首页>> 文学论坛>> 职场培训>> 罗伯特·西奥迪尼 Robert Cialdini   美国 United States   现代美国   (1945年4月27日), 诺亚·戈登斯坦 Noah Goldstein   美国 United States   现代美国  
说服力 Influence: Science and Practice
  作者: (美)西奥迪尼,戈登斯坦,马丁 著,冯银银 译
  出版社: 天津教育出版社
  出版年: 2009-01-01
  4、一本可以当做商务礼品的图书,本书被誉为送给商务人士的最佳礼品,国外媒体在评价这本书的时候,给出了这样的评价,“ 有什么书用来送人时不会辱没对方的智慧?它就是《说服力》。”
  目录 1 前言 2 怎样通过为观众制造不便来提高说服力? 4 如何将从众效应转化为说服力? 6 什么样的错误会让说服力大打折扣 7 什么样的劝说方式会收到反效果? 8 什么时候选择越多应者越少? 9 什么样的情况会令赠品变为次品? 10 为什么高端产品的出现会推动次一级商品的销售? 11 恐惧能说服人吗?或是有相反的效果? 12 在国际象棋上能学到什么样的说服技巧? 13 哪种办公用品会牢牢树立您的影响力? 15 为什么餐馆应该扔掉薄荷篮? 16 “不加附带条件”含有怎样的说服力? 17 帮助的有效期像面包还是红酒? 17 怎样得寸进尺? 18 怎样成为影响力大师? 20 美国总统候选人怎么提高支持率? 20 怎样做能促使承诺兑现? 21 如何用一致性来对抗一致性? 23 从本杰明•富兰克林身上能学到什么样的说服技能? 23 什么时候提一点点小要求会得到长期满足? 24 高价位起拍或低价位起拍,哪个更容易让顾客掏钱包? 25 怎样才能不动声色的“自卖自夸”? 26 成为房间里最耀眼的明星会带来哪些潜在的风险? 27 可以从领导者那里学到什么说服技巧? 28 为什么集体会议会导致一场灾难? 29 魔鬼代言人和真正反对者谁更有说服力? 30 为何正面教材有时不如反面教材? 31 怎样能化劣势为优势? 32 什么样的缺陷能打开人们的钱袋? 33 何时才是承认错误的最好时机? 33 何时服务器的瘫痪反而给创造了良机? 35 相似之处如何制造与众不同? 35 何时名字会成为您游戏的筹码? 36 我们能从侍应生身上学到什么? 38 什么样的笑容能让全世界都以笑回应? 39 是什么让人们收集纪念性茶巾? 40 损失能教会我们什么? 42

  Influence: Science and Practice (ISBN 0-321-18895-0) is a Psychology book examining the key ways people can be influenced by "Compliance Professionals". The book's author is Robert B. Cialdini, Professor of Psychology at Arizona State University. The key premise of the book is that, in a complex world where people are overloaded with more information than they can deal with, people fall back on a decision making approach based on generalizations. These generalizations develop because they allow people to usually act in a correct manner with a limited amount of thought and time. However, they can be exploited and effectively turned into weapons by those who know them to influence others to act certain ways.
  The findings in the book are backed up by numerous empirical studies conducted in the fields of Psychology, Marketing, Economics, Anthropology and Social Science.
  The author also worked undercover in many compliance fields such as car sales and door-to-door sales.
  The key "weapons of influence" outlined are:
  People generally feel obliged to return favours offered to them. This trait is embodied in all human cultures and is one of the human characteristics that allow us to live as a society.
  Compliance professionals often play on this trait by offering a small gift to potential customers. Studies have shown that even if the gift is unwanted, it will influence the recipient to reciprocate.
  A variation on this theme is to ask for a particularly big favour. When this is turned down, a smaller favour is asked for. This is likely to be successful because a concession on one side (the downscaling of the favour) will be reciprocated by a concession by the other party (agreement to the smaller favour).
  Reciprocation is an application of Reciprocity (social psychology).
   Commitment and consistency
  People have a general desire to appear consistent in their behaviour. People generally also value consistency in others.
  Compliance professionals can exploit the desire to be consistent by having someone make an initial, often small, commitment. Requests can then be made that are in keeping with this initial commitment.
  People also have a strong desire to stand by commitments made by providing further justification and reasons for supporting them. This pattern of behaviour toward or resulting in a negative outcome is called escalation of commitment.
   Social proof
  People generally look to other people similar to themselves when making decisions. This is particularly noticeable in situations of uncertainty or ambiguity.
  This trait has led compliance professionals to provide fake information on what others are doing. Examples of this are staged interviews on television advertisements or "infomercials".
  People are more likely to agree to offers from people whom they like.
  There are several factors that can influence people to like some people more than others:
   * Physical attractiveness can give people a "halo" effect whereby others are more likely to trust them and think of them as smarter and more talented.
   * People tend to like people who are most like themselves.
   * People tend to like those who pay them compliments.
   * People who they are forced to cooperate with to achieve a common goal tend to form a trust with those people.
   * People tend to like people that make them laugh. For example, think about how many lectures start with a joke.
  Any one of the above methods may not help influence people, but used in combination, their effects can be magnified.
  The Milgram experiment ran by Stanley Milgram provided some of the most stunning insights into how influential authority can be over others.
  People often act in an automated fashion to commands from authority, even if their instincts suggest the commands should not be followed.
  People tend to want things as they become less available. This has led advertisers to promote goods as "limited availability", or "short time only".
  It has also been shown that when information is restricted (such as through censorship), people want the information more and will hold that information in higher regard.
  Items are also given a higher value when they were once in high supply but have now become scarce.
   Influencing as a process
  This section while interesting has nothing to do with Cialdini's book. Cialdini makes no attempt to tell the reader how to use these techniques.
  The concepts presented above may be incorporated into a process to be followed by prospective influencers. The required preliminary activity is to make sure that the contemplated situation should indeed follow the influencing process as compared to some other similar process. This diagram helps in evaluating this decision. Next, if influencing is appropriate for the contemplated situation, the following steps may be performed.
   * Phase 1: Before the influencing session
   o Step 1: Prepare and plan: The first step is to determine exactly what the influencer needs from the people to be influenced, or client(s). Next, the needs and wants of the client are determined and the opening statement is prepared. The opening statement should present an offer that, if accepted, will also help to satisfy the influencer's needs. Possible negative reactions are anticipated and useful responses are planned. Role-play is a good way of maximizing the effectiveness of the preparation. Consult Influencing for details and examples.
   * Phase 2: At the influencing meeting
   o Step 2: The opening statement is presented.
   o Step 3: The client's needs are confirmed.
   o Step 4: Listen to the client's response and respond appropriately.
   o Step 5: Ask the client to accept the prepared offer.
   o Step 6: If the client accepts, thanks are expressed and any required formalities are completed. If the client refuses, another attempt may be made at another time or another potential client may be visited.
   * Phase 3: Analysis after the meeting.
   o Step 7: Reviewing the influencing experience helps one learn the lessons on how to achieve a better outcome. Therefore, one should take the time to review each element and ask oneself, "what went well?" and "what could be improved next time?"
  最后,我们要向汉尼·杨曼(Henny Youngman)表达歉意,我们绝对相信在阅读完本书后,您装满各种说服技巧的工具箱,想来是难以关上了。
首页>> 文学论坛>> 职场培训>> 罗伯特·西奥迪尼 Robert Cialdini   美国 United States   现代美国   (1945年4月27日), 诺亚·戈登斯坦 Noah Goldstein   美国 United States   现代美国