1 surrounded. And Gongsha. 2 camps. And positions. 3 presence. 4 ancient army prepared for the military's largest unit. 5 Tang soldiers guarding the land in the _set_, _set_ the "military", "keep catching", "Town", "Shu" and so on. 6 Wei Ming in the early system, the official name of its soldiers, "Army." 7 administrative divisions of the Song name. With the government, state, belong to the same road supervisor. 8 soldiers. 9 Army. 10 command; fighting. 11 army. 12 ancient form of sentence. Banished. 13 last name.
酉集下 Under the unitary _set_ 〔古文〕????【廣韻】舉雲切【集韻】【韻會】拘雲切,????音君。【玉篇】衆也。【周禮·地官】五師爲軍。【註】萬二千五百人。周製:天子六軍。諸侯大國三軍,次國二軍,小國一軍。 又軍禮。【周禮·春官】大宗伯以軍禮平邦國。【註】謂威其不協僭差者。 又師所駐曰軍。【左傳·桓六年】軍於瑕以待之。【戰國策】軍於邯鄲之郊。【註】屯也。 又姓。冠軍侯之後,因氏。 又【說文】軍,圜圉也。一曰軍,兵車也。
[Classical] ???? [Rhyme] [cite cloud cut _set_ rhyme rhyme] [] arrest cloud will cut, ???? tone king. [Jade articles] congregation. [Zhou] to the 5th Division of Army officers. [Note] 12,500 people. Zhou system: the emperor six military. Zhu Hou Daguo armed forces, sub-state second-, small country, one army. And salute. [Official] Taizong Bo Zhou Chun-ping to salute Bangguo. [Note] that the prestige of its poor who are not co-Tyrants. The military said in another division. [Years] Huan Zuo flaw to be in the military. [Warring States] troops in the suburbs of Handan. [Note] Tuen also. And last name. Champion Hou, the result's. And [that] the military text, prince Yu also won. One said the military, military cars.