Projectionist (as Joseph Pecoraro)
Harold E. Cope Jr. ....Hole Guard
Brian Delate ....Guard Dekins
Don McManus ....Guard Wiley (as Don R. McManus)
Donald Zinn ....Moresby Batter (as Donald E. Zinn)
Dorothy Silver ....1954 Landlady
Robert Haley ....1954 Food-Way Manager
Dana Snyder ....1954 Food-Way Woman
John D. Craig ....1957 Parole Hearings ManKen Magee ....Ned GrimesEugene C. De
Pasquale ....Mail Caller (as Eugene C. De Pasquale)
Bill Bolender ....Elmo Blatch
Ron Newell ....Elderly Hole Guard
John R. Woodward ....Bullhorn Tower Guard
Chuck Brauchler ....Man Missing Guard
Dion Anderson ....Head Bull Haig
Claire Slemmer ....Bank Teller
James Kisicki ....Bank Manager
Rohn Thomas ....Bugle Editor
Charlie Kearns ....1966 D.A.Rob Reider ....Duty Guard
Brian Brophy ....1967 Parole Hearings Man
Paul Kennedy ....1967 Food-Way Manager
James Babson ....Con (uncredited)
Richard Doone ....Con (uncredited)
Alonzo F. Jones ....Inmate (uncredited)
Michael Lightsey ....Con (uncredited)
Brad Spencer ....1957 Parole Hearings Guard (uncredited)
Neil Summer ....Pete
Dennis Baker ....Old Man on Bus
Gordon Greene ....1947 Parole Hearings Man (as Gordon C. Greene)
Fred Culbertson ....Police Officer (uncredited)
丽塔·海华斯 Rita Hayworth ....Gilda Mundson Farrell (archive footage) (uncredited)
制作人 Produced by
Liz Glotzer ....executive producer
David V. Lester ....executive producer (as David Lester)
Niki Marvin ....producer
原创音乐 Original Music
托马斯·纽曼 Thomas Newman
摄影 Cinematography
罗杰·狄金斯 Roger Deakins ....(director of photography)
剪辑 Film Editing
Richard Francis-Bruce
选角导演 Casting
Deborah Aquila
艺术指导 Production Designer
泰伦斯·马什 Terence Marsh
美术设计 Art Direction by
Peter Landsdown Smith ....(as Peter Smith)
布景师 Set Decoration by
Michael Seirton ....(as Michael Sierton)
服装设计 Costume Design by
Elizabeth McBride
助理导演 Assistant Director
Michael Greenwood ....second second assistant director
Thomas Schellenberg ....key second assistant director
John R. Woodward ....Bullhorn Tower Guard
杰西·约翰逊 Jesse Johnson ....third assistant director (uncredited)
1992年,罗宾斯自编自导自演了描写竞选参议员内幕的《天生赢家》,片中他自唱的歌曲表现了他多方面的才能。 1994年,他执导的第二部影片《死囚漫步》,为他获取了当年奥斯卡最佳导演提名,本片在柏林影展中大放异彩拿下四项大奖,主演的西恩?潘和苏珊?莎兰登分别获当年奥斯卡最佳男主角提名和影后桂冠。在2004年他自己又凭借影片《神秘河》中的出色表演赢得了奥斯卡最佳男配角。
英文名字:Morgan Freeman
教育状况:洛杉矶社区大学(Los Angeles City College)
距离 Frank Darabont 们缔造这部伟大的作品已经有十年了。我知道美好的东西想必大家都能感同身受,但是很抱歉,我的聒噪仍将一如既往。
今夜在我眼里,The Shawshank Redemption 与信念、自由和友谊有关。
Red 说,希望是危险的东西,是精神苦闷的根源。重重挤压之下的牢狱里呆了三十年的他的确有资格这么说。因为从进来的那一天起,狱长就说过,“把灵魂交给上帝,把身体交给我。”除了他能弄来的香烟和印着裸女的扑克牌,任何其他异动在这个黑暗的高墙之内似乎都无法生长。
然而 Andy 告诉他,“记住,希望是好事——甚至也许是人间至善。而美好的事永不消失。”
于是 Andy 能够用二十年挖开 Red 认为六百年都无法凿穿的隧洞。当他终于爬出五百码恶臭的污水管道,站在瓢泼大雨中情不自禁的时候,我们仿佛看到信念刺穿重重黑幕,在暗夜中打了一道夺目霹雳。亮光之下,我们懦弱的灵魂纷纷在 Andy 张开的双臂下现形,并且颤抖。
庸常生活里的我们,似乎已经习惯了按部就班,习惯了先说“那不可能”,习惯了没有奇迹,习惯了,习惯了。可是正如《飞越疯人院》(One Flew over the Cuckcoo’s Nest)中说的那样,“不试试,怎么知道呢?”
试着留住一些信念,在它们丧失殆尽之前。它们也许无法最终实现,也许无法让我们更有意义的活着 ——甚至对于我自己而言,它们只会愈加带给我来更多的虚无感。然而我知道我有多需要这样的虚伪与自欺,因为你可以说我在做梦,但我不会是仅有的一个。
—— 我们已经看到监狱长打开藏有 Andy 凿石锤的《圣经》时,翻至那页正是《出埃及记》。这个章节详细描述了犹太教徒逃离埃及的过程。
当 Andy 不顾一切在监狱的喇叭里放《Le Nozze di Figaro》时,镜头缓缓划过正在广场上放风的犯人们和狱警们。他们叫人感动地静立当地,抛却所有愤懑,狠毒和怨怒,沐浴着我从未觉得如此自由的阳光。莫扎特的乐声铺洒在这些人们身上,来自俗世的美妙音符似乎将他们都濯洗得纯净无比。
强者自救,圣者渡人。我这才明白 Andy 的用意。修屋顶的时候,他为大家争取来啤酒,事实上是为大家争取到那种像在修缮自家的屋顶一般自在的感觉,所以他不喝酒,微笑却带着巨大的幸福;放费加罗的婚礼,也是要唤醒他们已快丧失的自由感。
然而强者终究是少数。自由面前,更多的人们纷纷选择禁锢。在监狱图书馆呆了五十年的 Brooks,为了不被假释,竟然想通过伤害狱友来达到留在监狱的目的。很奇怪吗?自由、平等、博爱,本来应该是人们向往和追求的理想。可是 Brooks 们却早已经被监狱的规则之下规则了自己,他们需要规则,需要秩序,如果没有它们,甚至无法生存。
These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That’s institutionalizing.假 Red 之口,Darabont 直指卑微。
Brooks 得到了身体的自由,灵魂却已经被无可挽回地体制化。他终于没有能够摆脱对自由无法适应的困境,悬梁自尽。而睿智如 Red,在出狱之后也悲哀地发现,自己竟然连撒尿都要向经理报告,否则一滴尿都挤不出来。他也考虑如何违规以便回到监狱,甚至考虑与 Brooks 一样离开。
Busy for living, or busy for death。步履匆匆的人们也许应该偶尔驻足,跳出来看看自己的模样。我们终会知道,习惯于服从规则的人们将付出巨大代价来习惯本来属于每一个个体的自由。
此片无关爱情,除了背叛。有的只是监狱中的男人间的友谊。Red 和 Andy 的那种友谊置放在高墙之下,似乎比我们纷繁俗世中的友情来得更加纯粹和干净。他们都是内敛的人,然而洞悉一切,心意契合。我喜欢这种感情。所以在他们终于相会在太平洋小岛的阳光沙滩之上的时候,忍不住一人笑了。
一开始你恨(hate)它,它剥夺了你的自由; 接着你会慢慢的习惯( get used to)它,熟悉它;最后你会离不开它,离开它你将象老布一样不知所措.
The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont. It is an adaptation of the Stephen King novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. The film stars Tim Robbins as Andrew "Andy" Dufresne and Morgan Freeman as Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding.
The film portrays Andy, who spends nearly two decades in Shawshank State Prison, a fictional penitentiary in Maine, and his friendship with Red, a fellow inmate. Despite a lukewarm box office reception that was barely enough to cover its budget, the film received favorable reviews from critics, multiple award nominations, and has since enjoyed a remarkable life on cable television, VHS, DVD, and Blu-ray. This revival is reflected in its high placement on various lists of great movies.
In 1947, a banker named Andrew "Andy" Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, based on strong circumstantial evidence. He is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank State Penitentiary in Maine, run by Warden Samuel Norton (Bob Gunton). Andy is quickly befriended by Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding (Morgan Freeman), a fellow inmate serving a life sentence who has recently failed to gain parole. Andy finds Red has connections on the outside who can acquire contraband for the inmates. He first asks Red for a rock hammer, explaining that he wants to use it to maintain his rock collection hobby, which he uses to fashion a home-made chess set. He later asks Red for a full-size poster of Rita Hayworth for his wall, replacing the poster over the years with ones of Marilyn Monroe and Raquel Welch.
While doing manual labor, Andy overhears Captain of the Guards Byron Hadley (Clancy Brown) complain about having to pay taxes on a forthcoming inheritance. Andy risks punishment by explaining to Hadley how to circumvent the taxes legally; Hadley accepts Andy's advice and rewards his friends with a brief respite and beer. Andy's financial advice is soon sought by other guards at Shawshank and nearby prisons, and Andy is given a space to work on their financial matters under the pretense of maintaining the prison library alongside elderly inmate Brooks Hatlen (James Whitmore). Hadley delivers a brutal beating to inmate Bogs (Mark Rolston), leader of "The Sisters," after his gang's sexual assault puts Andy in the infirmary; Bogs is paralyzed, and the remaining Sisters leave Andy alone. Andy uses his goodwill with the guards to expand the library; when one donation to the library provides him with the opera The Marriage of Figaro, he plays it over the public address system for all the inmates to hear, well-aware of the punishment of solitary confinement he will receive for the brief moment of bliss.
Warden Norton eventually creates a scheme to use prison labor for public works, undercutting the cost of skilled labor and receiving kickbacks for it. Norton has Andy launder the money under a false identity, in exchange for allowing Andy to keep his private cell and to continue maintaining the library. Brooks, freed on parole, is unable to adjust to the outside world, and hangs himself; Andy dedicates the expanded library to him. In 1965, Tommy Williams (Gil Bellows) is incarcerated on robbery charges. He is brought into Andy and Red's circle of friends, and Andy assists him in getting his GED. Upon learning of the crime of which Andy was convicted, Tommy reveals that one of his old prison-mates, Elmo Blatch (Bill Bolender) had claimed to have committed a nearly identical murder. Norton, fearing what Andy might do if released, puts him into solitary confinement and has Tommy killed by Hadley, claiming he was an escapee. When Andy is finally released from solitary, Norton threatens to destroy the library if Andy does not continue to launder the money for him.
Shortly after, Andy tells Red of his dream of living in Zihuatanejo, a Mexican-Pacific coastal town, and instructs Red, should he ever be freed, to visit a specific hayfield near Buxton to find something Andy had left there. The next day at roll call, Andy's cell is found empty. Norton, in anger, throws one of Andy's rocks at the poster of Welch; the rock tears through the poster, revealing a tunnel that Andy had dug with the rock hammer over the last two decades. A flashback shows that Andy, the night before, had taken a set of civilian clothes, his chess set, and the ledger book he had kept for Norton, swapping it for his Bible, and made his escape through the tunnel and a narrow sewage drain during a thunderstorm. At the same time that Norton discovers Andy's escape, Andy uses his false identity to withdraw most of Norton's money from several banks, sending the evidence to a local newspaper. On the day the story runs, the police converge on the prison; Hadley is arrested while Norton commits suicide.
When Red finally receives parole after serving 40 years, he finds himself living in the same apartment in which Brooks committed suicide, and working at the same grocery store. Red decides to follow Andy's advice and visits Buxton. In the hayfield specified by Andy, he finds a cache of money and a note left by Andy, reminding him of Zihuatanejo. Red violates his parole and travels to Mexico, where he happily reunites with Andy on the beach.
* Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), the main character of the film. Tom Hanks, Kevin Costner, Tom Cruise, Nicolas Cage, and Charlie Sheen were each considered for the role when the script was circulated in Hollywood. Hanks turned it down because he was committed to Forrest Gump, but he later worked with Darabont in The Green Mile.
* Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding (Morgan Freeman), Andy's best friend and the film's narrator. Before Freeman was cast, Clint Eastwood, Harrison Ford, Paul Newman, and Robert Redford were each considered for the role. Although written as a middle-aged Irishman with greying red hair (as in the novella), Darabont cast Freeman for his authoritative presence and demeanor, because he could not see anyone else as Red.
* Warden Samuel Norton (Bob Gunton), the warden of Shawshank and the primary antagonist. He has an obsession with the Bible and appears to be a devout Christian and reform-minded administrator.
* Heywood (William Sadler) a member of Red's gang of long-sentence convicts.
* Capt. Byron Hadley (Clancy Brown), chief of the guards and the other main antagonist. Hadley is an intemperate guard who thinks nothing of delivering beatings to the inmates to keep them in line. When cast for the role, Brown declined the offer to study real-life prison guards as preparation for his role, because he did not want to base it on any one person.
* Tommy Williams (Gil Bellows), a young convict whose experiences in prison hold the truth about Andy's innocence.
* Bogs Diamond (Mark Rolston), the head of "The Sisters" gang and a prison rapist. He assaults Andy a number of times, but Hadley puts a stop to it by beating Bogs seriously enough to permanently paralyze him.
* Brooks Hatlen (James Whitmore), prison librarian/trustee and one of the oldest convicts at Shawshank. Upon his release, he finds himself unable to cope with life on the outside, and commits suicide. Darabont cast Whitmore because he was one of his favorite character actors.
Chicago Sun-Times film reviewer Roger Ebert suggests that the integrity of Andy Dufresne is an important theme in the story line, especially in prison, where integrity is lacking.
The Shawshank Redemption is an allegory for maintaining one's feeling of self worth when placed in a hopeless position.
Angus C. Larcombe suggests that the film provides a great illustration of how characters can be free, even in prison, or unfree, even in freedom, based on one's outlook in life.
Darabont secured the film adaptation rights from author Stephen King after impressing the author with his short film adaptation of "The Woman in the Room" in 1983. Although the two had become friends and maintained a pen-pal relationship, Darabont did not work with him until four years later in 1987, when he optioned to adapt Shawshank. This is one of the more famous Dollar Deals made by King with aspiring filmmakers. Darabont later directed The Green Mile (1999), which was based on another work about a prison by Stephen King, and then followed that up with an adaptation of King's novella The Mist.
Rob Reiner, who had previously adapted another King novella, The Body, into the movie Stand by Me (1986), offered $2.5 million in an attempt to write and direct Shawshank. He planned to cast Tom Cruise in the part of Andy and Harrison Ford as Red. Darabont seriously considered and liked Reiner's vision, but he ultimately decided it was his "chance to do something really great" by directing the film himself.
Though the story is set in Maine, the Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, Ohio was used as a stand-in for the fictional Shawshank Prison.
Earning only $18 million on a $35 million budget, The Shawshank Redemption was a box office bomb.
The movie was nominated for seven Academy Awards in 1994 (Best Picture, Best Actor – Morgan Freeman, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Original Score, and Best Sound Mixing) but, in the shadow of 1994's big winner Forrest Gump, did not win a single one. The film's Academy Award nominations enabled it to fare well in the video sales and cable TV viewings. In June 1997, TNT, an American cable network, showed the film for the first time. The film was the first feature in TNT's Saturday Night New Classics. Since 1997, TNT has shown the film about once every two months.
Entertainment Weekly reviewer Owen Gleiberman praised the choice of scenery, writing that the "moss-dark, saturated images have a redolent sensuality" that makes the film very realistic. While praising Morgan Freeman's acting and oratory skills as making Red feel real, Gleiberman opined that with the "laconic-good-guy, neo-Gary Cooper role", Tim Robbins is unable to make Andy bond connect with the audience. Gleiberman gave the film a B minus.
In 1998, Shawshank was not listed in AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movies, but nine years later (2007), it was #72 on the revised list, outranking both Forrest Gump (#76) and Pulp Fiction (#94), the two most critically acclaimed movies from the year of Shawshank's release. In 1999, film critic Roger Ebert listed Shawshank on his "Great Movies" list, and in reader polls by the film magazine Empire, the film ranked fifth in 2004, first in 2006, and fourth in 2008 on the lists for greatest movie of all time.
The film has a rating of 80 out of 100 on film-review collating website Metacritic, and an approval rating of 88% on Rotten Tomatoes by film critics.
Main article: The Shawshank Redemption (soundtrack)
The score was composed by Thomas Newman, and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Score in 1994, which was his first Oscar nomination. The majority of the score consists of dark piano music, which plays along the main character's role at Shawshank. The main theme ("End Titles" on the soundtrack album) is perhaps best known to modern audiences as the inspirational sounding music from many movie trailers dealing with inspirational, dramatic, or romantic films in much the same way that James Horner's driving music from the end of Aliens is used in many movie trailers for action films. A central scene in the film features the "Letter Duet" ("Canzonetta sull'aria") from Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro.
Popular culture
The film was parodied in the Family Guy episode "Three Kings". Andy Dufresne is played by Peter Griffin, Red is played by Cleveland, the warden is played by Carter. In the spoof, Peter plays Hollaback Girl on the prison loudspeaker, and Cleveland does not remember the Mexican village where he is supposed to meet with Peter.