lulu 秀才

注册时间: 2009-01-25 帖子: 264 来自: dream home lulu北美枫文集 |
发表于: 2009-04-19 23:49:35 发表主题: Buddy Me |
Buddy Me
Once upon a time, there was a little rascal. One day in the year he was almost 4, his parents were away while his uncle let him taste glutinous rice wine, just a little, 3 or 4 drops drizzling down from the chopsticks. He even said an English word 'yummy' at that moment and later he kind of realized where the 'yummy' was from. We never know how inquisitive he was during his childhood. Right on that night, with his appetence driving away fear of darkness, this 4-year-old lad crept out of the bed room, passed through the corridor on the sly, and sneaked all the way to where this little boy believed this YUM-M-YA was. He checked around and could see no one and hear nothing. Peering through the keyhole, he saw the light in the kitchen was flickering, but it was turned out he was right. First, the boy slowly opened the door a crack to make sure there was no noise loud enough to wake any one up. The night was quiet though he heard crickets chirping. With the door opened further, the kid moved in. It took this little glutton no time to find YUMMY. This time, chopstick was no longer appreciated. A spoon turned into the role and played very well. The kid pressed the spoon into sticky rice in a very big bowl and then kept scooping and drinking the liquor oozing from the rice one spoon after another. So quenching! Before, he could never imagine there was such Godsend thing in this place and adults called it 'kitchen'. Excited, the boy couldn't help laughing and giggling. A while later, he felt dizzy and the feeling was getting stronger, but it didn't prevent the little boy from pledging himself that this would be the place to which he would belong forever. Just after another little moment, things around him started to get dimmer and dimmer. The kid had to find himself a stool to sit on, but he couldn't even locate his little bottom on the stool and finally, he fell down aside while his head hit the wok on a stand. Bang ))))) The whole world woke up.
Translation / lulu
从前,有那么个小家伙,在他差不多是四岁那年的某一天,父母都外出了,叔叔就让他尝了尝酒酿,一点点而已,也就用筷子滴了那么三、四滴。小家伙在那一刻几乎说了一个英文词“牙蜜”。然后,他似乎觉察到“牙蜜”这个东西是从哪儿来的了。人们永远想象不到,那个时候小家伙对一切有多么好奇。就在那天晚上,对“牙蜜”的馋欲压倒了对黑暗的恐惧,这四岁的小家伙潜出了卧室,悄然穿过走廊,一路蹑手蹑脚地溜到了他所认定的“牙——蜜——呀”所在。左顾右盼,没人;侧耳细听,无声。再透过门上的锁孔朝里偷看,厨房的灯似乎坏掉了,忽闪忽闪的。然而,小家伙最终认定就是此处。他轻轻地把门推开一条缝儿,确保没有发出任何声音,没有惊动任何人。那个晚上很静,只听见蛐蛐儿的叫声。门慢慢地打开,小家伙闪身而入。几乎没花任何时间,小家伙就找到了那个“牙蜜”。这次,筷子可不再够分量了。取而代之的乃是汤勺,而且得心应手。小家伙将勺子铲入盛放在大汤碗中的糯米里,然后就一个劲儿地舀着、喝着从糯米中“酝酿”出的汁液,一勺接一勺,一口又一口。简直是太棒了!以前,他还从来没想到,这样的好东西是在这个地方,这个被大人们叫“厨房”的地方。小家伙兴高采烈,情不自禁地,咯咯地笑起来。只一会儿的功夫,他便觉着头晕晕的,而且这种感觉愈发强烈,但这完全不影响他向自己保证:这是以后一定要呆下去的好地方!就这么又过了一小会儿,周围的一切开始变得越来越模糊。小家伙不得不给自己找个板凳儿坐了,但是他甚至没法让他的小屁股对准板凳儿了。终于,他倒向一边,头撞向了矮架上的炒锅。一声巨响,惊魂未定! _________________ 荣辱不惊, 闲看亭前花开花落; 去留无意, 漫随天外云卷云舒 |