shǒuyè>> >> 魔奇侠玄>> 约翰·罗纳德·瑞尔·托尔金 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien   英国 United Kingdom   温莎王朝   (1892年1月3日1973年9月2日)
yuǎn zhēng duì The Fellowship of the Ring
  běn piàn shì yīng guó guǐ cái dǎo yǎn jié sēn jié zuì xīn diàn yǐng xiào de huàn xīn zuògēn tuō 'ěr jīn chàng xiāo quán qiú de jīng diǎn xiǎo shuō jiè sān gǎi biānbìng sān de fāng shì pāi shè,【 shǒu jiè xiàn shēnmiáo shù shǐ qián shì jiè zhōng wèi míng jiào luó duō jīn de nián qīng rén zhōng dào liǎo zhǐ jiè
   zhè zhǐ jiè zhǐ yōng yòu qióng de shén liàngjiè zhǐ yuán lái shì hēi 'àn jūn wáng suǒ lún suǒ yòu dequè wài dào liǎo luó duō shǒu luó duō jué dìng jiāng jiè zhǐ cuī huǐ miǎn suǒ lún duó huí gǒng de shì suǒ lún wèile zhǐ luó duō shì pài chū liǎo shǒu xià de guài shòu jiā zhuī shāyīcháng zhèng xié zhàn yǎn kàn zhe chù
   běn piàn bèi jǐng shì zài shén de shǐ qián shí dàiyóu yīcháng zhèng xié zhàn suǒ yǐn de cháng piān shìzhè zhěng jiù rén lèi de wēi xiǎn rèn luò zài nián qīng de rén luó duō jīn shēn shàng cóng biǎo dào liǎo zhǐ xié de huàn jiè zhǐ
   luó duō xiàn zhè zhǐ jiè zhǐ de zhì zào zhě shì hēi 'àn jūn suǒ lúnér suǒ lún zhèng zhe yào jiè zhǐ zhǎo huí yīn wéi zhè zhǐ jiè zhǐ shì dài biǎo wěi xié 'è shì de jièjiāng shǐ suǒ lún tǒng zhì xià de rén mín dào jiě fàngér tǒng zhì de zhè piàn jiù shì chēng de zhōng shì jiè( MiddleEarth)。
   cōng máng zhī xià luó duō jié liǎo xiē jiù yuán liàng bāo kuò liǎo shù shìxiǎo jīng língzhū rén lèi xié zhù qián wǎng zhōng shì jièjiāng jiè zhǐ diū gōng zhī dòng de shān mài zhōng jiā cuī huǐ
   rán 'érzhè qún yǒng zhī shì què zāo dào suǒ lún shǒu xià guài shòu qún de gōng zhè xiē kǒng xié 'è de liè shā jūn duì cán rěn zhuī shā luó duō de péng yǒu luó duō děng qún rén hái duì kàng jiè zhǐ zhōng de xié 'è liàngzhè liàng huì ràng rén chǎn shēng nán dǎng de wàngkǎo yàn zhe měi jiē chù jiè zhǐ zhě de zhì

  The Fellowship of the Ring is the first of three volumes of the epic novel The Lord of the Rings by the English author J. R. R. Tolkien. It takes place in the fictional universe Middle-earth. It was originally published on July 29, 1954 in the United Kingdom. The volume consists of a Prologue "Concerning Hobbits, and other matters" followed by Book I and Book II.
  Title and publication
  Tolkien conceived of The Lord of the Rings as a multiple volume with six sections he called "books" along with extensive appendices. The original publisher made the decision to split the work into three parts. It was also the publisher's decision to place the fifth and sixth books and the appendices into one volume under the title The Return of the King, in reference to Aragorn's assumption of the throne of Gondor. Tolkien indicated he would have preferred The War of the Ring as a title, as it gave away less of the story.
  Before the decision to publish The Lord of the Rings in three volumes was made, Tolkien had hoped to publish the novel in one volume, or combined with The Silmarillion. At this stage he planned to title the individual books. The proposed title for Book I was The First Journey or The Ring Sets Out. Book II was titled The Journey of the Nine Companions or The Ring Goes South. The titles The Ring Sets Out and The Ring Goes South were used in the Millenium edition.
  Plot summary
  The Prologue is meant primarily to help people who have not read The Hobbit understand the events of that book, along with some other information that the author felt is relevant to set the stage for the novel.
  Book I: The Return of the Shadow
  The first chapter in the book begins quite lightly, following the tone of The Hobbit. Bilbo is celebrating his 111th (or eleventy-first, as it is called in Hobbiton) birthday on the same day that Frodo Baggins, his heir, is celebrating his 33rd birthday (his 'coming of age'). At the birthday party, Bilbo disappears after his speech, to the surprise of all. Bilbo departs from the Shire, the land of the Hobbits, for what he calls a permanent holiday. He leaves his remaining belongings including his home, Bag End and, after some persuasion by the wizard Gandalf, the Ring he had found on his adventures (with which he used to make himself invisible), to Frodo. Gandalf warns Frodo to keep the Ring secret and safe from others, and leaves on his own business.
  Over the next seventeen years Gandalf visits Frodo; staying briefly before going off again. Then one spring night Gandalf arrives to alert Frodo to the darker aspects of the Ring which Bilbo had previously only used to make himself invisible: it is the One Ring of Sauron, the Dark Lord. Sauron forged the Ring himself and used it to subdue and rule Middle-earth. In the War of the Last Alliance, Sauron was defeated by the Elven King Gil-galad and Elendil, High King of Gondor and Arnor, though they themselves perished in the deed. The Ring was cut off from Sauron by Isildur, son of Elendil. Sauron was thus overthrown and he fled, and so, for many years, peace returned to Middle-earth. But the Ring itself was not destroyed: Isildur kept the Ring for himself after cutting it from Sauron. However, Isildur was slain in the Battle of the Gladden Fields and the Ring was lost in the Great River, Anduin; whereupon it came into the hands of the creature Gollum, who possessed the Ring for many years. The Ring then passed to Bilbo Baggins, as told in The Hobbit, and so passes into the hands of Frodo. Sauron had now arisen once again, and had returned to his stronghold in the land of Mordor, and was exerting all his power to find the Ring. Gandalf details the evil powers of the Ring, and its ability to influence the bearer and those near him, if it is worn for too long a time. Gandalf warns that the Ring is no longer safe in the Shire because, after some investigation of his own, Gandalf has learned from Gollum himself that Gollum had gone to Mordor, where he was captured and was tortured into revealing to Sauron that a Hobbit named Baggins from the Shire possesses the Ring. Heeding Gandalf's advice, Frodo decides that it is best to remove the Ring from the Shire. Gandalf hopes Frodo can reach the elf-haven of Rivendell, where he believes Frodo and the Ring will be safe from Sauron, at least for a while, and where those of most concern of Middle-Earth can decide the fate of the Ring. Samwise Gamgee, Frodo's gardener, is discovered listening in on the conversation. Out of loyalty to his master, Sam decides to accompany Frodo on his journey.
  Over the summer Frodo makes plans to leave his home at Bag End, under the guise that he is moving to a remote region of the Shire to retire. He makes plans to "move" in the Autumn after Bilbo's and his birthday. Helping with the plans are Frodo's friends Peregrin Took (or Pippin for short), Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry), Samwise Gamgee (Sam), and Fredegar Bolger (Fatty). However, Frodo does not tell them of his true intentions to leave the Shire, nor does he tell them about the Ring.
  At midsummer, Gandalf informs Frodo that he must leave on pressing business, but will return before Frodo leaves. Frodo enjoys his last few weeks at home awaiting the return of Gandalf. But as his birthday and departure approach, Gandalf is not seen or heard from. Regretfully, Frodo decides to leave without Gandalf. Merry and Fatty take the last of Frodo's possessions by cart to his new home in Crickhollow. Frodo, Sam, and Pippin go by foot using the less used roads to travel unnoticed.
  On their journey the three hobbits encounter the Black Riders; Ringwraiths or the Nazgûl who serve Sauron. There are nine such Ringwraiths and are "the most terrible servants of the Dark Lord." The hobbits discover that the Nazgûl are looking for Frodo and the Ring. But with help of some Elves and Farmer Maggot they eventually reach Crickhollow on the eastern borders of the Shire. There Merry, Pippin, Sam, and Fatty reveal that they know of Frodo's plan to leave the Shire and of the existence of the Ring. Sam, Merry, and Pippin decide to leave with Frodo, while Fatty stays behind as a decoy.
  The Hobbits, in hopes of eluding the Nazgûl, travel through the Old Forest and Barrow-downs, and with the assistance of Tom Bombadil, are able to reach the village of Bree, where they meet Strider, a friend of Gandalf who becomes their guide to Rivendell.
  Even with Strider's help, this portion of the journey is not without further hardships. The worst of these occurs when, while at the hill of Weathertop, five of the Nazgûl attack the travellers. Frodo is stabbed by the chief of the Nazgûl (the Witch-king of Angmar), with a cursed blade. The Nazgûl are driven off for a while by Strider. Part of the knife remains inside Frodo, causing him to become increasingly ill as the journey to Rivendell continues. Strider leads the hobbits on old paths avoiding the main road. As the travellers near their destination they meet Glorfindel, a mighty Elf-Lord from Rivendell, who helps them reach the River Bruinen on the border of Rivendell. But the Nazgûl, now at their full strength of nine, spring a trap at the Ford of Bruinen. Glorfindel's horse outruns the pursuers and carries Frodo across the Ford. As the Nazgûl attempt to follow, a giant wave in the shape of charging horses appears bearing down on the Nazgûl. The flood was commanded by Elrond, the mighty Lord of Rivendell, but the shape of galloping horses was an addition of Gandalf. The Nazgûl, trapped between the rushing water and seeing Glorfindel, an Elf-Lord revealed in his wrath, are swept away by the river, as Frodo finally collapses into unconsciousness on the riverbank.
  Book II: The Fellowship of the Ring
  Book II opens in Rivendell at the house of Elrond. Frodo is healed by Elrond and discovers that Bilbo has been residing in Rivendell. A Council is held by Elrond and is attended by Gandalf and many others, including Frodo and Bilbo. Elrond tells the history of the One Ring of Sauron, and about the War of the Last Alliance, and how the Ring was lost to Middle-Earth for a time after the Battle of the Gladden Fields. Gandalf continues the tale, and narrates how the Ring was found by Gollum. Bilbo and Frodo narrate their own adventures about the finding of the Ring and Frodo's journey to Rivendell. Gandalf also explains why he could not accompany Frodo from the Shire. He had gone to Isengard, where the powerful wizard Saruman dwells, to seek help and counsel. Saruman was head of the White Council and the greatest of the Istari. He had long studied Sauron's arts, and the lore of the One Ring. However, Saruman has turned against them, as Gandalf finds out much to his dismay; Saruman now desires the Ring for himself. Saruman imprisons Gandalf in his tower, Orthanc, rightly suspecting that Gandalf knew where the Ring was. Gandalf, however, does not yield and manages to escape from Orthanc. He learns that Saruman is not yet in Sauron's service, and was mustering his own force of Orcs. Gandalf spreads the tidings that Saruman was now a foe, and heads towards Rivendell, knowing that he could not reach the Shire in time to accompany Frodo. In the Council of Elrond, a plan is hatched to cast the One Ring into the fires of Mount Doom in Mordor, which will destroy the Ring and end Sauron's power once and for all. Frodo is chosen to be the Ring-Bearer, and sets forth from Rivendell with eight companions: two Men, Strider (revealed to be Aragorn, Isildur's heir) and Boromir, son of the Steward of the land of Gondor; the Prince of the Silvan Elves of Mirkwood, Legolas; Frodo's old friend and powerful wizard, Gandalf; Gimli the Dwarf; and Frodo's three Hobbit companions. These Nine Walkers (called the Fellowship of the Ring) were chosen to represent all the free races of Middle-Earth and as a balance to the Nazgûl. They are also accompanied by Bill the Pony, whom Strider and the Hobbits acquired in Bree as a pack horse. Their attempt to cross the Misty Mountains is foiled by heavy snow, and they are forced to take a path under the mountains, the mines of Moria, an ancient dwarf kingdom, now full of orcs and other evil creatures. During the battle that ensues, Gandalf battles a Balrog of Morgoth, and both fall into an abyss.
  The remaining eight members of the Fellowship escape from Moria and head toward the elf-haven of Lothlórien, where they are given gifts from the rulers Celeborn and Galadriel that in many cases prove useful later during the Quest. After leaving Lórien, the Ring's evil and corrupting powers begin to show. When Frodo is alone for a while to decide the future course of the Fellowship, Boromir tries to take the Ring from him. Frodo, to escape from Boromir, ends up putting on the Ring. While the rest of the Fellowship scatter to hunt for Frodo, Frodo decides that the Fellowship has to be parted, for the Ring was too evil and was setting to work within the Fellowship itself. Frodo decides to depart secretly for Mordor, but is joined by Sam and they set off together to Mordor. The Fellowship was broken.
  Chapter summaries
  Book I
   * I - A Long-expected Party - details Bilbo and Frodo's birthday party, ending with Bilbo leaving the Shire. The name is a reference to "An Unexpected Party," the first chapter of The Hobbit.
   * II - The Shadow of the Past - Gandalf reveals to Frodo the true nature of the Ring and that it must be taken to Mordor and destroyed. Sam, who has been listening at the window, agrees to accompany Frodo.
   * III - Three is Company - Gandalf leaves the Shire for a short trip, but promises to return. Frodo sells Bag End to further the ruse that he is broke and thus retiring to a small house at Crickhollow in the area beyond Bucklebury in Buckland. In reality, Frodo plans to leave the Shire from Buckland without it being noticed. Mysteriously, Gandalf does not return, and so Frodo, Sam and Pippin set out walking through the East Farthing of the Shire towards Buckland and encounter a Black Rider. They also meet Gildor Inglorion an elf, with other elves, who warn them to fear the Black Riders.
   * IV - A Short Cut to Mushrooms - The walking party meets Farmer Maggot, a fierce old hobbit from Frodo's childhood. Frodo finds that Maggot actually has a kind nature and also learns that the Black Riders are searching other parts of the Shire for 'Baggins.' Maggot sneaks the party to the Buckland Ferry in his waggon, where they meet up with Merry.
   * V - A Conspiracy Unmasked - At Frodo's new house at Crickhollow, Frodo wrestles with how to tell Sam, Merry, Pippin, and Fredegar 'Fatty' Bolger, about his quest, only to learn that they have known much of it all along, All the hobbits except Fredegar decide to leave the next day through the Old Forest, while Fredegar remains behind to act as a decoy and inform Gandalf of Frodo's plans. The Old Forest is rumoured to be a dangerous place, but Frodo wants to avoid the main roads at all costs in order to evade the Black Riders.
   * VI - The Old Forest - Although trying to avoid it, the hobbits are 'herded' by the trees to the River Withywindle, the "queerest part of the whole wood." The hobbits all suddenly fall asleep, lulled by the spells of Old Man Willow. Merry and Pippin are trapped inside the evil tree, but are freed by Tom Bombadil.
   * VII - In the House of Tom Bombadil - The hobbits are invited to Tom's house and meet his "pretty lady," Goldberry. Tom gives them food and lodging and tells them stories about nature and history. Interestingly, Tom is not affected by the One Ring; it can neither make him invisible, nor hide Frodo from him. Tom tells the hobbits how to safely travel the Barrow-downs without running afoul of the evil wights who haunt them.
   * VIII - Fog on the Barrow-downs - Travelling through the Barrow-downs, the hobbits are captured by a Barrow-wight, then rescued (again) by Tom Bombadil. The hobbits are given special weapons from the barrow: enchanted daggers of the Men of Westernesse that were forged to fight Sauron and his minions, including the Witch-king of Angmar.
   * IX - At the Sign of the Prancing Pony - The hobbits reach the Inn of the Prancing Pony at Bree, where Frodo uses a false name, Underhill, rather than Baggins. Still, all the hobbits behave in a naïve fashion: after supper, Merry decides to go for a stroll while the other three go to the Common Room for a drink. There Frodo meets Strider, a menacing man who seems to know much about Frodo. Then Pippin, forgetting the need for secrecy, begins a tale of Bilbo. Frodo sings a song in order to stop Pippin from talking too much. In the middle of Frodo's song, he slips and falls, and his finger 'accidentally' slips through the Ring (the Ring may be trying to reveal Frodo), causing Frodo to vanish and starting a bigger commotion among the guests than Pippin's tale would have done. Frodo escapes into a corner, where Strider tells him that several people in the Inn saw what happened. Strider uses this to persuade Frodo to agree to meet with him in Frodo's rooms. Soon after, the innkeeper, Barliman Butterbur, also requests a private audience with Frodo.
   * X - Strider - Strider, after convincing Frodo he means no harm, pledges to save the hobbits from peril if he can. Butterbur gives Frodo a letter from Gandalf, which Butterbur had failed to deliver to him at the Shire as he was asked to by Gandalf. It tells Frodo that Strider is actually Aragorn, a friend of Gandalf's and confirms that Frodo may trust Strider. Shortly afterwards Merry runs into the room, frightened, having seen people from Bree talking to some Black Riders.
   * XI - A Knife in the Dark - In Buckland, Fredegar Bolger flees the house before the Black Riders can enter and rouses Buckland. Some Bree folk, agents of the Black Riders, attack the Inn at night, destroying the room the hobbits were supposed to stay in and scaring away all the horses in Bree, including the hobbit's ponies. The hobbits are forced to buy a scrawny pony from Bill Ferny (a spy for the Riders). Strider decides that their chambers aren't safe and, after setting up decoys, has Butterbur move the hobbits to another room. With Strider, they quickly leave the town, passing through the Midgewater Marshes to reach a famous hill called Weathertop. Disaster follows when the party is attacked by five Black Riders. Frodo, succumbing to the Riders' command, puts on the Ring. He then tries to fight them off but to no avail. The Nazgûl's leader (the Witch-king of Angmar - Frodo now notices that he wears a crown), stabs Frodo with a Morgul-blade, poisoning him. Then the Riders seem to be driven off with fire by Strider. They believe, however, that they have only to wait until Frodo's wound overcomes him.
   * XII - Flight to the Ford - Strider attempts to heal Frodo with a plant called athelas which relieves Frodo's pain, but Strider knows that only Elrond, Master of Rivendell, can heal this wound. On the way, the party passes the trolls that were turned to stone in The Hobbit. They get closer to Rivendell with no sign of the Riders. Eventually, they meet the Elf-lord Glorfindel from Rivendell, who has fought the Riders before and, as a High Elf, is feared by them. Glorfindel then accompanies them to the Ford of Rivendell. When they are within sight of the Ford, the Riders close in upon the party. Frodo is forced to flee on Glorfindel's horse. Frodo tries to make a last stand at the River, but is overcome by his wound and the power of the King of the Black Riders. The Riders are almost upon him when the River rises up in a flood caused by Elrond and Gandalf and washes the Black Riders away as Frodo falls unconscious.
  Book II
   * I - Many Meetings - After awakening from a sleep of four days, Frodo meets Gandalf and Bilbo again, as well as Glóin (one of the dwarves from The Hobbit), Elrond and others.
   * II - The Council of Elrond - A council is attended by many emissaries of the Free Peoples; Gandalf tells the story of his escape from Saruman; they decide that the Ring must be destroyed and Frodo offers to take it to Mordor, and Gandalf and several others agree to accompany him. During the meeting Elrond proclaims the formation of the Fellowship of the Ring.
   * III - The Ring goes South - The nine members of the Fellowship travel south through Hollin; they try to take the road over the mountain Caradhras but are forced to turn back.
   * IV - A Journey in the Dark - They travel to the gates of Moria, where they have to deal with the Watcher in the Water, an aquatic monster in the lake in front of it. Gandalf eventually opens the doors. Throughout their journey in Moria, Frodo hears strange footsteps and spots glowing eyes in the darkness. After passing through the city of Dwarrowdelf, the Fellowship reaches the tomb of Balin.
   * V - The Bridge of Khazad-dûm - Attacked by orcs in Balin's tomb, they make their way to the narrow bridge of Khazad-dûm, pursued by orcs and trolls. Before crossing the bridge, they encounter a Balrog. Gandalf holds the Balrog off, and both fall into the abyss, much to the dismay of the company.
   * VI - Lothlórien - The company meets the elves of Lórien. The elves reluctantly agree to let Gimli the dwarf pass. Aragorn takes Frodo to the hill of Cerin Amroth.
   * VII - The Mirror of Galadriel - The company meets Celeborn and Galadriel. Frodo and Sam are shown the mirror of Galadriel, in which they see several strange visions including the destruction of the Shire and the Eye of Sauron. Galadriel gives encouraging advice to Frodo and Sam.
   * VIII - Farewell to Lórien - The elves give the company cloaks, waybread and other gifts; they leave Lórien in boats, travelling down the Great River Anduin.
   * IX - The Great River - While travelling, the Fellowship notices Gollum following them along the river on a log; as the group travels, they must come to grips with several choices: they can either cross the east bank of the river and continue on the road towards Mordor, or they can go towards Gondor, and help fight off Mordor's forces. The third choice is the breaking of the Fellowship.
   * X - The Breaking of the Fellowship - The company arrives at Parth Galen; they still face the various paths before them. The choice is given to Frodo, who thinks it over alone. Alone, that is until Boromir arrives, and attempts to convince Frodo to go towards Gondor. When that fails, he tries to take the Ring from Frodo, who puts it on to escape him. When Frodo does not arrive back at camp, and Boromir reveals what has happened, other members of the company scatter in an attempt to find the Ringbearer. Frodo and Sam go across the river and head towards Mordor alone. they both take off together in the land of shadows.
  Members of the Fellowship of the Ring
  See also: List of Middle-earth characters
  Member Race
  Frodo Baggins Hobbit Heir of Bilbo and Ring-Bearer. He is 50 years old as he leaves on his quest to Rivendell.
  Samwise Gamgee (Sam) Hobbit Frodo's gardener, he was a loyal companion throughout the journey.
  Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry) Hobbit The son of the Master of Buckland, he is cousin to both Pippin and Frodo.
  Peregrin Took (Pippin) Hobbit The son of the Thain in Tookland, he is the youngest member of the group and cousin to both Merry and Frodo.
  Gandalf the Grey Maia Mysterious Wizard that leads the Fellowship until Moria.
  Aragorn (Strider) Man Ranger of the North, who accompanies the hobbits from Bree to Rivendell, and then becomes a member of the Fellowship. His weapon is the sword. It is revealed that he is the Heir of Isildur and of Elendil.
  Legolas Elf Elven archer. His weapon is the bow. His father is Thranduil, king of the Silvan Elves of Mirkwood, and he came to inform the council of the escape of Gollum.
  Gimli Dwarf Son of Glóin. His weapon is the axe. He came to Rivendell from the Lonely Mountain with his father about trouble in the east.
  Boromir Man Son of Denethor, Steward of Gondor. His weapon is the sword and the shield. He came to Rivendell seeking answers to a strange dream.
  In The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien mostly refers to the group as the "Company of the Ring", or "the Company" for short, rather than "Fellowship of the Ring" or "Fellowship". This is demonstrated by Robert Foster's The Complete Guide to Middle-earth, which lists more page references for "Company..." than "Fellowship..." (and in fact the group appears under the entry "Company of the Ring".) However, since "Fellowship of the Ring" was used as the title of the first volume of the book, it has become the familiar term.
jié dài jiǔ de yàn huì -1
  tiān xià jīng líng zhù sān jiè
   'ǎi rén jiè
   shòu dìng fán rén chí jiǔ jiè
   duō yāo jìng 'àn yǐng
   àn wáng zuò yōng zhì zūn jiè
   zhì zūn jiè zhòng jiè
   zhì zūn jièxún zhòng jiè
   jiè zhì zūn yǐn zhòng jiè
   jìn zhòng jiè hēi 'àn zhōng
   duō yāo jìng 'àn yǐng
    ※ ※
   dāng dài dòng de 'ěr · jīn xiān shēng xuān jiǔ hòu huì wéi bǎi shí suì shòu xíng shèng yàn huì shí tún de mín xīng fèn de lùn fēn fēn
   'ěr dàn fēi cháng yòugèng shì xíng de rén cóng shén de shī zōng shìde guī lái zhī hòuliù shí nián lái zài xià 'ěr zhè dài zhí shì rén men jiē tóu xiàng wěi de lùn huà cóng mào xiǎn zhōng suǒ dài huí de páng cái jīng chéng liǎo dāng de chuán guǎn zhè lǎo jiā huǒ zěn me shuō bān réndōu xiāng xìn dài dòng nèi de suì dào zhuāng mǎn zhǒng yàng de jīn yín zhū bǎo shǐ zhè yàng de chuán gòu ràng chū míng lǎo dāng zhuàng de wài biǎo ràng rén chēng shí jiān de liú shì zài 'ěr shēn shàng méi yòu liú xià duō shǎo hén jiǔ shí suì de shí hòu shí suì shí bìng 'èr zhìdāng jiǔ shí jiǔ suì shí jìn de rén kāi shǐ chēng yǎng shēng yòu shù dàn kǒng cháng shēng lǎoshì jiào jīng què de shuō yòu duō rén xiǎng dào zhè jiàn shì qíng jiù jué lǎo tiān wèi miǎn tài gōng píng liǎozěn me néng gòu ràng rén zuò yōngchuán shuō zhōng dejīn shān yòu tóng shí yōng yòu cháng shēng lǎo de néng
  “ zhè dìng shì yòu dài jià de,” men shuō。“ zhè shì wéi tiān de dìng huì fán de!”
   guòdào qián wéi zhǐ méi yòu shénme fányóu jīn xiān shēng shí fēn kāng kǎirén men jiù yuàn yuán liàng de xíng tiān hòu de hǎo yùn jiù shí cháng bài fǎng qīn dāng rán lái de sài wéi 'ěr jīn jiā shì wài), zài wèi jiào pín qióng de jiā zhōng yōng yòu duō de chóng bài zhě guò zhí méi yòu shénme qīn jìn de péng yǒuzhí dào de nián qīng biǎo qīn nián shāo cháng zhī hòu cái yòu liǎo zhuǎn biàn
   zhè xiē biǎo qīn zhī zhōng zuì niánzhǎng de shì luó duō · jīn tóng shí shì 'ěr zuì chǒng 'ài de duì xiàngdāng 'ěr jiǔ shí jiǔ suì de shí hòu jiāng luó duō shōu wéi yǎng jiē dào dài dòng lái zhùzhè zhōng liǎo sài wéi 'ěr jiā rén zhí chéng dài dòng de wàng 'ěr luó duō gāng hǎo dōushì tóng tiān shēng dejiǔ yuè 'èr shí 'èr 。“ luó duō 'ā shuō zuì hǎo guò lái gēn zhù ,” 'ěr yòu tiān zhè me shuō;“ zhè yàng men jiù shū shū de guò shēng liǎo。” dāng shí luó duō hái zhǐ shì shàonián rén xiàng chéng nián de sān shí sān suì tóng nián zhī jiān de 'èr shí duō nián jiān chēng zuò shàonián shí
   yòu guò liǎo shí 'èr niánměi nián zhè jiā rén huì lián bàn shèng de shēng yàn huì guòxiàn zài jiādōu zhī dào jīn nián qiū tiān de jìhuà shì fēi xún cháng de 'ěr jīn nián jiāng mǎn bǎi shí suìshù běn shēn jiù xiāng dāng shū shǐ duì rén lái shuōzhè jīng shì shí fēn cháng shòu de nián liǎo。( lǎo rén guò zhǐ huó liǎo bǎi sān shí suì)。 ér luó duō jīn nián shì mǎn sān shí sān suìzhè shì hěn zhòng yào de shù yīn wéi jīn nián jiāng chéng nián
   tún lín shuǐ dài de mín zǎo jiù kāi shǐ lùn fēn fēnyòu guān zhè jiāng lái lín de huó dòng chuán biàn liǎo zhěng xià 'ěr 'ěr · jīn xiān shēng de mào xiǎn jīng de xíng shì zuò fēng yòu zài chéng wéi jiē tóu xiàng wěi de huà lǎo bèi de rén rán jiān xiàn zài zhè huái jiù fēng cháo de tuī zhù lán xiàchéng liǎo shí fēn shòu huān yíng de rén
   bèi chēng zuòlǎo jiā huǒde · zhān shuō shì zhōng de qiáo chǔ jīng cháng zài lín shuǐ bàng decháng chūn shù cóngxiǎo diàn gāo tán kuò lùn shì háo de chuī niúlǎo jiā huǒ jīng zhào dài dòng de huā yuán yòu shí nián zhī jiǔyóu nián shì gāodòng zuò yòu xiē chí huǎn liǎoyīn duō shù de gōng zuò dōushì yóu zuì xiǎo de 'ér shān · zhān lái jiē shǒu liǎng réndōu 'ěr luó duō shí fēn yǒu hǎo men jiù zhù zài dài dòng de shān xià xiǎo qiū shàng zhǐ shì dài biān sān hào
  “ lǎo zǎo jiù shuō 'ěr xiān shēng shì xiāng dāng hǎo de rén,” lǎo jiā huǒ xuān chēngzhè shì qiān zhēn wàn què deyīn wéi 'ěr duì fēi cháng yòu màopíng cháng chēng wéi xiān shēngbìng qiě jīng cháng de zài shū cài zhòngzhí de wèn shàng qǐng jiào bié shì zài gēn jīng lèi zhí de zhòngzhí shàng gèng shì zhí shèn gōnglǎo jiā huǒ zài líng shǔ zhè lèi zhí fāng miàn shì jiāo 。( lián lìn chéng rèn
  “ dàn zhù zài de luó duō yòu zěn me yàng?” lín shuǐ de lǎo nuò wèn dào。“ jiào zuò jīn dàn yòu bàn liè jiǔ jiā de xuè tǒng gǎo qīng chǔ wèishénme huì yòu tún de jīn jiā rén xiǎng yào zhǎo xióng de guài jiā huǒ jié hūn。”
  “ néng guài men cháng ,” lǎo jiā huǒ de lín lǎo diē shuō,“ men zhù zài liè jiǔ de lìng biānyòu kào jìn lǎo lín biān shì shòu zhòu de xiáng zhī 。”
  “ shuō de duìlǎo diē!” lǎo jiā huǒ shuō。“ suī rán xióng de liè jiǔ jiā rén shì zhù zài lǎo lín miàndàn men de xíng shì zuò fēng zhēn de hěn guài men huì zài tiáo shàng gǎo sōu chuán páo lái páo zhè shì zhèng dāng rén jiā huì zuò de shì qíngnán guài lǎo shì huì yòu fán shì guǎn zěn me yàng luó duō xiān shēng dōushì hǎo qīng nián 'ěr xiān shēng hěn xiànglián xiǎng chàbù liǎo duō shǎo jìng qīn biān hái shì yòu jīn jiā de xuè tǒng luó · jīn shì hǎo rénzài yān zhī qián shì jié shēn 'ài de jiā huǒ !”
  “ yān ?” tīng zhòng zhōng yòu rén fǎn wèn men dāng rán tīng guò zhè lèi kǒng de yáo yán guò rén jiù shì huān zhè zhǒng jiā shǐ de shì men zhè yòu xiǎng zài tīng
  “ ǹg men shì zhè yàng shuō de,” lǎo jiā huǒ dào。“ xiǎng xià luó xiān shēng liǎo lián de miù · liè jiǔ xiǎo jiě shì 'ěr xiān shēng de biǎo mèi shì lǎo zuì xiǎo de 'ér); luó shì de bàng qīn suǒ luó duō jiù shì 'ěr de biǎo mèi de 'ér zhè guān shēn yuǎn zhe luó xiān shēng jié hūn zhī hòu jiù jīng cháng liè jiǔ tīng de yuè jiā hùn。( zhè jiā huǒ zuǐ chán zhe yuè yòu 'ài chī hǎo càiliǎng rén jiù zhè me pāi dāng shí liè jiǔ shàng fàn zhōu de jiù zhè me fān chuán yān liǎo lián de luó duō shí hái zhǐ shì xiǎo hái 'ā!”
  “ tīng shuō men shì chī wán fàn zhī hòu zhǔn bèi zài yuè guāng xià fàn zhōu,” lǎo nuò shuō,“ luó chīde tài duō chuán gěi chén liǎo。”
  “ tīng shuō shì tuī xià ér luó yòu lǎo gěi xià ,” tún de mófáng zhù rén shān màn jiē kǒu dào
  “ shuō shān màn zuì hǎo yào zhè xiē yáo yán zhào dān quán shōu,” lǎo jiā huǒ tài huān yǎn qián de mófáng zhù rén。“ lǎo shì xiē tuī tuī de shì qíng méi chuán zhè zhǒng dōng hěn wēi xiǎnjiù suàn zuò hǎo dòng xiǎng fánhái shì yòu néng dǎo méi de guǎn fǎn zhèng luó duō zuì hòu jiù shì chéng liǎo 'érbèi diū zài qún xióng de guài rén zhī zhōngzài liè jiǔ tīng bèi yǎng jiù xiàng yuàn yàng rén zài biān yòu bǎi qīn 'ěr xiān shēng zhè wèi xiǎo péng yǒu dài huí lái jiào yǎngzhēn shì zuò liǎo jiàn hǎo shì 'ā!”
  “ guò míng bái zhè duì xiē jīn jiā de sài wéi 'ěr rén lái shuō shì zhòng dāng nián zài 'ěr xiān shēng shī zōng jiādōu wèitā shì zhī hòu men mǎn xīn wéi zhōng chéng dài dòng què yòu shén chū xiàn men gǎn liǎo chū láiér qiě lǎo tiān bǎo yòu 'ěr xiān shēng yuè huó yuè yìng lǎng diǎn kàn chū lái lǎo tài rán yòu zhǎo liǎo chéng rénbèi liǎo qiē de wén jiàn kàn zhè huí sài wéi 'ěr men shì xiǎng dōubù yào xiǎng jìn dài dòng liǎo wàng yào bèi men zāo liǎo。”
  “ tīng shuō miàn cáng liǎo hěn duō qián ,” cóng qiū lái zuò shēng de shēng rén shuō。“ zhè zuò shān miàn de suì dào quándōu zhuāng mǎn liǎo duō xiāng miàn dōushì huáng jīnbái yín zhū bǎo。”
  “ tīng shuō de zhī dào de hái yào duō,” lǎo jiā huǒ huí 。“ zhī dào shénme zhū bǎo 'ěr xiān shēng duì qián cái hěn fāngshǒu tóu hěn kuò chuòdàn méi tīng shuō shénme suì dào de shì qíng gài liù shí nián qián xiǎo shí hòu qīn yǎn jiàn dào 'ěr xiān shēng huí lái de yàng shí cái gāng dāng shàng lǎo màn de xué shì diē de biǎo qīn), pài dài dòng wéi chí zhì miǎn zài pāi mài de shí hòu ràng xián rén děng huā yuán gěi cǎi luàn liǎozhèng dāng jiā zhe pāi mài 'ěr xiān shēng de lǎo jiā cái chǎn shí rán qiān zhe xiǎo zǒu shàng zhè zuò shān bèi shàng hái yòu hǎo dài xiāng xiǎng miàn dìng dōushì cóng wài miàn shì jiè dài huí lái de cái bǎoyòu rén shuō wài miàn yòu hěn duō jīn shāndàn shì kàn dào de dōng gòu suì dào sài mǎn 'ér shān gài huì zhī dào de gèng qīng chǔ cháng cháng jìn chū dài dòngzhè hái zuì huān tīng shìsuǒ yòu 'ěr xiān shēng de shì tādōu bèi de gǔn guā làn shú 'ěr xiān shēng shèn zhì hái jiào shí wèi bié chū zhǒng biǎo qíng shì piàn hǎo xīndàn yuàn huì yòu shénme fán cái hǎo。”
  “ lǎo shì xiǎng gǎo xiē yòu guān xiē jīng líng lóng de shì zhè yàng shuō。‘ líng shǔ duì lái shuō cái shì jiào shì de niàn tóubié lǎo shì hàogāo yuǎnxiǎng yào men gāo guì bǎi bèi de rén jiāo dào rán huì shàng fán de,’ xiàng zhè yàng gào jiè rén zuì hǎo tīng de quàn gào,” kàn liǎo shēng rén mófáng zhù rén yǎn
   guòlǎo jiā huǒ de jǐng gào méi bàn shuō de tīng zhòng 'ěr chuán shuō zhōng de cái zài nián qīng de rén xīn zhōng shuō shì gēn shēn de chuán dòng yáo liǎo
  “ ā guò néng hòu lái yòu zuàn dào gèng duō de qián,” mófáng zhù rén de lùn tiáohé duō shù rén yàng,“ cháng cháng jiā xíng men kàn kàn xiē bài fǎng de wài rénwǎn shàng chū xiàn de 'ǎi rén lǎo shī gān dào děng děnglǎo jiā huǒ 'ài zěn me shuō dōuméi guān dàn dài dòng zhēn de shì guǐ de fāng miàn zhù de rén gèng guài。”
  “ shuō shān màn 'ài shuō shénme yědōu méi guān fǎn zhèng jiā qīng chǔ zhī dào de shí yòu xiànjiù gēn huì huá chuán yàng。” lǎo jiā huǒ zhè píng cháng gèng tǎo yàn zhè mófáng zhù rén liǎo。“ guǒ yàng jiù jiào guǐ men zhè dài hái zhēn de yào duō xiē zhè zhǒng guǐ fāng yòu xiē máo de jiā huǒ jiù suàn zhù zài jīn shān yuàn qǐng péng yǒu jiǔdài dòng shì kāng kǎi dài rén chū liǎo míng de men jiā de shān shuō zhè měi rén huì shòu yāo cān jiā yàn huìtīng hǎo měi réndōu hái huì yòu jiù zài zhè yuè!”
   zhè yuè jiù shì jiǔ yuètiān jiù shí fēn de rén liǎng tiān zhī hòudào chù jiù kāi shǐ liú chuán yáo yánduō bàn shì qíng bào líng tōng de shān fàng chū lái de xiāo ): shuō zhè yàn huì yòu yān huǒér qiězhè de yān huǒ jiāng huì shì bǎi nián lái xià 'ěr shèng de yān huǒ biǎo yǎn cóng shàng lǎo guò shì zhī hòu jiù méi rén jiàn guò yān huǒ biǎo yǎn liǎo
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   tiān tiān guò yuè lái yuè jiē jìnmǒu tiān bàng wǎn liàng zhuāng mǎn guài bāo guǒ de guài chē kāi jìn túnzài dài dòng qián tíng liǎo xià láichī jīng de rén fēn fēn cóng chuāng nèi wǎng wài kuī tànjià chē de shì xíng guài de wài rénchàng zhe méi rén tīng guò de yáochē shì yòu zhe cháng dài zhe dōu mào de 'ǎi rén míng 'ǎi rén shèn zhì hái zài dài dòng liú liǎo xià láidào liǎo jiǔ yuè 'èr zhōu de shí hòulìng liàng chē zài guāng tiān huà zhī xià yuè guò liè jiǔ qiáoyán zhe lín shuǐ kāi liǎo guò láijià chē de zhǐ yòu míng lǎo rén dài zhe dǐng gāo gāo jiān jiān de lán mào chuānzhuó cháng cháng de huī páo tiáo yín de wéi jīn de yòu bái yòu chángméi máo cháng dào shēn chū liǎo mào yuán qún xiǎo hái gēn zhe chē hòu miàn páochuān guò zhěng túnyán gēn zhe shàng liǎo xiǎo shān men cāi de guǒ rán méi cuòchē nèi zhuāng de shì yān huǒlǎo rén zài 'ěr de mén qián kāi shǐ xiè huò miàn yòu zhǒng yàng de yān huǒměi gèdōu biāo míng zhe de hóng gān jīng líng wén
   zhè jiù shì gān dào de huī ér lǎo rén jiù shì shī gān dào zài xià 'ěr de míng zhù yào shì guān cāo zòng huǒ yànyān guāng xiàn de qiǎo zhēn zhèng de gōng zuò zhè hái yào wēi xiǎn de duōdàn dān chún de xià 'ěr mín duì suǒ zhīduì men lái shuōzhè shī zhǐ shì yàn huì de lìng mài diǎnyīn xiǎo hái men cái huì zhè me xīng fèn。“ zhè suō xiě shì zhuàng de !” hái men hǎn zhelǎo rén bào xiáng de wēi xiàosuī rán 'ǒu 'ěr cái huì lái bài fǎng měi huì tíng liú hěn cháng de shí jiāndàn rén měi gèdōu zhī dào de cháng xiāng guòbāo kuò zhè xiē xiǎo hái qián zuì lǎo de réndōu yàng méi kàn guò de yān huǒ biǎo yǎnzhè wěi de biǎo yǎn xiàn zài zhǐ cún zài shǐ shū de jìzǎi zhōng liǎo
   lǎo rén zài 'ěr míng 'ǎi rén de bāng zhù xià wán chéng xiè huò zhī hòu 'ěr gěi liǎo zhè qún xiǎo hái xiē líng qián guòhái men shī wàng de xiànjīn tiān 'ěr shū shū méi yòu bǐng gān huò líng zuǐ gěi men
  “ kuài huí jiā !” gān dào shuō。“ shí hòu dào liǎo men huì chī chī wán de。” rán hòu jiù 'ěr zǒu jìn nèiguān shàng ménnián qīng de rén men dāi dāi de kàn liǎo mén bàn shǎngzuì hòu cái tuō zhe qíng yuàn de jiǎo kāimǎn xīn jué yàn huì fǎng yǒng yuǎn dōubù huì dào。  zài dài dòng 'ěr gān dào zuò zài kàn huā yuán de chuāng xiàbàng wǎn de tiān hái hěn míng liàngtiān hěn wēn hóng jīn de huā duǒ shēngzhǎng de shí fēn mào shènglóng zuǐ huā xiàng kuí chū xīn xīn xiàng róng de tài shìjīn lián huā shì shēng de pān shàng chuāng kàn zhe nèi de qíng jǐng
  “ de huā yuán kàn lái zhēn piào liàng!” gān dào shuō
  “ méi cuò,” 'ěr huí 。“ hěn huān zhè huā yuánxià 'ěr duì lái shuō yàng de qīnqiè guò xiǎng gāi shì fàng jiǎ de shí hòu liǎo。”
  “ shì shuō yào yuán xiān de jìhuà ?”
  “ shì de yuè qián jiù xià dìng liǎo jué xīnxiàn zài huì lín shí biàn guà。”
  “ hěn hǎo men jiù duō shuō liǎo yào xīn ruǎnzhào zhe yuán dìng de jìhuà jìn xíng zhùshì yuán dìng de jìhuà wàng zhè huì wéi wéi men jiā dài lái hǎo jiēguǒ。”
  “ zhè me wàngfǎn zhèng zhǔn bèi zhè zhōu hǎohǎo de xiǎng shòu xiàràng jiā kàn kàn de xiǎo wán xiào。”
  “ zhī dào zuì hòu shuí huì xiào 'ā?” gān dào yáo zhe tóu shuō
  “ dào shí jiù zhī dào liǎo,” 'ěr huí
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   'èr tiānyuè lái yuè duō de chē kāi shàng liǎo xiǎo shānhòu miàn hái yòu gèng duō de yào láihuò yòu xiē rén huì bào yuànzěn me cóng běn mǎi”。 dàn dāng zhōu de dìng dān jīhū mǎi guāng liǎo lín jìn suǒ yòu de shí tiáowèi liào shē chǐ pǐnrén men kāi shǐ yuè lái yuè dàizài shàng zuò zhe hàodāng yóuchāi dào lái shíměi réndōu chū dài de yǎn shén wàng zhè huì yòu yāo qǐng hán sòng dào shǒu zhōng
   jiǔ zhī hòuyāo qǐng hán jiù kāi shǐ xuě piàn bān de chū tún de yóu jīhū tān huànlín shuǐ de yóu chàdiǎn bèi xìn jiàn mái liǎo lái kàn shì tài duì yuàn zhě men kāi shǐ xié zhù yóu de yùn zuòsuí hòu měi tiān dōuyòu chuān liú de yóuchāi sòng huí liàng de huí hánměi fēng shàng miàn xiě zheduō xiè yāo qǐngzài xià dìng yuē。”
   dài dòng de mén kǒu guà chū liǎo shì:“ fēi yàn huì gōng zuò rén yuán qǐng jìn ”。 shǐ zhēn de shì yàn huì gōng zuò rén yuán huò jiǎ bàn de jiā huǒ jīhū dōuwú jìn nèi 'ěr máng de tuántuánzhuàn máng zhe xiě yāo qǐng hántǒng huí hán bāo tóng shí hái de wéi de jìhuà zuò zhǔn bèi cóng gān dào lái liǎo zhī hòu jiù duǒ zhe jiàn rén
   mǒu tiān zǎo chén jiā xǐng lái jiù xiàn 'ěr jiā nán biān de kuài kōng shàng fàng mǎn liǎo zhǒng yàng jiàn zhàng péng suǒ de shéng suǒ cái liào bàng hái bié wèicǐ kāi liǎo chū kǒugài liǎo zuò bái de mén kuān de jiē jiādōu hěn xiàn chǎng bàng dài biān shàng de sān rén jiālǎo zhān shèn zhì hái jiǎ zhuāng zài de huā yuán miàn zuò shìzhǐ wèile duō kàn yǎn
   zhàng péng màn màn de jiàn lái zhōng yòu bié de yuán dǐng zhàng péng dào ràng gāi chù shēngzhǎng de shù wán quán shōu zài zhōngzhè shù xiàn zài jiù wèi zài chǎng de lìng tóuzhù zhuō de bàng biāngōng zuò rén yuán zài shù zhī shàng guà mǎn liǎo yóu dēnggèng ràng rén xīng fèn de shìzhè zuì duì rén de wèi kǒu), chǎng de běi biān jiǎo luò hái shè zhì liǎo zuò páng de tiān chú fángcóng jìn li fāng yuán nèi pìn lái de chú shī chuān liú de qián lái zhī yuánxié zhù 'ǎi rén de gōng zuò rén yuán zài dài dòng zuò zhǔn bèizhòng rén de dài jīng dào liǎo zuì gāo diǎn
   rán hòu tiān biàn yòu xiē duō yún tiān shì xīng sānyàn huì de qián tiānzhòng rén shí fēn de jǐn zhāngrán hòujiǔ yuè 'èr shí 'èr xīng tài yáng shēng yún xiāo shī liǎo zhì yíng fēng zhāo zhǎnyòu de jié kāi shǐ liǎo
   'ěr zhè jiào zuòyàn huì”, dàn zhè shí shàng shì zhǒng de jiā nián huá huìjīhū jìn de suǒ yòu réndōu bèi yāo qǐng lái cān jiāyòu rén bèi wài de lòu diào liǎo guòfǎn zhèng men hái shì zhào yàng dào chǎngsuǒ méi yòu tài de yǐng xiǎngxià 'ěr yòu duō rén bèi yāo qǐng lái cān jiāshèn zhì yòu shì cóng biān jiè wài gǎn lái de 'ěr qīn zài xīn gài de bái mén jiē dài bīn men dài lái de gēn bān)。 suǒ yòu qián lái cān jiā de réndōu huò shèn zhì hái yòu tōu liù chū chǎng wàizài qiāoqiāo de cóng mén jìn lái tān xiǎo piányí de jiā huǒ rén zài guò shēng de shí hòu huì sòng gěi qīn péng hǎo yǒuzhào guàn yào shì hěn guì de dōng huì xiàng zhè yàng jiàn rén jiù gěi guòzhè dǎo shì cuò de shì shí shàngzài tún lín shuǐ nián zhōng de měi tiān dōuyòu rén guò shēng suǒ zhè jìn de rén jīhū bài zhì shǎo shōu dào men xiàng
   zhè de què hǎo de chāo xún chánghái men kàn dào jīhū xīng fèn de wàng chī fànyòu duō wán shì men cóng lái méi yòu jiàn guò deměi yàng dōuhěn piào liàngyòu xiē shèn zhì shì wán zhè zhōng yòu duō wán shì nián qián jiù dìng hǎo deyuǎn cóng shān biān yùn guò láiquándōu huò zhēn jià shí de chū 'ǎi rén zhī shǒu
   zài měi rén zhōng jìn liǎo mén nèi zhī hòugēqǔ dǎoyīn zhǒng yàng de yóu suí zhǎn kāidāng ránshí yǐn liào gèng shì jué shǎo dezhèng shì de cān diǎn yòu sān dùn cān chá wǎn cān guòsuǒ wèi de cān chá guò jiù shì jiā zuò xià lái chī fàn de shí jiān de shí jiān rén men zhào yàng hái shì chuān liú de yòng zhǒng cān diǎn yǐn liàocóng zǎo shàng shí diǎn dào wǎn shàng liù diǎn bàn zhī jiān cóng méi tíng guòzhǐ yòu zài yān huǒ biǎo yǎn kāi shǐ de shí hòu jiā cái fàng xià cān
   yān huǒ shì gān dào qīn chū de jié zuòzhè zhǐ shì yóu qīn shǒu yùn láigèng shì yóu shè zhì zào zhǒng yàng de shū xiào guǒdào huǒ jiàn yědōu shì yóu qīn shǒu diǎn rán dechú zhī wài hái fāng de fēn sòng shì yàng de bào zhúhuā huǒchōng tiān pàohuǒ shù yín huāǎi rén zhú huājīng líng huǒ jīng xiǎng pào děng děngzhè xiē dōng bàng liǎogān dào de shǒu suí zhe nián de zēngzhǎng guǒ rán yuè lái yuè chún shú
   yòu de huǒ jiàn yǐn rán shí xiàng shì chū de huáng yīng biān duì zài kōng zhōng fēi xíng chū měi miào de shēnghái yòu yān huǒ shèn zhì biàn chéng liǎo de shù hēi yān chéng liǎo huǒ shù de shùgàn shùn jiān ràng rén yàn dào chūn qiū lái huā kāi huā luò de guān chū shǎn guāng de shù zhī gān shì ruò de zhàn fàng chū xiān yàn de yān huāluò zài jīng de rén men shēn shàngzài zhè xiē huǒ huā tàng shāng men zhī qiángān dào de zhāo ràng huǒ huā quándōu zài tián měi de xiāng zhōng xiāo shī de yǐng zōng bān yǒng chū de shǎn guāng dié zài shù cóng jiān chuān suōhuǒ yàn gòu chéng de shí zhù cóng miàn pēn chūsuí huà shēn chéng fēi yīngfān chuán huò shì zhǎn chì 'áo xiáng de tiān 'é zhèn hóng de léi bào ràng tiān kōng làxià liǎo huáng de yín de cháng qiāng qiān jūn wàn bān shè xiàng tiān kōngsuí yòu tóng wàn qiān cháng shé yàng chū xiǎng luò zhōngwèile xiàng 'ěr zhì jìngjié zhōng hái yòu zuì hòu bié xiàng zhèng tóng gān dào de jìhuà yàngràng rén men chī jīngquán chǎng de dēng guāng gēn zhe miè zhèn nóng yān chū xiànhuà chéng yuǎn fāng kàn de shān yǐngshān dǐng jiē zhe kāi shǐ chū guāng mángsuí chū liǎo hóng de huǒ yàncóng huǒ shān zhōng fēi chū zhǐ jīn hóng de lóng xíng suī rán zhēn lóng yòu duàn dàn shēng de wài mào ràng rén hán 'ér lóng de kǒu zhōng chū huǒ yàn chū hǒujiē zhe yòu zài rén qún tóu shàng lián liǎo sān liè yànquán de réndōu yóu zhù de liǎo xià láishì duǒ guò zhè zhèn liè yàn lóng chū hōng lóng xiǎng fēi guò zhòng rén tóu shàngzuì hòu lái hòu kōng fānzài lín shuǐ shàng kōng zhà chéng piàn càn làn de huǒ huā
  “ wǎn cān kāi shǐ !” 'ěr hǎnzhòng rén de jīng kǒng xiāo shī xíngzhī qián hái jīng hún wèi dìng de rén men pāi pāi zhàn liǎo láiwǎn cān shí fēn de fēng shèngměi réndōu jìn xiǎng jiā yáo měi diǎnwéi zài yòng cān de zhǐ yòu lìng wài qún cān jiā bié jiā yàn huì de rén menzhè yàn huì zhōng de yàn huì shì zài shù bàng de zhàng péng nèi bàn dehuò yāo de lái bīn zhǐ yòu bǎi shí rén rén chēng zhè shù wéi shí 'èr guò tài shì yòng zài rén shēn shàng); zhè xiē bīn dōushì cóng 'ěr luó duō de qīn zhōng tiǎo xuǎn chū lái delìng wài hái yòu xiē méi yòu xuè yuán guān de bié yǒuxiàng shì gān dào )。 zhè miàn hái bāo kuò liǎo duō nián qīng de rén mendōu zài de tóng zhī xià qián lái cān jiā yàn huì rén bān lái shuō duì xiǎo hái 'áo de yào qiú huì jiào tōng róng bié shì yòu huì tián bǎo men de shí hòu gèng shì hǎo shuō huàyào yǎng xiǎo hái huā shàng shǎo de huǒ shí fèi
   rén yàn huì zhōng yòu hěn duō jīn fēn jiā de rénlìng wài yòu duō jiā liè jiǔ jiā de chéng yuánhái yòu míng jiā rén 'ěr zēngzǔ de qīn ), míng qiū jiā de rén 'ěr jiā de zēngzǔ de qīn ), hái yòu luó jiā jiābào jiāhuān jiājiàn jiāchuī hào zhě jiā 'ào jiǎo jiā de rénzhè xiē rén miàn yòu xiē jīng suàn shì fēi cháng yuǎn fáng de qīn liǎoshèn zhì yòu rén qián cóng wèi tún bèi zhù zài xià 'ěr de piān yuǎn dāng rán jīn jiā miàn de sài wéi 'ěr méi yòu bèi dài mànào suō lǎo luó bèi yědōu yòu chū men huān 'ěr duì luó duō gèng shì hèn zhī dàn shì huá de yāo qǐng hán shì yòng jīn de shuǐ suǒ zhuàn xiě dezhè zhǒng shū róng ràng men jué nán kàng lìng wài men tòng hèn de zhè wèi 'ěr duō nián lái dōushì měi shí zhe chēng de cān diǎn suàn shì lín jìn de guān zhī
   zhè bǎi shí míng bīn jìn qíng de xiǎng yòng fēng shèng de wǎn cān guò zhòng réndōu qiāoqiāo de dān xīn cān hòu zhù rén rǒng cháng de yǎn shuō。( zhè shì huò quē de xiàng jié měi huì yín chàng zhǒng chēng wéi shī de dōng yòu xiē shí hòuzài duō liǎo liǎng bēi zhī hòu huì kāi shǐ dāo dāo de miáo shù duàn shén de mào xiǎnzhì shǎo dào qián wéi zhǐ rén men bìng méi yòu shī wàngzhè de què shì dùn qián suǒ wèi jiàn de cāncān diǎn de běn shēn jīng jìn liǎo de zhìzhì jīngliàng duōzhǒng lèi quán qiě wèi měijiē xià lái zhōu jìn de rén men jīhū bǎo de méi bàn chī dōng guòyóu 'ěr zhī qián de liàng cǎi gòu jìn de diàn zhù yědōu jīng qīng náng shòufǎn zhèng méi dōng màisuǒ hái shì jiē huān de miàn
   zài cān zhōng gào duàn luò zhī hòujiù gāi shì yǎn jiǎng de shí jiān liǎofǎn zhèng duō shù de bīn xiàn zài jīng jiǔ fàn bǎoduì rǒng cháng de yǎn shuō yòu hěn qiáng de kàng zhè duàn guò chéng shì bèi men chēng zuò shí jiānde jié men fēn fēn chuò yǐn zhe zuì huān de yǐn liàopǐn cháng zhe měi wèi de tián diǎnzǎo jiāng zhī qián de dān xīn pāo dào jiǔ xiāo yún wài liǎo men zhǔn bèi qīng tīng shì jiè shàng zuì liáo de yǎn shuōgèng zài měi huàn de jiànzòu shēng huān
  “ qīn 'ài de tóng bāo”, 'ěr zhàn láikāi kǒu dào。“ zhù zhù zhù !” huì chǎng de zhòng rén fēn fēn hǎn zhe xǐng què méi duō shǎo rén zhēn de 'ān jìng xià lái 'ěr kāi zuò wèizǒu dào zhuāng mǎn liǎo dēng shì de shù xià dào bǎi zài gāi chù de shàngyóu dēng de guāng máng zhào zài hóng guāng mǎn miàn de liǎn shàng zhì wài tào shàng de jīn kòu gēn zhe shǎn shǎn guānghuì chǎng de zhòng réndōu kàn jiàn zhǐ shǒu chā zài kǒu dàilìng zhǐ shǒu huī zhe
  “ qīn 'ài de jīn jiā rén men fēn jiā rén men,” shuō dào,“ hái yòu qīn 'ài de jiā rén menliè jiǔ jiā rén men jiā rén menqiū jiā rén menhái yòu luó jiā jiābào jiāhuān jiājiàn jiāchuī hào zhě jiā 'ào jiǎo jiā de jiā rén men。”
  “ shì shuāng 'ào jiǎo jiā !” zhàng péng de jiǎo luò yòu míng lǎo rén hǎndāng rán jiù shì 'ào jiǎo jiā de rénzhè jiā huǒ díquè yòu shuāng yòu yòu máo róng róng de jiǎohái zài zhuō shàngnán guài yào jiè zhǎo chá chū chū fēng tóu
jié dài jiǔ de yàn huì -2
  “ ào jiǎo jiā rén men,” 'ěr chóngfù dào。“ hái yòu zuì qīn 'ài de sài wéi 'ěr jīn jiā rén menjīn tiān zhōng chéng xīn de huān yíng men huí dào dài dòng láijīn tiān shì bǎi shí suì de shēng jīn tiān shì suì de rén liǎo!”“ wàn suìwàn suìzhù shòu mián yán!” tīng zhòng men hǎnfēn fēn yòng de qiāo zhe zhuō qìng 'ěr de yǎn shuō tài jīng cǎi liǎozhè cái shì men huān de yǎn jiǎngduǎn xiǎo jīng hàn
  “ wàng zhū wèi jīn tiān yàng gāo xīng。” xià chuán lái zhèn 'ěr lóng de huān shēng shēng hǎnméi cuò”( hái méi guò yǐn !” de shēng dōuyòu)。 hào jiǎofēng cháng duō de yuèqì fēn fēn xiǎng zhī qián dào guòyàn huì zhōng yòu duō de nián qīng rén shí men gèng shì fēn fēn liǎo xiǎng pào duō shù de bào zhú shàng yìn yòu zhèn”( zhù sān suī rán rén duì zhè sān suǒ zhīdàn mendōu tóng zhè shì xiāng dāng cuò de bào zhúzhè xiē bào zhú shàng zhuāng zhe xiǎo xiǎo de yuèqìdōukě chū yuè 'ěr de yīn láishì shí shàngzài zhàng péng de mǒu jiǎo luòyòu qún nián qīng de liè jiǔ jiā de xiǎo hái wéi 'ěr shū shū jīng shuō wán liǎoyīn wéi zhòng yào de dōng jiǎng wán liǎo), suǒ fēn fēn kāi shǐ diǎn rán bào zhúràng men de shēng gòu chéng měi miào de jiāo xiǎng ài · měi · liè jiǔ xiǎo jiě shèn zhì hái zhe líng chēng tiào shàng zhuō kāi shǐ tiào lièhuó chōng pèi de líng chēng lái
   dàn 'ěr bìng méi yòu shuō huà cóng jìn de míng nián qīng rén shǒu zhōng qiǎng lái hào jiǎoshǐ jìn de chuī liǎo sān shēngzhòng rén de xuān nào zhè cái 'ān jìng xià lái。“ huì dān wèi tài jiǔ de shí jiān,” hǎnsuǒ yòu de tīng zhòng qíng jìn de huān 。“ mendōu zhǎo lái shì yòu dídí。” shuōmùdìzhè liǎng de kǒu shí fēn shūxiàn chǎng shí jiān xiàn hái yòu liǎng jiā de rén jǐn zhāng de shù zhí liǎo 'ěr duǒ
  “ méi cuòyòu sān mùdì shì gào men fēi cháng de huān men men zhè xiē hǎo rén guò de bǎi shí nián shí zài tài jīng cǎi tài duǎn zàn liǎo。” zhòng rén xiǎng léi de zhǎng shēng
  “ men zhōng yòu duō rén shì xiǎng yào rèn shíquè méi yòu huì shēn jiāo delìng wài yòu duō rén zhí tóu gēngshēn de gǎn qíng。” zhè duàn huà chū zhòng rén liào zhī wàiyóu tài guò nán dǒng xià zhǐ chuán lái líng xīng de zhǎng shēngzhòng rén de xiǎo nǎo dài dōuzài pīn mìng zhuàndòng zhe wàng néng gòu gǎo dǒng zhè duàn huà shì bāo shì biǎn
  “ 'èrshì wéi liǎo qìng zhù de shēng 。” zhòng rén zài huān 。“ yīnggāi shuō shì mende shēng yīn wéi jīn tiān dāng rán shì de chéng rén luó duō de shēng jīn tiān chéng nián zhōng huò liǎo chéng jiā de 。” yòu xiē zhǎngbèi gāo xīng de zhǎngnián qīng rén shì kāi shǐ qǐhòng hǎn luó duō luó duō luó duō wàn suì!” sài wéi 'ěr jiā rén shì zhòu méi tóushì yào gǎo dǒng suǒ wèi de chéng jiā dào shì zěn me huí shì
  “ men liǎng rén de suì shù jiā lái gòng bǎi shí yāo qǐng de bīn rén shù zhèng shì wèile zhè shén de shù qǐng róng shǐ yòng shí 'èr zhè shuō 。” méi yòu rén huān zhè tài xiào liǎo duō rén bié shì sài wéi 'ěr jiā réndōu jué shòu dào liǎo xiū men méi xiǎng dào jìng rán shì bèi yāo qǐng lái chōng shù dehǎo xiàng yòng lái sài xiāng de tián chōng yàng。“ shì shí 'èr hái zhēn shì huì xuǎn !”
  “ guǒ wèi róng huí guò de huàjīn tiān shì chéng zhe tǒng táo dào cháng shàng jiā de jiá niàn dāng shí tài guò jǐn zhānggēn běn wàng liǎo dāng tiān shì de shēng shí zhǐ yòu shí suìshēng duì lái shuō méi shí me zhòng yào de guòdāng nián de yàn huì dǎo shì shí fēn de jīng cǎizhǐ shí zhèng hǎo zhòng gǎn mào yuán xiǎng shòu shí zhǐ néng shuō xiè diǎ’。 zhè qǐng róng qīng qīng chǔ chǔ de shuō wánduō xiè jiā lái dào zhè xiǎo yàn huì。” xià piàn jìng mendōu dān xīn 'ěr shàng huì kāi shǐ chàng huò shì yín shīwèishénme jiù néng gòu shàng zuǐràng jiā xiàng jìng jiǔ chū rén liào zhī wài de shì 'ěr bìng méi yòu chàng huò shì yín shī chén liǎo piàn
  “ sān diǎntóng shí shì zuì hòu diǎn,” shuō,“ zài yào zuò xuān 。” zàixuān zhè liǎng bié fàng yīn liànghái miǎnqiǎng bǎo chí qīng xǐng de rén men fēn fēn wéi zhī zhèn。“ hěn hàn zhè yàng zuò tóng zhī qián suǒ shuō guò de yàngzhè jīng cǎi de bǎi shí nián shí zài tài guò duǎn zàn liǎodàn gāi gào duàn luò liǎo yào zǒu liǎo huì dòng shēnyòu yuán zài jiàn!”
   tiào xià suí xiāo shī liǎo zhī cóng shénme fāng chuán lái zhèn qiáng guāngsuǒ yòu de bīn gǎn dào zhèn huàndāng men zhāng kāi yǎn jīng de shí hòu 'ěr jīng xiāo shī de yǐng zōng bǎi shí míng chī jīng de rén jiù zhè yàng zhāng kǒu jié shé de zuò zài wèi shàngào duō · ào jiǎo lǎo de tíng duǒ jiǎozài duǎn zàn de chén zhī hòusuǒ yòu de jīn jiā rén fēn jiā rén jiā rénliè jiǔ jiā rén luó jiā rén jiā rénbào jiā rénhuān jiā rénjiàn jiā rénchuī hào zhě jiā rén 'ào jiǎo jiā rén zài tóng shí jiān kāi shǐ xiǎo jiào
   jiādōu tóng zhè wán xiào shí zài méi yòu pǐn wèi rén mendōu yìng gāi zài xiē dōng chī chī tián diǎn lái xiāo xiāo jīng。“ fēng liǎo zǎo jiù gēn men shuō guò liǎo,” zhè huà duō bàn shì zài chángrén zuì cháng tīng dào de píng shǐ shì zuì mào xiǎn jīng shén de jiā rénzhǐ yòu wài jué 'ěr zhè de xíng jìng zhēn shì huāng tángzhè shí jiā hái tiān zhēn de wéi de shī zōng guò shì chǎng nào 'ér
   guòluó · liè jiǔ méi yòu zhè me què dìng shǐ nián hěn yòu zhuāng de tài mǎndàn zhè dōuméi yòu yǐng xiǎng dào de pàn duàn duì de 'ài shuō:“ qīn 'ài dezhè zhōng dìng yòu guǐ xiǎng nèi fēng kuáng dídí jīn xuè tǒng dìng yòu kāi shǐ zuò suì liǎozhè lǎo bèn dànguǎn de yòu méi shí dài zǒu!” shēng de jiào huàn luó duō zài gěi jiā dǎo bēi jiǔ
   luó duō shì xiàn chǎng wéi de rén zài 'ěr de kòngwèi bàng biān dāi liǎo bàn shǎngduì zhòng rén de píng lùn zhì zhì zhī shǐ zǎo jiù zhī dào zhè jiàn shì qíng hái shì jué zhè wán xiào mán hǎo wán dekàn jiàn rén men zhè me jīng huāng chàdiǎn rěn zhù xiào chū láidàn tóng shí jué shí fēn de 'ānzài shí cái shí dào yòu duō me jìng 'ài zhè míng zhǎngbèi duō shù de rén chī chī tǎo lùn 'ěr de guài xíng jìngdàn sài wéi 'ěr jiā rén què zǎo de kāi liǎo luó duō méi yòu shénme xīn qíng yǐn yàn xià lìng zài duō sòng shàng xiē jiǔ qiāoqiāo de jiāng bēi zhōng jiǔ yǎng 'ér jìnyáo zhù 'ěr shēn jiàn kāngjiē zhe shēng xiǎng de liù chū zhàng péng。  zhì 'ěr zhè jiā huǒ zǎo zài kǒu héng fēi de yǎn jiǎng shí jiù jīng kāi shǐ wán nòng zhe kǒu dài zhōng de jīn jiè zhǐzhè zhèng shì shōu cáng liǎo duō nián de jiè zhǐdāng tiào xià shí dài shàng zhè jiè zhǐcóng hòu tún de rén men jiù zài méi yòu jiàn guò 'ěr de shēn yǐng
   shēng de zǒu huí jiā mén kǒuliǎn shàng guà zhe wēi xiàojìng jìng de tīng zhe zhàng péng yàn huì chǎng suǒ chuán lái de xiào shēngrán hòu cái jìn jiā mén tuō xià liǎo wèile yàn huì 'ér chuān de yòng gān jìng de zhǐ zhāng jiāng huá de zhì wài tào zhé hǎobāo láirán hòu fēi kuài de huàn shàng tào jiù yāo jiān jìshàng tiáo yòng liǎo hǎo duō nián de dàishàng miàn guà zhe bǐng chā zài hēi qiào nèi de duǎn jiàn kāi chōng mǎn chóng wán wèi dào de shàng suǒ chōu chū jiàn lián mào de jiù dǒu péng 'ěr shōu cáng men de yàng fǎng zhè tào jià zhí lián chéngdàn shí shàngzhè tào zhǐ mǎn shì dīnglián yuán lái de yán tuì de kàn tài chū lái liǎobàng guān zhě zuì duō zhǐ néng cāi dào zhè jiàn yuán lái shì shēn dezhè tào duì lái shuō tài liǎo xiējiē zhe yòu zǒu jìn shū fángcóng bǎo xiǎn xiāng zhōng chū bèi jiù bāo zhe de bāo guǒ fèn miàn de chāo běn zhǎng de xìn fēng jiāng chāo běn bāo guǒ sài dào bàng biān kuài mǎn de dài miàn jiē zhe jiāng jīn jiè zhǐ lián zhe liàn fàng jìn xìn fēng nèishùn shǒu jiāng fēng kǒu nián liǎo láibìng qiě zài shōu jiàn rén de wèi zhì shàng xiě xià luó duō de míng kāi shǐ jiāng zhè xìn fēng fàng zài shàngsuí yòu jiāng sài huí kǒu dài shí mén liǎo kāi láigān dào miàn níng zhòng de zǒu jìn lái
  “ hǎo 'ā!” 'ěr shuō。“ hái zài xiǎng huì huì chū xiàn 。”
  “ zhēn qìng xìng xiàn zài méi yòu yǐn xíng,” shī huí dàobiān zài shàng zuò liǎo xià lái。“ xiǎng yào gēn shuō huàzhè yīnggāi jué qiēdōu wán quán 'àn zhào yuán xiān de jìhuà jìn xíng liǎo ?”
  “ shì deméi cuò,” 'ěr shuō。“ guò zhèn shǎn guāng dǎo zhēn shì chū rén liàolián wǒdōu xià liǎo tiàogèng bié shuō rén liǎo xiǎng zhè shì de shén lái ?”
  “ shì de zhè me duō nián láidōu cōng míng de yǐn cáng liǎo jiè zhǐ de rèn wéi yīnggāi gěi de rén xiē yóuràng men jiě shì xiāo shī de yuán yīn。”
  “ chàdiǎn jiù huài liǎo de shì zhè lǎo jiā huǒ hái zhēn shì duō shì,” 'ěr xiào dào,“ guò xiǎngxiàng wǎng cháng yàng yǒng yuǎn dōuzhī dào zhèng què de zuò 。”
  “ méi cuò shì zhǐ yòu zài zhī dào qiē xiàn suǒ de shí hòuduì zhè zhěng jiàn shì qíng jiù méi yòu me què dìng liǎoxiàn zài shì zuì hòu de guān jiàn de wán xiào kāi liǎoqīn máo liǎogèng ràng zhěng xià 'ěr yòu liǎo chá fàn hòu de huà hái yòu shénme yào zuò de ?”
  “ shì de hái yòu shì qíng yào zuò jué fàng jiǎfàng hěn cháng de jiǎ zhī qián gào guò zhè jiàn shì qínghuò shì yǒng yuǎn jié shù de cháng jiǎ xiǎng yīnggāi huì huí lái liǎoshì shí shàng běn lái suàn huí lái qiēdōu jīng 'ān pái hǎo liǎo。”
  “ lǎo liǎogān dào suī rán wài biǎo kàn lái míng xiǎndàn shì xīn miàn zhēn de kāi shǐ jué lěi liǎo men hái shuō yǎng shēng yòu dào lie!” xiè de shuō。“ āi jué hǎo xiàng yòu diǎn gān kuài bèi zhà gān de gǎn jué yīnggāi zhī dào shì shénme jiù xiàng zài miàn bāo shàng bèi de tài de nǎi yóu yàngzhè yàng duì gǎi biàn zhè yàng de shēng huó cái xíng。”
   gān dào hàoqí de dǎliang zhe 。“ méi cuòdíquè duì,” ruò yòu suǒ de shuō。“ zhēn de rèn wéi yuán lái de jìhuà shì zuì hǎo de。”
  “ shì 'āfǎn zhèng jīng xià dìng jué xīn xiǎng yào zài kàn kàn gāo shāngān dào zhēn zhèng xióng wěi de gāo shānrán hòu zhǎo xiū de fāng 'ān 'ān jìng jìng shì zhēng de zhù zài yòng chéng tiān qiān bǎi guài de qīn fǎng jiāo dàogǎo hǎo hái zhǎo dào ràng shū xiě wán de fāng jīng xiǎng dào liǎo hǎo jié :‘ cóng hòu jiù guò zhe xìng kuài de 。’”
   gān dào xiào liǎo。“ wàng néng zhè me xìng guò guǎn zhè běn shū zěn me jié shùdōubù huì yòu rén xiǎng kàn zhè běn shū de。”
  “ huì de men hòu jiù huì de luó duō jīng xiān liǎo fèn huì zhào luó duōduì ?”
  “ shì de huì de zhǐ yào yòu shí jiān jiù huì quán xīn zhào de。”
  “ dāng rán guǒ kāi kǒu dìng huì gēn zǒu deshì shí shàngzài yàn huì qián hái zhù dòng chū zhè yàng de yào qiúdàn shì bìng shì zhēn xīn deshí hòu hái méi dào xiǎng yào zài qián chóngxīn kàn kàn kāi kuò de píng yuánzhuàng de gāo shāndàn zhè nián 'ài de hái shì xià 'ěrzhè yòu zhe sēn línxiǎo cǎo yuán de fāng qiēdōu liú gěi liǎozhǐ yòu yàng xiǎo dōng wài 'ér wàng guàn liǎo zuò zhù zhī hòu néng gòu guò de kuài xiē dào liǎo gāi dāng jiā zuò zhù de shí hòu liǎo。”
  “ zhēn de qiēdōu liú gěi liǎo?” gān dào shuō。“ jiè zhǐ wài dāyìng deméi wàng 。”
  “ eshì 'ā xiǎng yīnggāi shì,” 'ěr jiēbā de shuō
  “ jiè zhǐ zài ?”
  “ guǒ jiān chí yào zhī dào de huà zài xìn fēng miàn,” 'ěr nài fán de shuō。“ jiù zài shàng duìzài kǒu dài !” chí liǎo。“ zhè zhēn guài!” yán dào。“ shì zhè yòu shénme duìfàng zài kǒu dài yòu shénme hǎo?”
   gān dào duì 'ěr tóu fēi cháng yán de yǎn guāngyǎn zhōng fǎng yòu guāng bèng shè。“ 'ěr jué ,” nài xīn de shuō,“ yīnggāi jiè zhǐ liú xià láinán dào xiǎng ?”
  “ xiǎng 'ā shì xiàn zài yòu xiǎng liǎo zǎi xiǎng liǎo xiǎngjué diǎn xiǎng yào sòng diào zhè jiè zhǐ míng bái wèishénme dìng yào zhè yàng zuòwèishénme yào sòng rén?” de zhōng yòu liǎo xiē de biàn huà de kǒu zhōng chōng mǎn liǎo huái nǎo 。“ měi zhí wèn yòu guān zhè méi jiè zhǐ de shì qíngdàn shì cóng lái guò wèn zài zhōng zhǎo dào de jiè zhǐ。”
  “ méi cuòdàn shì dìng wèn cái xíng,” gān dào shuō,“ xiǎng yào zhī dàozhè hěn zhòng yào jiè zhǐ jìngeshì yòu de dōng men hěn shǎoyòu tōng cháng huì yòu bié de lái yīnggāi zhè me shuō de zhuān lǐng zhī jiù shì yán jiū zhè lèi de jiè zhǐ guǒ xiǎng yào zài chū mào xiǎn néng huì qǐng tīng gèng duō de xiāo jué shōu cáng zhè méi jiè zhǐ de shí jiān tài jiǔ liǎo 'ěr chú fēi nòng cuò liǎo rán yīnggāi jīng yào zhè méi jiè zhǐ liǎo。”
   'ěr zhànghóng liǎo liǎnyǎn zhōng yòu zhe fèn de guāng máng 'ǎi de biǎo qíng biàn shí fēn juéjiàng。“ wèishénme?” hǎn。“ yào zěn me chǔlǐ de cái chǎn gānzhè shì deshì zhǎo dào deshì yuàn luò dào shǒu de。”
  “ shì 'ā shì 'ā,” gān dào shuō。“ méi yào dòng gān huǒ 。”
  “ jiù suàn zhēn de dòng liǎo gān huǒyědōu shì de cuò,” 'ěr shuō。“ jīng gào liǎozhè shì de jiè zhǐ de jiè zhǐshì de bǎo bèiméi cuòshì de bǎo bèi。”
   shī de biǎo qíng jiù shí fēn níng zhòngzhuān zhùzhǐ yòu yǎn zhōng wēi wēi shǎn dòng de guāng máng xiè lòu chū zhè zhēn de liǎo xīn。“ qián yòu rén zhè yàng chēng guò ,” shuō,“ dàn shì 。”
  “ xiàn zài zhè yàng shuō de shì yòu yòu shénme duì shǐ qián zhè yàng shuō guòzhè dōng xiàn zài shì de liǎozhè shì de jué yīnggāi liú xià lái。”
   gān dào zhàn liǎo lái yòng shí fēn yán de shuō:“ 'ěr zhè yàng zuò shì de zhì gāng gāng suǒ shuō de měi zhèng míng liǎo de guān diǎn jīng kòng zhì liǎo kuài fàng shǒuzhè yàng cái néng yóu zàiháo qiān guà de kāi。”
  “ xiǎng zěn me zuò jiù zěn me zuòài zěn me zǒu jiù zěn me zǒu,” 'ěr wán de jiān chí dào
  “ āāqīn 'ài de rén!” gān dào shuō。“ men jīng shì bèi de péng yǒu liǎo zhì shǎo qiàn zhè rén qíng yào chí zhào zhī qián dāyìng de zuòfàng xià jiè zhǐ!”
  “ hēng guǒ xiǎng yào zhè jiè zhǐjiù zhèng guāng míng de shuō chū lái!” 'ěr hǎn。“ huì ràng chěng de huì bǎo bèi sòng rénjué duì huì。” de shǒu huǎn huǎn xiàng yāo jiān de duǎn jiàn
   gān dào shuāng jīng guāng shǎn shuò。“ yào dòng ,” shuō。“ guǒ gǎn zài zhè yàng shuō jiù bié xuǎn liǎo jiāng huì kàn dào huī páo gān dào de zhēn miàn 。” cháo xiàng duì fāng zǒu liǎo shēn gāo rán jiān biàn shí fēn jīng rénxiǎo fáng jiān nèi bèi de yīn yǐng gěi wán quán lǒngzhào
   'ěr chuǎn de wǎng hòu tuìshǒu jiù jǐn zhuā zhe kǒu dài fàngliǎng rén duì zhì liǎo piàn fáng jiān zhōng de fēn biàn níng zhònggān dào de guāng jǐn dīng zhe duì fāng 'ěr de shǒu màn màn sōng liǎo kāi láikāi shǐ hún shēn dǎzhàn
  “ gān dào zhī dào shì zhōng liǎo shénme xié,” shuō。“ qián cóng lái méi yòu zhè yàng guòzhè dào shì zěn me huí shìzhè jiè zhǐ běn lái jiù gāi shì de 'āshì zhǎo dào de guǒ méi yòu shōu lái dìng huì shā diào de guǎn zěn me shuōwǒdōu shì xiǎo tōu。”
  “ méi shuō shì xiǎo tōu,” gān dào huí dào。“ shì xiǎo tōu shì yào qiǎng zǒu de dōng ér shì yào bāng zhù wàng néng gòu xiàng qián yàng xiāng xìn 。” zhuǎn guò shēnfáng zhōng de yīn yǐng shùn xiāo tuì yòu biàn chéng yuán lái chuānzhuó huī páo de lǎo rén liǎn yōu xīn chōng chōng de yàng
   'ěr shuāng shǒu bào tóu dào。“ duì ,” shuō。“ jué hàoqí guài shì guǒ yào zài dān xīn zhè jiè zhǐ dìng huì qīng sōng hěn duōzuì jìn mǎn nǎo dōushì yòu shí jué hǎo xiàng shì zhǐ yǎn jīng zhí tíng de kàn zhe zhī dào měi fēn měi miǎo xiǎng yào dài shàng biàn chéng yǐn xínghuò zhě shì dān xīn jiànshí shí tāo chū kǒu dài lái què rèn shì zhe suǒ zài guì shì xiàn méi bàn tiē shēn shōu zhe zhī dào wèishénme hǎo xiàng gēn běn méi bàn xià dìng jué xīn。”
  “ jiù qǐng xiāng xìn ,” gān dào shuō。“ jīng xià dìng liǎo jué xīnfàng xià jiè zhǐ kāi zhè yào zhí zhe zhè méi jiè zhǐ jiāo gěi luó duō huì zhào de。”
   jǐn zhāng de 'ěr yóu liǎo zhèn zuì hòu tàn liǎo kǒu 。“ hǎo ,” miǎn qiáng shuō。“ huì de。” rán hòu sǒng sǒng jiān chū hàn de xiào róng。“ jìng zhè cái shì shēng yàn huì zhēn zhèng de mùdìsòng chū duō duō de ràng shī de guò chéng biàn qīng sōng xiēsuī rán zuì hòu hái shì méi yòu ràng duō qīng sōngdàn zhè shí qián gōng jìn shì hěn chàdiǎn zhěng jīng xīn shè de wán xiào nòng liǎo。”
  “ zhè de què huì ràng yàn huì zhōng jué wéi yīchóng yào de shì qíng qián gōng jìn 。” gān dào shuō
  “ hǎo ,” 'ěr shuō dào,“ jiù sòng gěi luó duō。” shēn kǒu 。“ xiàn zài zhēn de zǒu liǎo rán jiù huì bèi rén xiàn jīng xiàng jiā dào bié liǎoyào zài shuō shí zài zuò dào。” bèi bēibāozǒu xiàng mén kǒu
  “ jiè zhǐ hái zài de kǒu dài ,” shī shuō
  “ zhēn de !” 'ěr hǎn。“ hái yòu de xìn jiàn de wén jiàn dōuzài zuì hǎo shōu xià mendài zhuǎn jiāozhè yàng jiào 'ān quán。”
  “ bié jiè zhǐ gěi ,” gān dào shuō。“ fàng zài shàngzài luó duō lái zhī qián jiù jīng gòu 'ān quán liǎo huì zài zhè biān děng 。”
   'ěr chū xìn fēngzhèng dāng zhǔn bèi jiāng fàng zài zhōng bàng biān shí de shǒu rán chōu liǎo huí láixìn fēng gēn zhe diào dào shàngzài lái jiǎn xìn fēng qián shī jiàn shàng qián xìn fēng fàng huí shàng rén de liǎn shàng zài lüè guò zhèn róng suí bèi xiào róng qīng sōng de biǎo qíng gěi dài liǎo
  “ jiù zhè yàng ,” shuō。“ gāi zǒu liǎo!”
   liǎng rén zǒu dào mén kǒu 'ěr cóng jià shàng xià zuì huān de guǎi zhàngchuī liǎo shēng kǒu shàosān míng 'ǎi rén cóng sān fáng jiān zhōng zǒu chū
  “ zhǔn bèi hǎo liǎo ?” 'ěr wèn。“ bāo hǎotiē shàng biāo qiān liǎo ?”
  “ dōuhǎo liǎo,” men huí
  “ hǎo jiù chū luó!” zhōng chū liǎo mén kǒu
   shí fēn de měi hēi de tiān kōng zhōng diǎn zhuì zhe míng liàng de xīng xīng tái tóuwén wén wǎn fēng de wèi dào。“ zhēn bàngnéng gòu zài chū mén 'ǎi rén xíng zhēn shì tài bàng liǎozhè cái shì zhè me duō nián lái zhí děng dài de huìzài jiàn!” kàn zhe lǎo jiāduì zhe mén qián gōng。“ zài huì liǎogān dào !”
  “ xiàn zài xiān shuō zài huì 'ěr hǎohǎo zhào jīng gòu lǎo liǎo wàng biàn jiào cōng míng !”
  “ hǎohǎo zhào zài bié dān xīn xiàn zài zhēn de hěn xīng fènzhè yàng jiù gòu liǎoshí hòu dào liǎo zhōng bèi mìng yùn tuī liǎo jiā mén,” chōng dàojiē zhe shēng zài hēi 'àn zhōng chàng liǎo lái
   cháng cháng
   cóng jiā mén shēn shēn
   méi zǒu yuǎn
   kuài gēn shàng
   kuài jiǎo páo 'ā páo
   páo dào chà shàng
   tōng yòu chuān liú yòu
   dào shí huì zěn yàng zěn huì zhī dào
   tíng liǎo xià lái chén liǎo piàn rán hòu de zhuǎn guò shēnjiāng zhàng péng yàn huì de dēng huǒ pāo zài nǎo hòuzǒu xiàng huā yuánsān míng huǒ bàn gēn zhe zǒu shàng xiǎo jìng tiào guò huā yuán jìn tóu duàn jiào 'ǎi de zǒu shàng liǎo cǎo yuánxiàng shì wǎn fēng yàng qīng róu de yuǎn liǎo zhōng 'ài de jiā yuán
   gān dào liú zài hēi 'àn zhōngjìng jìng de kàn zhe de shēn yǐng。“ zài huì liǎoqīn 'ài de 'ěr xià zài jiàn!” shēng shuōsuí zhuǎn shēn jìn liǎo
  ※ ※ ※
   luó duō hěn kuài jiù gēn zhe zǒu jìn xiàn gān dào zuò zài hēi 'àn zhōng chén 。“ zǒu liǎo ?” wèn
  “ shì de,” gān dào huí ,“ zhōng kāi liǎo。”
  “ dào jīn tiān bàng wǎn wéi zhǐ zhí wàng ··· zhí wéi zhè zhǐ shì wán xiào,” luó duō shuō。“ dàn shì nèi xīn zhī dào zhēn de xiǎng yào kāishì qíng yuè shì rèn zhēn yuè 'ài kāi wán xiào zhēn wàng néng gòu zǎo diǎn huí lái sòng zǒu。”
  “ xiǎng hái shì jiào huān qiāoqiāo de liù zǒu,” gān dào shuō。“ bié tài dān xīn xiàn zài huì yòu wēi xiǎn de liú liǎo bāo guǒ gěi jiù zài biān!”
   luó duō cóng shàng xià liǎo xìn fēngkàn liǎo kànquè méi yòu kāi
  “ xiǎng huì zài miàn zhǎo dào de ràng shū de wén jiàn,” shī shuō。“ xiàn zài shì dài dòng de zhù rén liǎoduì liǎo zài xìn fēng miàn yīnggāi hái huì zhǎo dào méi jīn jiè zhǐ。”
  “ jiè zhǐ!” luó duō chī jīng de shuō。“ liú gěi liǎo míng báisuàn liǎohuò jiāng lái huì yòu yòng 。”
  “ huò huì huò huì,” gān dào shuō。“ guǒ shì huì jìn néng yào pèng yào xiè hǎohǎo bǎo guǎn shuì jué liǎo。”
   shēn wéi dài dòng de zhù réntòng de luó duō bīn dào biéliú yán jīng chuán biàn liǎo quán chǎng luó duō zhǐ néng huí :“ míng tiān zǎo qiē huì bái。” zài bàn de shí hòu chē guò lái jiē sòng zhè xiē zhòng yào de rén chē liàng jiē liàng de kāizài mǎn liǎo mǎn měi shíquè hái shì dòu mǎn de rényuán dīng men guò lái zhěng chǎng tóng shí jiāng liú xià de lún chē tuī kāi
   zhōng tuì tài yáng jiē zhe shēng jiādōu de yòu diǎn wǎnchén guāng jiàn jiàn de xiāo shìgōng zuò rén yuán kāi shǐ jǐng rán yòu de chè chǎngbān zhuō zhàng péng tānɡ chídāo guō wǎn piáo pényóu dēng shèng de tián jiǔmiàn bāo xièwàng dài zǒu de bāo bāoshǒu tào shǒu méi chī wán de cài yáoshù liàng jiù shǎo liǎo hěn duō)。 rán hòu lái de shì qún méi shí me zhì de rén jīn jiā rén fēn jiā rén jiā rén jiā rén zhù zài jìn de bīn dào liǎo zhōng lián zuì tān shuì de réndōu jīng liǎo láidài dòng mén kǒu liǎo duī qǐng lái de rén guòzhè shì liào zhōng shì
   luó duō zhèng xiào zhe zhàn zài mén kǒuliǎn shàng chū juàn dān xīn de biǎo qíng huān yíng suǒ yòu de réndàn méi yòu shénme hǎo shuō de zhǐ yòu zhǒng huí :“ 'ěr · jīn xiān shēng jīng zǒu liǎojiù suǒ zhī yǒng yuǎn huì huí lái liǎo。” yòu xiē rén bèi yāo qǐng jìn yīn wéi 'ěr liú xià xiēkǒu xìnyào gěi men
   zài tīng miàn shì duī shān de bāo guǒ zhǒng yàng de jiā měi dōng shàng miàn dōuyòu biāo qiānyòu biāo qiān shì zhè yàng xiě de
   bǐng sǎn shàng biāo zhegěi 'ài · zhè shì gěi yòng de 'ěr shàng。” ài shùn shǒu zǒu liǎo hěn duō méi biāo qiān de sǎn
  “ gěi duǒ · jīn niàn nín xuě piàn bān de lái hánài de 'ěr shàng。” zhè biāo qiān tiē zài de fèi zhǐ lǒu shàngduǒ shì luó de shì 'ěr luó duō zài shì dezuì niánzhǎng de xìng qīn xiàn nián jiǔ shí jiǔ suìxiě xìn zhōng gào rén de zhè shì hǎo jīng chí liǎo bàn shì zhī jiǔ
  “ xiàn gěi luò · luó wàng néng gòu pài de shàng yòng chǎng · shàng。” zhè shì biāo míng zài zhī jīn guàn shuǐ shàng luò zuì wéi rén suǒ zhī de diǎn jiù shì cóng lái huí xìn
  “ sòng gěi 'ān jié 'ěr shū shū zèng。” zhè shì miàn yuán xíng de jìng shì jīn jiā de wǎn bèi xiàng jué cháng hěn měi
  “ sòng gěi guǒ · bào zhěng nín de shōu cáng pǐn míng zhī chí zhě shàng。” zhè shì kōng shū guì guǒ hěn 'ài jiè shūquè cháng cháng wàng huánshū zhè dàng shì
  “ sòng gěi luó bèi · sài wéi 'ěr jīn zhè shì !” de biāo qiān tiē zài xiāng yín tānɡ chí shàng 'ěr rèn wéi zài shàng chū xiǎn de shí hòu tōu zǒu liǎo hěn duō de tānɡ chíluó bèi zhī dàodāng kàn dào shí jiù míng bái liǎo de dàn zài shōu xià tānɡ chí shí hái shì méi yòu rèn de chí
shǒuyè>> >> 魔奇侠玄>> 约翰·罗纳德·瑞尔·托尔金 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien   英国 United Kingdom   温莎王朝   (1892年1月3日1973年9月2日)