天亮了,天色阴沉沉的。彤云低垂,寒风刺骨,眼看要飞雪花了。屋里睡着个孩子, 一名女仆走了进来,拉开窗帘。她朝对面的房子,一幢正门前筑有柱廊的灰泥房子,无 意识地望了一眼,然后走到孩子床边。
她来到下面一层楼,推开一间屋子的房门,将小孩抱到床前。床上躺着一位妇人, 是孩子的母亲。她张开双臂,让孩子依偎在自己身边。孩子没问为什么要在这时候将他 唤醒。妇人吻吻孩子的眼睛,并用那双纤弱的小手,隔着孩子的白法兰绒睡衣,抚摩他 温暖的身子。她让孩子贴紧自己的身子。
她的声音轻轻悠悠,仿佛是从远处飘来。孩子没有应声,只是惬意地微微一笑,躺 在这张暖和的大床上,又被温柔的双臂搂着,感到有种说不出的快意。孩子紧偎着母亲, 蜷起身子,想让自己缩得更小些;他睡意矇眬地吻着母亲。不一会,他阖上眼皮,酣然 入梦了。医生走过来,站在床前。
医生神情严肃地望着她,没有答话。妇人心里明白医生不会让孩子在她身边呆多久 的,她又一次亲亲孩子;她抚摸着孩子的身体,手指轻轻下持,最后触到孩子的下肢; 她把右脚捏在手里,抚弄着那五个小脚趾。接着又慢慢地把手伸到左脚上。她抽搭了一 声。
侍候产妇的看护在一旁好言劝慰,想让她平静下来。隔了一会,她由于精疲力竭而 停止了哭泣。医生走到房间另一侧的一张桌子跟前,桌上有具死婴,用毛巾蒙着。他揭 开毛巾看了看。虽然医生的身子被屏风遮住,但床上的产妇还是猜着了他在干什么。
"Wake up, Philip, " she said.
She pulled down the bed-clothes, took him in her arms, and carried him downstairs. He was only half awake.
"Your mother wants you, " she said.
She opened the door of a room on the floor below and took the child over to a bed in which a woman was lying. It was his mother. She stretched out her arms, and the child nestled by her side. He did not ask why he had been awakened. The woman kissed his eyes, and with thin, small hands felt the warm body through his white flannel nightgown. She pressed him closer to herself.
"Are you sleepy, darling?" she said.
Her voice was so weak that it seemed to come already from a great distance. The child did not answer, but smiled comfortably. He was very happy in the large, warm bed, with those soft arms about him. He tried to make himself smaller still as he cuddled up against his mother, and he kissed her sleepily. In a moment he closed his eyes and was fast asleep. The doctor came forwards and stood by the bed-side.
"Oh, don't take him away yet, " she moaned.
The doctor, without answering, looked at her gravely. Knowing she would not be allowed to keep the child much longer, the woman kissed him again; and she passed her hand down his body till she came to his feet; she held the right foot in her hand and felt the five small toes; and then slowly passed her hand over the left one. She gave a sob.
"What's the matter?" said the doctor. "You're tired. "
She shook her head, unable to speak, and the tears rolled down her cheeks. The doctor bent down.
"Let me take him. "
She was too weak to resist his wish, and she gave the child up. The doctor handed him back to his nurse.
"You'd better put him back in his own bed. "
"Very well, sir. " The little boy, still sleeping, was taken away. His mother sobbed now broken-heartedly.
"What will happen to him, poor child?"
The monthly nurse tried to quiet her, and presently, from exhaustion, the crying ceased. The doctor walked to a table on the other side of the room, upon which, under a towel, lay the body of a still-born child. He lifted the towel and looked. He was hidden from the bed by a screen, but the woman guessed what he was doing.
"Was it a girl or a boy?" she whispered to the nurse.
"Another boy. "
The woman did not answer. In a moment the child's nurse came back. She approached the bed.
"Master Philip never woke up, " she said. There was a pause. Then the doctor felt his patient's pulse once more.
"I don't think there's anything I can do just now, " he said. "I'll call again after breakfast. "
"I'll show you out, sir, " said the child's nurse.
They walked downstairs in silence. In the hall the doctor stopped.
"You've sent for Mrs. Carey's brother-in-law, haven't you?"
"Yes, sir. "
"D'you know at what time he'll be here?"
"No, sir, I'm expecting a telegram. "
"What about the little boy? I should think he'd be better out of the way. "
"Miss Watkin said she'd take him, sir. "
"Who's she?"
"She's his godmother, sir. D'you think Mrs. Carey will get over it, sir?"
The doctor shook his head.
她来到下面一层楼,推开一间屋子的房门,将小孩抱到床前。床上躺着一位妇人, 是孩子的母亲。她张开双臂,让孩子依偎在自己身边。孩子没问为什么要在这时候将他 唤醒。妇人吻吻孩子的眼睛,并用那双纤弱的小手,隔着孩子的白法兰绒睡衣,抚摩他 温暖的身子。她让孩子贴紧自己的身子。
她的声音轻轻悠悠,仿佛是从远处飘来。孩子没有应声,只是惬意地微微一笑,躺 在这张暖和的大床上,又被温柔的双臂搂着,感到有种说不出的快意。孩子紧偎着母亲, 蜷起身子,想让自己缩得更小些;他睡意矇眬地吻着母亲。不一会,他阖上眼皮,酣然 入梦了。医生走过来,站在床前。
医生神情严肃地望着她,没有答话。妇人心里明白医生不会让孩子在她身边呆多久 的,她又一次亲亲孩子;她抚摸着孩子的身体,手指轻轻下持,最后触到孩子的下肢; 她把右脚捏在手里,抚弄着那五个小脚趾。接着又慢慢地把手伸到左脚上。她抽搭了一 声。
侍候产妇的看护在一旁好言劝慰,想让她平静下来。隔了一会,她由于精疲力竭而 停止了哭泣。医生走到房间另一侧的一张桌子跟前,桌上有具死婴,用毛巾蒙着。他揭 开毛巾看了看。虽然医生的身子被屏风遮住,但床上的产妇还是猜着了他在干什么。
"Wake up, Philip, " she said.
She pulled down the bed-clothes, took him in her arms, and carried him downstairs. He was only half awake.
"Your mother wants you, " she said.
She opened the door of a room on the floor below and took the child over to a bed in which a woman was lying. It was his mother. She stretched out her arms, and the child nestled by her side. He did not ask why he had been awakened. The woman kissed his eyes, and with thin, small hands felt the warm body through his white flannel nightgown. She pressed him closer to herself.
"Are you sleepy, darling?" she said.
Her voice was so weak that it seemed to come already from a great distance. The child did not answer, but smiled comfortably. He was very happy in the large, warm bed, with those soft arms about him. He tried to make himself smaller still as he cuddled up against his mother, and he kissed her sleepily. In a moment he closed his eyes and was fast asleep. The doctor came forwards and stood by the bed-side.
"Oh, don't take him away yet, " she moaned.
The doctor, without answering, looked at her gravely. Knowing she would not be allowed to keep the child much longer, the woman kissed him again; and she passed her hand down his body till she came to his feet; she held the right foot in her hand and felt the five small toes; and then slowly passed her hand over the left one. She gave a sob.
"What's the matter?" said the doctor. "You're tired. "
She shook her head, unable to speak, and the tears rolled down her cheeks. The doctor bent down.
"Let me take him. "
She was too weak to resist his wish, and she gave the child up. The doctor handed him back to his nurse.
"You'd better put him back in his own bed. "
"Very well, sir. " The little boy, still sleeping, was taken away. His mother sobbed now broken-heartedly.
"What will happen to him, poor child?"
The monthly nurse tried to quiet her, and presently, from exhaustion, the crying ceased. The doctor walked to a table on the other side of the room, upon which, under a towel, lay the body of a still-born child. He lifted the towel and looked. He was hidden from the bed by a screen, but the woman guessed what he was doing.
"Was it a girl or a boy?" she whispered to the nurse.
"Another boy. "
The woman did not answer. In a moment the child's nurse came back. She approached the bed.
"Master Philip never woke up, " she said. There was a pause. Then the doctor felt his patient's pulse once more.
"I don't think there's anything I can do just now, " he said. "I'll call again after breakfast. "
"I'll show you out, sir, " said the child's nurse.
They walked downstairs in silence. In the hall the doctor stopped.
"You've sent for Mrs. Carey's brother-in-law, haven't you?"
"Yes, sir. "
"D'you know at what time he'll be here?"
"No, sir, I'm expecting a telegram. "
"What about the little boy? I should think he'd be better out of the way. "
"Miss Watkin said she'd take him, sir. "
"Who's she?"
"She's his godmother, sir. D'you think Mrs. Carey will get over it, sir?"
The doctor shook his head.
"You naughty boy, Miss Watkin WILL be cross with you. "
"Hulloa, Emma!" he said.
The nurse bent down and kissed him, then began to shake out the cushions, and put them back in their places.
"Am I to come home?" he asked.
"Yes, I've come to fetch you. "
"You've got a new dress on. "
It was in eighteen-eighty-five, and she wore a bustle. Her gown was of black velvet, with tight sleeves and sloping shoulders, and the skirt had three large flounces. She wore a black bonnet with velvet strings. She hesitated. The question she had expected did not come, and so she could not give the answer she had prepared.
"Aren't you going to ask how your mamma is?" she said at length.
"Oh, I forgot. How is mamma?"
Now she was ready.
"Your mamma is quite well and happy. "
"Oh, I am glad. "
"Your mamma's gone away. You won't ever see her any more. " Philip did not know what she meant.
"Why not?"
"Your mamma's in heaven. "
She began to cry, and Philip, though he did not quite understand, cried too. Emma was a tall, big-boned woman, with fair hair and large features. She came from Devonshire and, notwithstanding her many years of service in London, had never lost the breadth of her accent. Her tears increased her emotion, and she pressed the little boy to her heart. She felt vaguely the pity of that child deprived of the only love in the world that is quite unselfish. It seemed dreadful that he must be handed over to strangers. But in a little while she pulled herself together.
"Your Uncle William is waiting in to see you, " she said. "Go and say good-bye to Miss Watkin, and we'll go home. "
"I don't want to say good-bye, " he answered, instinctively anxious to hide his tears.
"Very well, run upstairs and get your hat. "
He fetched it, and when he came down Emma was waiting for him in the hall. He heard the sound of voices in the study behind the dining-room. He paused. He knew that Miss Watkin and her sister were talking to friends, and it seemed to him--he was nine years old--that if he went in they would be sorry for him.
"I think I'll go and say good-bye to Miss Watkin. "
"I think you'd better, " said Emma.
"Go in and tell them I'm coming, " he said.
He wished to make the most of his opportunity. Emma knocked at the door and walked in. He heard her speak.
"Master Philip wants to say good-bye to you, miss. "
There was a sudden hush of the conversation, and Philip limped in. Henrietta Watkin was a stout woman, with a red face and dyed hair. In those days to dye the hair excited comment, and Philip had heard much gossip at home when his godmother's changed colour. She lived with an elder sister, who had resigned herself contentedly to old age. Two ladies, whom Philip did not know, were calling, and they looked at him curiously.
"My poor child, " said Miss Watkin, opening her arms.
She began to cry. Philip understood now why she had not been in to luncheon and why she wore a black dress. She could not speak.
"I've got to go home, " said Philip, at last.
He disengaged himself from Miss Watkin's arms, and she kissed him again. Then he went to her sister and bade her good-bye too. One of the strange ladies asked if she might kiss him, and he gravely gave her permission. Though crying, he keenly enjoyed the sensation he was causing; he would have been glad to stay a little longer to be made much of, but felt they expected him to go, so he said that Emma was waiting for him. He went out of the room. Emma had gone downstairs to speak with a friend in the basement, and he waited for her on the landing. He heard Henrietta Watkin's voice.
"His mother was my greatest friend. I can't bear to think that she's dead. "
"You oughtn't to have gone to the funeral, Henrietta, " said her sister. "I knew it would upset you. "
Then one of the strangers spoke.
"Poor little boy, it's dreadful to think of him quite alone in the world. I see he limps. "
"Yes, he's got a club-foot. It was such a grief to his mother. "
Then Emma came back. They called a hansom, and she told the driver where to go.
"You naughty boy, Miss Watkin WILL be cross with you. "
"Hulloa, Emma!" he said.
The nurse bent down and kissed him, then began to shake out the cushions, and put them back in their places.
"Am I to come home?" he asked.
"Yes, I've come to fetch you. "
"You've got a new dress on. "
It was in eighteen-eighty-five, and she wore a bustle. Her gown was of black velvet, with tight sleeves and sloping shoulders, and the skirt had three large flounces. She wore a black bonnet with velvet strings. She hesitated. The question she had expected did not come, and so she could not give the answer she had prepared.
"Aren't you going to ask how your mamma is?" she said at length.
"Oh, I forgot. How is mamma?"
Now she was ready.
"Your mamma is quite well and happy. "
"Oh, I am glad. "
"Your mamma's gone away. You won't ever see her any more. " Philip did not know what she meant.
"Why not?"
"Your mamma's in heaven. "
She began to cry, and Philip, though he did not quite understand, cried too. Emma was a tall, big-boned woman, with fair hair and large features. She came from Devonshire and, notwithstanding her many years of service in London, had never lost the breadth of her accent. Her tears increased her emotion, and she pressed the little boy to her heart. She felt vaguely the pity of that child deprived of the only love in the world that is quite unselfish. It seemed dreadful that he must be handed over to strangers. But in a little while she pulled herself together.
"Your Uncle William is waiting in to see you, " she said. "Go and say good-bye to Miss Watkin, and we'll go home. "
"I don't want to say good-bye, " he answered, instinctively anxious to hide his tears.
"Very well, run upstairs and get your hat. "
He fetched it, and when he came down Emma was waiting for him in the hall. He heard the sound of voices in the study behind the dining-room. He paused. He knew that Miss Watkin and her sister were talking to friends, and it seemed to him--he was nine years old--that if he went in they would be sorry for him.
"I think I'll go and say good-bye to Miss Watkin. "
"I think you'd better, " said Emma.
"Go in and tell them I'm coming, " he said.
He wished to make the most of his opportunity. Emma knocked at the door and walked in. He heard her speak.
"Master Philip wants to say good-bye to you, miss. "
There was a sudden hush of the conversation, and Philip limped in. Henrietta Watkin was a stout woman, with a red face and dyed hair. In those days to dye the hair excited comment, and Philip had heard much gossip at home when his godmother's changed colour. She lived with an elder sister, who had resigned herself contentedly to old age. Two ladies, whom Philip did not know, were calling, and they looked at him curiously.
"My poor child, " said Miss Watkin, opening her arms.
She began to cry. Philip understood now why she had not been in to luncheon and why she wore a black dress. She could not speak.
"I've got to go home, " said Philip, at last.
He disengaged himself from Miss Watkin's arms, and she kissed him again. Then he went to her sister and bade her good-bye too. One of the strange ladies asked if she might kiss him, and he gravely gave her permission. Though crying, he keenly enjoyed the sensation he was causing; he would have been glad to stay a little longer to be made much of, but felt they expected him to go, so he said that Emma was waiting for him. He went out of the room. Emma had gone downstairs to speak with a friend in the basement, and he waited for her on the landing. He heard Henrietta Watkin's voice.
"His mother was my greatest friend. I can't bear to think that she's dead. "
"You oughtn't to have gone to the funeral, Henrietta, " said her sister. "I knew it would upset you. "
Then one of the strangers spoke.
"Poor little boy, it's dreadful to think of him quite alone in the world. I see he limps. "
"Yes, he's got a club-foot. It was such a grief to his mother. "
Then Emma came back. They called a hansom, and she told the driver where to go.