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Trail/hiking Rating

All HH hiking trips are rated as 1 to 3 as described below:

  1. Easy (2-3 hrs, 5-10km with little elevation gain);
  2. Moderate (3-5 hrs, 5-10km with moderate elevation gain/loss 300-500m);
  3. Advanced (5-8 hrs, 10-20 km, with difficult elevation gains 500-1000m)

The members/guests need to assess events within their capabilities. And contact the event directors if unsure or any questions. The event directors have absolute discretion to allow/disallow anyone based on the physical suitability of the participants.

As there is a limit on the maximum number of participants for a particular hiking trip, members/guests should contact (sign up/register) in advance with the event directors. Do not show up at the event without registration.

The HH will designate one person as event monitoring for every backcountry-hiking trip.

List of Hiking Trails Available

In and around Victoria/Sooke: Elk Lake, Thetis Lake, Mt Newton/Dean Park, Mt. Douglas, Gowlland/Mt Work, Goldstream/Mt Finlayson, Mt Well, East Sooke Park, Grass/Shield Lakes, Peden Lake, Mt Empress/Emperor, Mt Thunderbird, Rugged Mountain, Sugarloaf, Mt Braden, Mt Manuel Quimper, Sooke Mountain,Bluff Mountain,Trap Mountain

Vancouver Island: Mt Cokely, Mt Arrowsmith, Mt Albert Edward, Dallas Fall, Mt Mara, Mt Golden Hinde, King Peak, West Coast Trail, Juan De Fuca Trail, Kludahk Trail, Mt Prevost, Mt Pzouhalem, Stocking Lake, Mt Maple, Mt Benson, Cowichan River

British Columbia: Black Tusk, Panorama Ridge, Gross Mountain, Top of World, Fish Lake, Ghost Rider,

Canada/USA: Tombstone, Banff/Yoho National Parks, Mt Whitney, Rae Lake Loop, Mt Mail Box, Yosemite National Park

Around the World: Annapurna Circle/Tilicho Lake/Poon Hill (尼泊尔), Mt Kilimanjaro (坦桑尼亚), Mt Cook/Mt Tongariro Northern Circuit/Kepler (新西兰), Blue Mountain/Mt Kosciuszko/Overland (澳大利亚)

GPS tracks/routes in Garmin (.GPX) and Google Earth (.KML) formats, and trail information are available for most of trails listed above (see the table below). Contact the club sectary for detail.

Copyright @ 2020 Happy Hiker Club Victoria