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Study the Aged

注册时间: 2008-07-19
帖子: 51
来自: Qingdao China
帖子发表于: 2008-08-26 05:27:40    发表主题: Study the Aged 引用并回复

Study the aged over seventies.
Not a beauty, none ugly.
All the past is gone.
All gone is the past.
The past is all gone.

What should be envied has been envied.
What should be fought has been fought.
The battles and struggles have won.
The right and wrong have done.

Every face is with grace.
Every hair is with fair.
Every experience is engraved.
Every career is furrowed
in the streams of sunshine,
in the shades of moonlight.

Memories are the best riches
with not much humor left for stage;
with not many games left for play;
with few conspirators to stay with;
with little information to convey.

When the eyes close it is a night.
When the eyes open it is a day.
Male bees or female birds
They make not at all difference.

When asked the gums betray first.
When speak the tongue returns last.
Every evening is a revelation.
Every morning is a repetition.

Where to go?
Convene in the church
with deaf ears to listen.
What to do?
Gather at the school gate
with dim eyes to watch.
You see me, you lose me
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Idea Arrow
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