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Person (18+ years old) who is interested in becoming an HH member is required to submit an application for approval by the executive committee with paid an annual membership fee of $20 CAD (from January 1 to December 31). The members are entitled to participating all the HH activities/events and have all the member rights/responsibilities under the club by-law.
The general members meeting will be held around the holiday season around December/January every year.


All non-member guests are welcome to participate, with the HH hiking director’s approval, in HH hiking trips with a drop-in fee/donation $2 CAD.
All the members and guests participating in a hiking event are responsible for arranging their own transportation.
All fees are spent on HH activities, such as web page maintenance, social events, and miscellaneous tasks.


Person (18+ years old) who is interested in becoming an HH member is required to submit an application for approval by the executive committee with paid an annual membership fee of $20 CAD (from January 1 to December 31). The members are entitled to participating all the HH activities/events and have all the member rights/responsibilities under the club by-law.
The general members meeting will be held around the holiday season around December/January every year.


All HH members must sign the waiver when they register the membership, and the waiver will remain valid throughout the membership term. All the HH guests must sign the waiver prior to any hiking events.
The HH members and guests are required to provide emergency contacts.

Copyright @ 2020 Happy Hiker Club Victoria