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"华河杯"2007中外华文诗歌联赛暨华文民间报刊联展于2007年元旦正式开始。终评委:洛夫、非马、巫逖、谢冕、高平、向明、痖弦、陈铭华,Lorna Crozier写英文评语。 本次比赛得到上海华河工贸有限公司董事长何小芳先生的大力赞助。
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北美楓 首頁 -> 西方文学 Western Literature 發錶新帖   回復帖子
I Am a Little Bird

註册時間: 2008-07-19
帖子: 51
來自: Qingdao China
帖子發錶於: 2008-08-02 07:36:06    發錶主題: I Am a Little Bird 引用並回復

I am a little bird
with explosions my egg cracked
scattered away with feather unfledged
from the blast of my Middle Eastern nest.

With my family I migrate eastward.
At the Pacific I stop to have a rest.
on this rare patch of peaceful land
I want to build my permanent nest.

I repose on the top of the electric pole.
feed beside the urban sprawl road.
What I am most afraid of is bush
where the capital terrorist may hide.

Last evening I listen to the speaker.
Bush was to come for the Olympics.
on hearing his state of wonderful weather.
Did we have a sleepless night?

Radiant with happiness and satisfaction
He talked of respecting the Chinese people.
Innocent, energetic, manly and ferocious
All the adjectives for the male he deserved.

He is certain to be the greatest president.
For he launches the American dreams
across the boundary, beyond the stars,
and directly or round about to the distant future.

But I dislike you bush.
The terrorist-attack-causing bush
Even though
the Chinese seat you on an honored seat.

You, father and son, smash the Arab World.
Renew the concept of supremacy and hegemony.
How you embezzle the name of the people
as tyrants normally do the world over?

The Olympics is a game worldwide.
To which China has contributed a lot.
The most secured piece of land for the globe
With whom somebody attempts to make trouble.

A game is after all a game.
There is no need for making a fuss.
For it has not much to do
With the bottle and bowl of ordinary Chinese.

By the way, Mr. Bush
In eastern globe there is a sage
Who can tell you the fortune
By reading the features of your face.

Influenced by his discovery
I hate both baboon and monkey.
If I were to be a volunteer passenger,
You must be the last to get the invitation card.
You see me, you lose me
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註册時間: 2007-01-03
帖子: 808

帖子發錶於: 2008-08-02 10:05:16    發錶主題: 引用並回復

On the Pacific
sprawling roads
Last evening I listened to...
On hearing his state (or statement?)...
the bottle and bowl of ordinary Chinese?

The latter part of the poem is a bit too direct and obvious for my taste.
I labour by singing light
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註册時間: 2008-07-19
帖子: 51
來自: Qingdao China
帖子發錶於: 2008-08-03 06:26:55    發錶主題: 引用並回復

Mr Dai, thanks for your comments!
You see me, you lose me
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Idea Arrow
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