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HH is run by the executive committee consisting of President, vice-president, secretary/coordinator, hiking lead director, treasurer, technical manager, and social/event coordinators. All executive members are volunteers. The election is to be held every two years for at least two executive members. The vice-president will become president without election when the president’s term is expired. Terms of the executives can be extended to another two years with majority executives’ approval. The executive committee meets at least twice a year, or as needed.

Role and Responsibilities

The Executive Role and Responsibilities
President Chairing meetings, overseeing club activities, communications, planning, reporting
Secretary Assisting the president, managing membership, maintaining all documentations
Vice-president Act as president during president’s absence, commercial sponsoring/ad, fund raising
Treasurer Managing all financial matters of the HH
Hike Lead Director Annual hike planning, managing hiking directors, and hiking monitoring
Technical Manager Managing and maintaining HH website, posting/blog/publication, etc
Social/event Coordinators Planning, coordination, and managing all HH club social events/parties
Hiking Directors Volunteered or assigned, to design, plan, and lead hiking events
Copyright @ 2020 Happy Hiker Club Victoria