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-秋興八首- (中英對照)

注册时间: 2009-05-05
帖子: 813
来自: US/HK
帖子发表于: 2010-05-20 02:50:22    发表主题: -秋興八首- (中英對照) 引用并回复


Original free verse - autumn-8 paces.

(其一) (First)
廿載卜居舊金山 Twenty years lived near San Francisco
新風舊夢兩相煎 The new wind and dream two other fried
退休亂撞入詩壇 Retirement wondering to enter a poem land.
恨未盡學土豆詩 Poems of potatoes poetry hate not yet learned.
筆落難成好詩句 Use my pen I tried to write a good poem
睜眼遙望黑夜天 Yao Wang darkness eyes open days
點點金光散滿地 Montreal little gold powder
獨索詩章苦思吟 Chapter pondering poetry alone cable-yin

(其二) (Second)
港府香城夕陽斜 Government-City sunset ramps
依稀北斗望中華 Look vaguely Chinese Beidou star.
忽感狐單友離去 Sudden sense of the Friends of left
生命虛渡八月飛 August-crossing virtual life
無力匡扶功名薄 Watching sons success more thoughts
看着電芒多思緒 Piedmont night no one will
誰看漆黑東方月 Who do the dark on the east
未見舊居紫荊花 I haven’t seen my home in the bauhinia flower

(其三) (Third)
百萬港民互爭暉 Millions Hong Kong and China compete honor
日日驅車灣區遊 I drive on the Bay Area
祈望孩兒業有成 Hoping to pray for sons’ success
初秋雀兒分地飛 Early autumn Building Members present-Chelsea
無力匡扶功名薄 Inability to help with fame and right is thin
前人傳經心願違 The aspiration of breaching their predecessors -
同事青年皆高位 Members of youth are high
金山單騎馬兒肥 Singly ride in S.F.my horse manure

(其四) (Fourth)
欣聞京奧多金牌 Beijing welcomed Austrian more gold medals
百年喜事不覺悲 100 years joyous event unknowingly sad
主席總理忙修政 The President's busy repair laws
樓房經濟最低迷 Building the economic downturn
齊闖世紀新趨勢 Chuang-century and the new trend
東征西望美經濟 To west and east research U.S. economy
龍馬靜待秋月冷 Weak horses wait in the Autumn moon cold
舊居父亡夜神憊 I feel night mare sleepily tired because of my Father dead.

(其五) (Fifth)

月殿宫闕對華山 Hall of the Mountain Gangue
寒露花徑宇宙間 Cold Dew flower paths in the universe

東望京都祝奧捷 Orient look fixed-tail Celebration Party
吹移皇氣逹西方 Winds shifting Wong to-Western

雲動奧尾慶功宴 Olympia fixed-tail Celebration Party

朝來英雄認眾頻 Late days visit us recognize the public-hero

錯過香江年歲晚 This missed Hong Kong late seems an age
下次奧運四年還 The next Olympic Games four years back

(其六) (Sixth)
美北瀋市望江樓 SF City North U.S. the watch House
萬里風雲接中秋 Miles changes to the Mid-Autumn Festival
夜入小樓解千愁 Night to the small building solved 1000 worry

花榭孤城通四海 Flower Terrace single city reaches Four Seas
珠海一別三十年 Chu-hai since left one another 30 years
衣錦榮歸無定期 In the non-regular clothing without time back

回首當年歌舞池 Looking back at that song and dance pool

眾友相離未重見 Friends from all of the non-see


港國兩地漢同心 Mother country and HK are same in my heart.

國共隻邦我不分 Country or communism I didn’t separate

生皃育女虛光陰 I have wasted a lot of time for my family

漂零夜靜念故人 Lonely in quiet night I recall old friends

寒風沸吹想紅顏 Chilly wind blows me think of my lover

露台舉頭望秋月 Sit on home’s porch look at autumn moon.

關山遠行怕無路 Not easy walk through gates to gate in my age

江湖之間無心事 There is nothing troublesome in my life


退休常歸為雙親 Retired often return Hong Kong to see my parents

我國心中常掛念 Often take much worry about my own country.

香米常食未忘本 Ne’er forget my original way as daily eat my rice.

忽悟東歸尋親妹 Suddenly wake up my mind to search my sister

舊人不見秋相問 I ask about the old friends whom I haven’t seen

愛侣何去遠別離 Where is my beloved partner who left away

華彩光輝已退色 The sparkling colors have faded gradually

灰頭短吟漸漸低 I am reciting as I sob with my grey head bow
Love your relatives and friends when they are near you.
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