Home>> Travel>> 外国经典>> Alexandre Dumas père   France   十九世纪的法国   (July 24, 1802 ADDecember 5, 1870 AD)
The Three Musketeers
  The Three Musketeers (French: Les Trois Mousquetaires) is a novel by Alexandre Dumas, père, first serialized in March–July 1844. Set in the 17th century, it recounts the adventures of a young man named d'Artagnan after he leaves home to become a guard of the musketeers. D'Artagnan is not one of the musketeers of the title; those are his friends Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, inseparable friends who live by the motto "all for one, one for all" ("tous pour un, un pour tous").
  The story of d'Artagnan is continued in Twenty Years After and The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later. Those three novels by Dumas are together known as the d'Artagnan Romances.
  The Three Musketeers was first published in serial form in the magazine Le Siècle between March and July 1844.
  In the very first sentences of his preface Alexandre Dumas indicated as his source Mémoires de Monsieur d'Artagnan, printed by Pierre Rouge in Amsterdam. It was in this book, he said, that d'Artagnan relates his first visit to M. de Tréville, captain of the Musketeers, where in the antechamber he met three young men with the names Athos, Porthos and Aramis. This information struck the imagination of Dumas so much—he tells us—that he continued his investigation and finally encountered once more the names of the three musketeers in a manuscript with the title Mémoire de M. le comte de la Fère, etc.. Elated—so continues his yarn—he asked permission to reprint the manuscript. Permission granted:
   "Well, it is the first part of this precious manuscript that we offer today to our readers, while giving it back its more convenient title and under the engagement to publish immediately the second part should this first part be successful. In the meantime, as the godfather is as good as a second father, we invite the reader to address himself to us, and not to the Comte de La Fère, about his pleasure or boredom. This being said, let's get on with our story."
  The book he referred to was Mémoires de M .d'Artagnan, capitaine lieutenant de la première compagnie des Mousquetaires du Roi (Memoirs of Mister d'Artagnan, Lieutenant Captain of the first company of the King's Musketeers) by Gatien de Courtilz de Sandras (Cologne, 1700). The book was borrowed from the Marseille public library, and the card-index remains to this day; Dumas kept the book when he went back to Paris.
  Attention to the extent of Dumas' preface is called for when compared with the recent analysis (2008) of the book's origin by Roger MacDonald in his The Man in the Iron Mask:The True Story of the Most Famous Prisoner in History and the Four Musketeers where the identity of the man in the iron mask is presented as real history.
  Following Dumas's lead in his preface, Eugène d'Auriac (de la Bibliothèque Royale) in 1847 was able to write the biography of d'Artagnan: d'Artagnan, Capitaine-Lieutenant des Mousquetaires – Sa vie aventureuse – Ses duels – etc. based on Courtilz de Sandras. This work and especially its introduction with reference to the preface is uncited by MacDonald.
  Plot summary
  Plot brief
  The poor d'Artagnan travels to Paris to join the Musketeers. He suffers misadventure and is challenged to a duel by each of three musketeers (Athos, Aramis and Porthos). Attacked by the Cardinal's guards, the four unite and escape.
  D'Artagnan and his new love interest, Constance, help the French queen give a particular piece of jewellery to her paramour, the Duke of Buckingham. The Cardinal learns of this and coaxes the French king to hold a ball where the queen must wear the jewellery; its absence will reveal her infidelity. The four companions retrieve the jewellery from England.
  The Cardinal kidnaps Constance who is later rescued by the queen. D'Artagnan meets Milady de Winter and discovers she is a felon, the ex-wife of Athos and the widow of Count de Winter. The Cardinal recruits Milady to kill Buckingham, also granting her a hand-written pardon for the future killing of d'Artagnan. Athos learns of this, takes the pardon but is unable to warn Buckingham. He sends word to Lord de Winter that Milady is arriving; Lord de Winter arrests her on suspicion of killing Count de Winter, his brother.
  She seduces her guard and escapes to the monastery in France where the queen secreted Constance. Milady kills Constance. The four companions arrive and Athos identifies her as a multiple murderess. She is tried and beheaded.
  On the road, d'Artagnan is arrested. Taken before the Cardinal, d'Artagnan relates recent events and reveals the Cardinal’s pardon. Impressed, the Cardinal offers him a blank musketeer officer's commission. D’Artagnan’s friends refuse the commission, each retiring to a new life, telling him to take it himself.
  Detailed plot summary
  The main character, d'Artagnan, born into an impoverished noble family of Gascony, leaves home for Paris to fulfill his greatest dream: becoming a Musketeer of the Guard. Fortunately his father knows Monsieur De Treville, Captain of the Company of Musketeers (and fellow Gascon) and has written a letter of introduction. On the road to Paris, the young Gascon soon gets in a quarrel with a mysterious gentleman and is set upon by the servants of the nearby inn. When d'Artagnan regains consciousness he realizes that the gentleman has stolen his letter of introduction. The innkeeper manages to get his hands on much of d'Artagnan's limited money as he recuperates.
  In Paris d'Artagnan goes straight to M. De Treville's hôtel, but lacking his father's letter is received somewhat coolly. In a series of incidents at the hôtel, d'Artagnan is challenged to duels by three musketeers: Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. The four men meet and d'Artagnan begins to fight Athos (the first challenger). They are interrupted by Cardinal Richelieu's guards who threaten to arrest them because duels are forbidden by royal decree. The three musketeers and d'Artagnan unite to defeat the cardinal's guards. In this manner the young Gascon earns the respect and friendship of Athos, Porthos and Aramis and soon becomes a soldier in a regiment of the Royal Guard.
  After obtaining lodging and hiring a servant (Planchet), he meets his aging landlord's pretty young wife, Constance Bonacieux, with whom he falls instantly in love. Constance and d'Artagnan help the Queen Consort of France, Anne of Austria, and the Duke of Buckingham have a rendezvous and the Queen presents her lover with a wooden box containing a set of diamond jewels originally given to her by her husband Louis XIII. Cardinal Richelieu, informed by his spies of the gift, persuades the King to invite the Queen to a ball where she would be expected to wear the diamonds; in hopes of uncovering her love affair.
  Constance attempts to get her husband to go to London and retrieve the diamonds, but he has been recruited as an agent by the cardinal and refuses. D'Artagnan and his friends are convinced to take on the mission instead. After a series of adventures, they retrieve the jewels and return them to Queen Anne, just in time to save her façade of honour. Athos, Porthos and Aramis are all badly wounded by the cardinal's agents in this endeavor.
  The cardinal's revenge comes swiftly: the next evening, Constance is kidnapped. D'Artagnan brings his friends back to Paris and tries to find her, but fails. Meanwhile, he befriends the Lord de Winter, an English nobleman who introduces him to his sister-in-law, Milady de Winter. D'Artagnan quickly develops a crush on the pretty noblewoman, but soon learns that she has no love for him, being an agent for the cardinal. He manages to sleep with her and learns that Milady has a fleur-de-lis burned into her shoulder, marking her as a felon. She had apparently been married to both Athos and the Count de Winter at different times in her wicked life and was livid that the young musketeer knew her secret. D'Artagnan is able to escape her home but is relieved when all the King's guards are ordered to La Rochelle where a siege of the Protestant-held town is taking place.
  Milady makes several attempts to kill d'Artagnan in and around La Rochelle, but fails. At the same time, d'Artagnan finds out that the Queen has managed to save Constance from the prison where the cardinal and Milady had thrown her and that his beloved is now hidden somewhere safe.
  The Musketeers stake out the inn and overhear a conversation between the cardinal and Milady, during which the cardinal asks her to assassinate the Duke of Buckingham (a supporter of the Protestant Rochellais rebels). The churchman then writes out a blanket pardon to Milady, effectively giving her permission to kill d'Artagnan. Athos quickly confronts his former wife and forces her to relinquish the cardinal's pardon. Because of the war between France and England, any attempt by the musketeers to warn the Duke of Buckingham about Milady would be considered treason, but they are able to send Planchet with a letter to Milady's brother-in-law (Lord de Winter) who suspects Milady killed his brother.
  Milady is imprisoned on arrival in England, but soon seduces her hard-hearted Puritan jailer Felton and convinces him not only to help her escape, but also to assassinate the Duke of Buckingham. While the naive Felton shanks the prime minister, Milady sails to France. Milady sends a message to the cardinal and hides in the same North French monastery where Constance had been sent by the Queen. The trusting Constance bares her soul to Milady and the evil woman realizes that her enemy d'Artagnan is expected to arrive at the monastery at any moment. She escapes just before his arrival, but not before taking her revenge: she poisons Constance who dies minutes later in the arms of her beloved d'Artagnan.
  They arrange to track down the whereabouts of Milady to exact punishment, joined by the Lord de Winter. The noblemen find her and try the countess on numerous charges: the poisoning of Madame Bonacieux; the assassination attempts on d'Artagnan; accomplice to the assassination of the Duke of Buckingham; the corruption of the Lord de Winter's servant, Felton; and the assassination of her late husband, Count de Winter. The most damning charge comes when Athos states that Milady, his wife, is a marked criminal with a brand on her shoulder. When the countess demands that Athos present the one who branded her, a man in a red cloak steps forward. She immediately recognizes him as the executioner of Lille and he recounts Milady's early misdeeds that led to the brand.
  After Milady is beheaded the musketeers return to La Rochelle. On their way they encounter the Count of Rochefort, who was traveling to Milady to pay her. Rochefort also has an order to arrest d'Artagnan. He decides to postpone his trip to Milady in order to take d'Artagnan directly to the cardinal. When the young Gascon is presented before him the entire story about Milady's assassination attempts, her poisoning of Madame Bonacieux, etc. is told. The cardinal states that if Milady is indeed guilty, the courts will deal harshly with her. D'Artagnan frankly admits that he and his friends have already dealt with this evil woman. He then presents Richelieu with the blanket pardon written in the cardinal's own hand. The cardinal, impressed by d'Artagnan's resourcefulness and having already gotten what he wanted from Milady, offers the young man a lieutenant's commission with the musketeers — with the name left blank. The cardinal then presents Rochefort and asks both men to be on good terms.
  The book ends with d'Artagnan offering the officer's commission to each of his friends, but he is told that he should insert his own name. Athos intends to retire to his estates, Porthos has decided to marry the widow of a rich lawyer and Aramis will soon fulfill his dream of entering the priesthood. Their lives will cross again, in Twenty Years After.
  Important characters
   * Athos
   * Porthos
   * Aramis
  D'Artagnan was not one of the titular "three musketeers." The novel recounts his becoming a musketeer.
  Musketeers' servants
   * Planchet (d'Artagnan) – A clever fellow whom Porthos found to serve d'Artagnan.
   * Grimaud (Athos) – A Breton, trained to speak only in emergencies and mostly communicates through sign language.
   * Mousqueton (Porthos) – A would-be dandy, just as vain as his master, whose only pay is his master's old clothes
   * Bazin (Aramis) – Waits for the day his master will join the church, as Bazin has always dreamed to serve a priest.
   * Milady de Winter
   * Cardinal Richelieu
   * Comte de Rochefort
   * Louis XIII of France
   * M. de Tréville
   * Constance Bonacieux
   * Monsieur Bonacieux
   * Queen Anne of Austria
   * George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham
  Les Trois Mousquetaires was translated into three English versions by 1846. One of these, by William Barrow, is still in print and fairly faithful to the original, available in the Oxford World's Classics 1999 edition. However, all of the explicit and many of the implicit references to sexuality had been removed to conform to 19th-century English standards, thereby making the scenes between d'Artagnan and Milady, for example, confusing and strange. The most recent and now standard English translation is by Richard Pevear (2006), who in his introduction notes that most of the modern translations available today are "textbook examples of bad translation practices" which "give their readers an extremely distorted notion of Dumas' writing."
  Musical theatre
  The Three Musketeers is a musical with a book by William Anthony McGuire, lyrics by Clifford Grey and P. G. Wodehouse, and music by Rudolf Friml. The original 1928 production ran on Broadway for 318 performances. A 1984 revival ran for 15 previews and 9 performances. In 2003 a Dutch musical 3 Musketiers premiered, which went on to open in Germany (both the Dutch and German production starring Pia Douwes as Milady De Winter) and Hungary. Composer George Stiles, lyricist Paul Leigh and playwright Peter Raby have produced another version (under the title The 3 Musketeers, One Musical For All), which opened at the American Musical Theatre of San José on 10 March 2001.
  See The Three Musketeers (film) for a list of film adaptations.
  1995 saw the release by publisher U.S. Gold of Touché: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer by video game developers Clipper Software, a classic point-and-click adventure game using the SCUMM engine.
  In 2005, Swedish developer Legendo Entertainment published the side-scrolling platform game The Three Musketeers for Windows XP and Windows Vista. In July 2009, a version of the game was released for WiiWare in North America and Europe under the title The Three Musketeers: One for All!.
  In 2009, Canadian developer Dingo Games self-published The Three Musketeers: The Game for Windows and Mac OS X. It is the first game to be truly based on the novel (in that it closely follows the novel's story).
  2009 also saw the publication of the asymmetric team board game The Three Musketeers "The Queen's Pendants" (Настольная игра «Три мушкетера») from French designer Pascal Bernard by the Russian publisher Zvezda.
   * Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds is an anthropomorphic animated series adaptation
   * Albert the Fifth Musketeer, animated series which is a sequel to the novel
   * Young Blades, television series which is a sequel to the novels, centered on the son of d'Artagnan
   * Three Musketeers is an anime series adaption
   * The Three Musketeers, an animated adaption that aired as part of Hanna-Barbera's "The Banana Splits Comedy-Adventure Hour" & "The Banana Splits & Friends" show.
  Influence on later works
  In 1939, American author Tiffany Thayer published a book entitled Three Musketeers (Thayer, 1939). This is a re-telling of the story in Thayer's words, true to the original plot but told in a different order and with different points of view and emphasis from the original. For example, the book opens with the scene of Milady's youth and how she came to be branded, and more development of her early character, making her later scheming more believable and understandable. Thayer's treatment of sex and sexual politics is more explicit than typical English translations of the original, occasionally leading to consternation when this book found its way to library children's sections and school libraries.
原 序
  将近一年前,我为了纂修路易十四史,去王室图书馆搜集资料,偶然见到一本题为《达 达尼昂回忆录》的书。这本书是在阿姆斯特丹灯石书社排印的。当年法国的作家若想讲真 话,而又不去巴士底狱或长或短地呆一段时间,大多数都把自己的作品送到荷兰京城去出 版。我被这本书的题目吸引住了,便把它带回家,贪婪地读了一遍,当然是得到馆长先生许 可的。
   我无意在这里对这部奇书进行剖析,而把这个工作留给我那些爱好时代画卷的读者去 做。他们从这部书里,将看到堪称大手笔描纂的人物肖像;这些人物肖像虽然往往画在军营 的门上或小酒店的墙上,但读者从中还是可以认出一些与昂克蒂尔①先生的历史著作中同样 逼真的人物,诸如路易十三、安娜·奥地利、黎塞留、马萨林以及当时大多数廷臣的形象。 ①法国十八世纪的一位历史学家。
   不过,正如大家知道的,能够在作家变幻莫测的头脑里产生强烈印象的东西,并不总是 能给广大读者留下深刻印象。然而,当我们像其他人可能会欣赏的那样去欣赏我们提到的细 节时,我们最关心的无疑是在我们之前谁也不曾留心过的事情。
   达达尼昂记述,他头一次谒见国王火枪队的队长特雷维尔先生,请求接受他加入这支久 负盛名的火枪队时,在候见室里见到三个年轻人。他们都是该队的火枪手,分别姓阿托斯、 波托斯和阿拉米斯。
   说实话,一看到这三个陌生的姓氏,我们都感到奇怪,立刻想到它们都是化名。倘若不 是那三个化名者由于心血来潮,心情不好,或时运不佳,才在穿上朴素的火枪队队服那天自 己选择的,那就是达达尼昂借以隐匿了几个很有名望的姓氏。
   这三个不寻常的姓氏引起了我们强烈的好奇。从那时起,我们便不停地从今人的著作中 去寻找它们的踪迹。
   我们仅仅为达到这个目的而查阅的书目,就足可刊载整整一个专栏。这书目也许可以使 人增长见识,但对我们的读者来讲,肯定索然寡味。所以我们满意地告诉他们:在我们经过 大量徒劳无益的研究,已经灰心丧气,准备放弃这个工作时,却在著名而博学的朋友保 兰·巴黎①的指点下,终于发现了一部对开本的手稿,其编号是四七七二还是四七七三我们 记不清了,题目是: ①保兰·巴黎(一八○○——一八八一),王室图书馆馆长,法兰西学院教授,中世纪文学专家。
译 序
  公元十九世纪一百年间,南濒地中海,西临大西洋,幅员只有五十多万平方公里的那块 六角形的土地,曾哺育过许多世界级的文人墨客,为人类文化宝库留下了许多不朽的佳作。 直至今日,不论在西方还是在东方,不论在外国还是在中国,稍有文学素养者,无一不知被 誉为文学之父的雨果,批判现实主义文学大师巴尔扎克,被冠以小说之王的莫泊桑,自然主 义创作大师左拉,被称为法国近代散文典范的福楼拜,作品充满生命的活力与永恒朝气的司 汤达,素有“想象与真实的奇特调和师”的都德,少有的浪漫文学才女乔治·桑,以及被公 认的世界科幻小说之父凡尔纳。十九世纪的法国文坛,真可谓名流荟萃,文豪云集,可堪独 领世界文学一代之风骚。但人们绝不会忘记,在那璀璨的群星之中,有一颗耀眼的明星,那 就是以通俗历史小说独占鳌头的大仲马。《三剑客》就是他最优秀最著名的代表作之一。
   《三剑客》是以法国国王路易十三和手握重兵、权倾朝野的首相黎塞留红衣主教的矛盾 为背景,穿插群臣派系的明争暗斗,围绕宫廷里的秘史轶闻,展开了极饶趣味的故事。书中 的主人公少年勇士达达尼昂,怀揣其父留给他的十五个埃居,骑一匹长毛瘦马,告别及亲, 远赴巴黎,希望在同乡父执的特雷维尔为队长的国王火枪队里当一名火枪手。在队长府上, 他遇上阿托斯,波托斯和阿拉米斯三个火枪手,通过欧洲骑士风行的决斗,四人结成生死与 共的知己。
   其时,国王路易十三,王后安娜·奥地利,以及首相黎塞留三分国权,彼此有隙。国王 对达达尼昂几次打败首相部下暗自褒奖,而首相却怀恨在心。恰逢安娜·奥地利王后的旧时 情人英国白金汉公爵对她情丝未断,王后便以金刚钻坠相赠以表怀念。主教遂利用契机构 陷,向国王屡进谗言,要国王派人组织宫廷舞会,让王后配带国王送给她的那条金刚钻坠以 正虚实。王后眼见舞会日期逼近,惶然无计,幸得心腹侍女波那瑟献计设法,请达达尼昂帮 忙相助。达达尼昂对波那瑟一见钟情,颇相见恨晚,便不顾个人安危,满口答应,在三个朋 友的全力支持下,四人分头赴英。经过一路曲折离奇的磨难,唯有达达尼昂如期抵达,向白 金汉说明原委,及时索回金刚钻坠,解救了王后的燃眉之急,粉碎了红衣主教的阴谋诡计。
   红衣主教黎塞留对安娜·奥地利也早已有意,但一直未获王后垂青。于是他妒火中烧, 移恨于情敌白金汉公爵,利用新旧教徒的矛盾引发的法英战争,妄图除掉白金汉以解心头之 恨。为达此目的,他网罗一批心腹党羽,其中最得力的亲信便是佳丽米拉迪。此女天生丽 质,艳若桃李,但却两面三刀,口蜜腹剑,心狠手辣,毒如蛇蝎。达达尼昂为其美貌所动, 巧构计谋,潜入内室,诱她失身。就在云雨交欢之中,达达尼昂偶然发现米拉迪肩烙一朵百 合花,那是当时欧洲女子犯罪的耻辱刑迹。隐藏数年的这个机密的暴露,使她对达达尼昂恨 之入骨,不共戴天,几次设陷阱暗害,但均未成功。
   在以围困拉罗舍尔城为战事焦点的法英对垒中,黎塞留和白金汉各为两国披挂上阵的主 帅。黎塞留暗派米拉迪赴英卧底,乘机行刺白金汉;米拉迪提出以杀死达达尼昂为交换条 件。她一踏上英国的土地,即被预先得到达达尼昂通知的温特勋爵抓获,遂遭其软禁。囚禁 中,她极尽卖弄风骚和花言巧语之能事,了温特勋爵的心腹看守费尔顿,后者自告奋勇 救米拉迪出获,并侥幸刺死了白金汉。米拉迪在归法途中,巧进修道院,找到了受王后派人 庇护的达达尼昂的情妇波那瑟,将她毒死。达达尼昂、阿托斯、波托斯、阿拉米斯四位朋友 昼夜兼程,苦苦追踪,会同温特勋爵和一名刽子手,终于在利斯河畔抓到企图潜逃比利时的 米拉迪。六位仇人齐讨共诛,揭开了米拉迪的老底:原来她早已遁入空门,但她不甘青春寂 寞,了一个小教士与其同居。因败坏教门清规,教士身陷囹圄,她也被刽子手——小教 士的胞兄烙下了一朵百合花。教士越狱逃跑,携带米拉迪私奔他乡,刽子手因受株连入狱, 替弟顶罪。在异乡,米拉迪嫌贫爱富,又抛弃了小教士,和当地一位少年拉费尔伯爵结婚, 弄得后者倾家荡产又弃他而去。拉费尔伯爵恨之切切,便化名阿托斯投军,进了国王火枪 队,以慰失恋受骗之苦。米拉迪逃到英国,骗取温特勋爵伯兄之爱成婚,并生有一子。但为 了独占丈夫及兄弟之遗产,她又谋害了第二个丈夫。她罪恶累累,人怨,当即在利斯河 畔被杀正法。至此,达达尼昂、阿托斯、波托斯、阿拉米斯、温特勋爵和刽子手各自都报仇 雪恨,了却夙愿。
   黎塞留得知心腹米拉迪遇害一事中,达达尼昂是主谋,便命亲信罗什福尔将他捉拿。达 达尼昂不卑不亢,坦言相陈,明示原委。黎塞留见他视死如归,义勇无双,少年有为,深为 感动,非但不加罪行诛,反而擢升其火枪队副官。阿托斯、波托斯、阿拉米斯三人或归乡 里,或娶孀妇,或皈教门,萍飘絮飞,全书就此结局。
   怎样恰如其分地去评价《三剑客》这部大仲马的代表作,就像怎样恰如其分地去评价大 仲马本人一样,很难绝对公允的。一百多年来,世人对这部作品贬褒不一,仁者见仁,智者 见智,各执一词,莫衷一是。但正如大仲马本人一生多彩多姿、逸趣横生一样,他的这部代 表作也是多彩多姿,逸趣横生。这一评价是举世公认的。
   有人说,大仲马的作品是小说化的历史,也有人说是历史化的小说。还有些评论家说大 仲马不过是将史实化为衬底的色布,要把他的幻想绣上去,于是有时漏了光,就映出了历史 底色的纹痕来。其实,不管是小说化的历史,还是历史化的小说,也不管绣上幻想的衬布是 否漏光,这都不是评论这部作品的本质,就如文人墨客中,有的专长言情小说,有的谙熟人 物传记,有的精于随笔散文一样,大仲马则拿手通俗历史小说,并且在通俗历史小说这块园 地里,无论是过去还是现在,无论在法国还是在全世界,无论在数量上或是质量上,他无疑 是首屈一指且又无人与之匹敌的高手。这一评价也是举世公认的。
   有些作品被推向社会,只不过是有文字记载的过眼云烟,在人们的心目中没有留下一丝 回味的痕迹,时隔不久,便被抛进历史的垃圾或被打进历史的冷宫。而大仲马的《三剑客》 和他的另一部世界名著《山伯爵》一样,已被世界各国译成多种文字。一个多世纪以 来,尽管人事沧桑,星移斗转,该书始终风靡于世,烩炙人口,一直久畅不衰,成了一部受 世人推崇的世界文学名著。这就说明,这部著作成功地经受了社会的检验,得到了包括法国 在内的世界读者的一致认可,经受了历史的检验。这个评价又是举世公认的。大仲马生活的 年代,正是法国保皇派和共和派激烈斗争的多事之秋,他在上倾向资产阶级,主张共 和,反对查理十世,反对波旁王朝的复辟。反映这种思想倾向的他的第一部浪漫戏剧《亨利 三世及其宫廷》,在《三剑客》问世十多年前就已大获成功。一八二八年二月十一日第一次 公演时,共和派和保皇派均有人出席,剧场坐无虚席,雨果和奥尔良公爵夫妇也光临观赏, 结果在共和派获得压倒性胜利的气氛中降下了帷幕。因此,大仲马主张共和这种基本的进步 倾向,不能不在他以后的创作中反映出来,不能不成为他策划通俗历史小说的基本格 调,当然也不能不是贯串《三剑客》的一根思想主线。
   至于艺术成就,毋庸置疑,大仲马不啻是一位编织故事的能手,不愧是一位高超的语言 艺术大师。和《山伯爵》一样,《三剑客》充分显示了大仲马想象思维的超凡脱俗,构 织故事情节独具匠心,刻划人物别具特色。他用生花的妙笔将主人公达达尼昂和另三个伙伴 的各自性格勾画得栩栩如生,跃然纸上,呼之欲出:达达尼昂初出茅庐,风流倜傥,果敢机 智,对朋友侠肝义胆,对爱情执着追求,对敌人嫉恶如仇;阿托斯平素少言寡语,出口一言 九鼎,遇事沉着冷静,处世稳重老练,关键时刻,他是主事的灵魂和统帅;波托斯头脑简 单,胸无城府,大胆鲁莽,贪钱爱财;阿拉米斯则是足智多谋,才思敏捷,温文雅儒,风度 翩翩,关键时刻,他是主事的参谋和智囊。更值得一提的是,作者对上述人物性格的勾勒, 经常将其置于各种不同的决斗场景,使他们那具有中世纪史诗中骑士剑客的传奇色彩表现得 更加丰满,因为当时法国及欧洲的绅士阶层,决斗是司空见惯的。大仲马的一生就有过十三 次决斗。早在四岁那年,刚办完父亲的丧事第二天,大仲马就抱起两支大枪,悄悄爬上楼 顶,要同上帝一决高低。当他母亲责骂时他回答说:“我要到天国去,我要和上帝决斗,要 把上帝干掉……因为上帝杀死了我爸爸!”
   大仲马对红衣主教黎塞留和其亲信米拉迪的着笔更是出神入化:前者那不可一世,呼风 唤雨的嚣张,对国王表面遵从而内心鄙夷的骄横,策划围困拉罗舍尔城的老谋深算,处理人 际政务的通权应变,被描绘得淋漓尽致;后者外表的天姿国色,内里蛇蝎心肠更是被刻划得 入木三分。连续五章囚禁场面的铺陈,将米拉迪时而像温柔的天使,时而像凶恶的魔鬼,时 而口若悬河,才气横溢,时而凶像毕露,暗藏杀机,最后把狱吏清教徒勾引得神魂颠倒,终 于入其彀中的内心世界描写得令人叫绝。
   但是,一部再好的作品,都不可能十全十美。《三剑客》也不例外。一部文学作品不管 属哪流派,采用何种体裁,是言情小说也好,是通俗历史小说也罢,其作者都是用他采撷的 素材,调动全方位的思维灵感,驾着想象的翅膀,去编织理想的故事情节,安排一个个典型 的人物,运用最富表现力的语言,力求吸引读者的情趣,攫取读者的心灵,以期传递他的思 想,引起社会共鸣。不管大仲马本人主观臆想如何,也不管他怎样标榜“我在文学上不承认 什么体系,也不属于什么流派,更不树什么旗帜,娱乐和趣味是唯一的原则”,但他的作品 从问世那一天起,就载着某种不以他意志为转移的影响走向社会,走向人间,走进读者 的心灵,因为任何一个故事的构筑,任何情节的编织,任何一种写作技巧或塑造人物手段的 运用,都只不过是粘附于整个作品的统一载体,综合地去揭露某种社会矛盾,阐述某种社会 现象,反映某个社会截面的。从这个重要角度去剖析《三剑客》的社会价值,同雨果的《悲 惨世界》或司汤达的《红与黑》相比,无论在故事的典型性和深刻性,还是在人物刻划的表 现力与感受力,都明显相形见绌,因为大仲马虽然写到了黎塞留和国王的矛盾,新旧教徒的 冲突,英法两国的交战,都只是蜻蜓点水,浮光掠影,没有深刻揭露社会冲突的本质,没有 剖析阶级矛盾的内核,没有披露各派力量是哪一个阶级利益的代表,也没有正本清源以 还历史的本来面貌,作者只是将角色的安排人为地依想象去适应小说内容的需要,所以整部 小说虽有一点点史实为依据,但反映的只是支离破碎甚至有的是有悖历史真实的史实。这就 是《三剑客》的欠缺一面。
   大仲马是法国乃至世界文坛上少有的多产作家。从他以《亨利三世及其宫廷》开试笔锋 到他六十八岁魂归天国近四十年的创作生涯中,他的作品多得惊人,光是小说就有二百五十 卷以上,其它还有不知其数的戏剧,动物文学,儿童文学,随笔等,全部作品多达二百八十 余卷,最后还写了一部《烹饪大全》。正因为他的作品林林总总,才引起不少人对他的猜疑 和非难。在历史上,很少有哪位作家像大仲马那样受到过那么多的批评和遣责。有的说:大 仲马常常收买无名作家的作品,然后在上面签下他的姓名;有的说:大仲马只是雇用能完全 模仿他笔迹的人做他的秘书。还有的说:大仲马是如何创作的呢?很简单,他既抢又盗,他 用不着拿笔,只用一把剪刀就够了。总之,用大仲马自己的话说:“要是我把扔到我身上的 石头全都收集起来,足可建造一座最大的文学家纪念碑。”他对各种指责和批评是这样回答 的:“在广袤的文学领域里,在有关人类行为方面,不可能存在史无前例之事。作品中的人 物被置于类似的境遇中,以同样的方法行动,以同样的话语自我表现,是常见的事”;“我 获取别人的东西不是偷窃,而是征服,是合并。”然而尽管大仲马对那些刻薄的甚至是有损 人格的指责和批评不屑一顾,但总是给他带来至今都难以洗涮的污点。不过历史是公正的。 美国优秀的传记作家盖·恩度从许多史实和从许多角度探索,还原了这位常被误解的大作家 的真貌:“大部分人不知道如何打发他们的人生,相比之下,这个世上有个人却以十倍于常 人的精力活着,这个人就是《三剑客》和《山伯爵》的作者大仲马。说他是吹牛专家也 好,剽窃者也好,请人捉刀代笔也罢……但这一切恰恰可以证明,他是一位无与伦比的精力 旺盛的伟人。”至于大仲马的为人,文学之父维克多·雨果对他作了最中肯最感人的评价: “他的为人像夏日的雷雨那样爽快,他是个讨人喜爱的人。他是密云,他是雷鸣,他是闪 电,但他从未伤害过任何人。谁都知道,他待人温和,为人宽厚,就像大旱中的甘霖。”这 个评价也许能廓清对他的许多误解,也许能告慰他的在天之灵。
Home>> Travel>> 外国经典>> Alexandre Dumas père   France   十九世纪的法国   (July 24, 1802 ADDecember 5, 1870 AD)