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北美枫 首页 -> 西方文学 Western Literature 发表新帖   回复帖子

注册时间: 2008-07-19
帖子: 51
来自: Qingdao China
帖子发表于: 2008-08-18 19:06:12    发表主题: LONG LIVE THE SPIRITS OF THE OLYMPICS 引用并回复

By Ma Huairong

Long live the spirits of the Olympics!

Last noon Liu Xiang quit the Nest.
That made every audience a Bird.
The gold crowned athlete in hurdle race
has left China and the world sports
with successes, honors and merits.

Long live the spirits of the Olympics!

Liu Xiang,
You have brought the yellow confidence,
You have given the Asians credence.
Liu Xiang,
Certainly you have created another record.
You broke a Caesar’s dream,
A dream of ambition,
A dream of gold,
A dream of 阿Q.
A dream of beautifying the history,
A dream of boasting the past glories
decorated with imaginary garlands.

Long live the spirits of the Olympics!

When shall we Chinese cast off the inferior complex?
We have everything to win.
We have nothing to lose.

Long live the spirits of the Olympics!

We dote too much on metals:
gold medal, silver ring and copper bowl.
But confidence is heavier than gold.
Metals stand not for every strongpoint.

Long live the spirits of the Olympics!
Behold the Yellow River,
The waves afterwards are pushing the forwards.
Look at the human world,
The old is sure to be superseded by the new.

Long live the spirits of the Olympics!

Last noon Liu Xiang quit the Nest.
That made every audience a Bird.
Please keep quiet.
Please ease your mind.
Please cease your pride.
Please cure your troubled heart.
Maybe that is a most elegant farewell
on the most magnificent occasion
to the most enthusiastic audiences he calls.

Long live the spirits of the Olympics!

We have harvested more than expected.
Contentment brings happiness.
Just wait and see till the next Olympics.
Probably Liu Xiang shall return and rise.
Still how many new stars appear and shine
to make another man-made Galaxy?

Long live the spirits of the Olympics!
You see me, you lose me
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