Fill tián filled the vacancy or fill up the place: filling. Filled. Fill. Fill in the blanks (k Qiu g). Indignation. In writing by the project on a blank form: fill in a form. Lyrics. Describe sound great: the complete course. Watian zhèn old with the "town", so that stability. Digging stroke: 13; radicals: soil; stroke order code: 1211225111134
Detailed Explanation
(Phonetic. From the soil, really sound. Original meaning: filled)
With the original meaning 〖fill; stuff〗
Fill in, plug too. - "Said the text"
Filled pit Mangu. - "Records of the Historian Sima, such as Biography"
Fill as well. - "Zi rough"
Guests will also fill in the door. - "Han Zheng was passed"
Grass fill the negative. - "Mirror"
His disciples filled the room. - Ming Lian "send Dongyang Horse Health Order"
Filling the portal. - "Strange Cricket"
Another example: stuffing (fill in the blank; place); fill lead (plus lead); filled pit Mangu (filled pit Valley); Reclamation Street (filled streets); filled pharynx (filled space); fill in earnings (full); fill house (not into the ancient imperial family made official); fill door (fill in households. describe the door more people); fill choke (blockage, congestion)
Complete, write 〖write; fillin〗.
Such as: filling tax forms; fill in (fill in report); reclamation (filling prepared); filled red (red pen to fill in old officials DATE); fill out (complete with a presented); you mark (fill painted)
〗 〖Replenish added.
Such as: fill in for the (complementary alternative); fill satisfied (in back)
Finishing, painting〗 〖paint.
Such as: filling gold; fill white (dark pattern in the porcelain on white porcelain in the filling); fill paint
Links "Britain." 〗 〖Fall drop.
Such as: filling board under tiles on roof (His servant hardship); fill up (die); fill servant (tilt and fall)
Vice】 【
Vain 〖invain; tonopurpose〗.
Such as: filling limit (to make sacrifices in vain); be filled and sent (the property giving this away); filled throat (the property giving this away); filled also (give away; fill)
〖Fillintheblanks, gaps, etc.〗 Fill
To fill the vacancy left by retiring
Fill positions
〗 〖Fillinbarn old customs house on the 25th lunar month to eat hearty meals, and add points to the food store in the food, said Geely
〖Fillup; stuff〗: filled; added
〗 〖Tillintheblanksinatestpaper: examination or test to fill in the blank portion of title
〗 〖Composeapoemtoagiventuneof lyricist, because elections must be strictly in accordance with the metrical rhyming words, so called lyrics
Fill block
〖Cram; pack; stopup〗 filling; blocked
〗 〖Fillinandissue complete payment
Civil construction fill〗 〖foundation or other parts of the earth filled
Tian Fang
〗 〖Remarrytoawidower: old wife died of a woman who married
〗 〖Bethesecondwifeof: old refers to the subsequent death of the wife of his ex-wife
〖Caulk; calk〗: strong fill sealing materials to plug leaks so close and not
〗 〖Slush: filled with cement mortar or grout (such as The gaps or ground)
Fill in grid
Page Zi〗 〖writing, dubbed the work of writing
Filled gully
〗 〖Die the death of modesty argument. Died buried underground, it said, "filled gully"
Not fill the gully and care. - "Warring Zhao policy"
Fill in the blank
〖Fillavacancy; fillavacantposition〗: to fill the vacant position, or empty, position, etc.
Fill in the blanks to fill a vacancy
〗 〖Fillintheblanksinatestpaper: Fill
〖Filling; stuffing〗 things that can be used for filling
〗 〖Fill: full
Filled pit road
〗 〖Line: fill in the internal
So goes the judge to fill a large rounded delicious capon
〗 〖Packingbox aggregated into dense groups or act or instance of the block
Hydraulic packing
Fill in confidential letters
〗 〖Fillandlevelup place in the uneven surface of things that fill the levels with
〗 〖Fillup fill; filled; filled
Stem〗 〖used in the preparation of explosive force when plugged or filling (such as a hole)
Fill food
〗 〖Force-feed fed by means of coercion (such as animals)
〖Fillin; write〗 denotes compulsory Note in accordance with certain requirements in writing or fill in numbers at
〗 〖Force-feedaduck: the growth of a certain period in the duck, time to do, bar feed from Ischaemum fill, and reduce the amount of exercise a duck to make it fast weight gain
〗 〖Force-feedduck: The method to develop the duck duck
Spoon-fed indoctrination
〗 〖Spoon-feed it to a very detailed narrative passion as to make the other side there is no need to think independently, the first room, or on their own
Cross indeed
〗 〖Befilledinthechest filled in the chest
Old things cross indeed. - Qing Yuan Mei, "Mei Man Festival"
〗 〖Crosswordpuzzle filled with the words arranged into a number of vertical and horizontal grid, filled in according to numbers given in the word implies; fill in the letters can be cross-read or read from the top down, and usually most of the letters belong to two word
Through "town." 〗 〖Pacify stability
The risk of Wu, Hueiji light defended, no strong king to fill it. - "Historical Records"
. Another example: fill fill (solid side the whole appearance); fill Wei (guarding, guard); fill monitoring (guarded command); filling pressure (with a strong suppression; town services)
See tián
More Simple Explanation
Fill <action "(phonetic. From the soil, really sound. The original meaning filled) filled with the original meaning, plug too. - "Said the text" fill hole Mangu. - "Records of the Historian Sima such as Biography" fill as well. - "Zi rough," guests will fill in the door. - "Han Chuan Cheng was" negative fill of grass. - "Mirror" his disciples filled the room. - Ming Lian "Dongyang ponies order to send" stuff portal. - "Strange Cricket" Another example is the stuffing (fill in the blank; place); fill lead (plus lead); filled pit Mangu (filled pit Valley); Reclamation Street (filled streets); filled pharynx (full space) ; fill in earnings (full); filled house (not into the ancient royal family made official); fill door (fill in households. describe the door more people); fill choke (blockage, congestion) fill in, fill in your tax form is written as; fill in (fill in the filled tián ⒈ fill plug, fill containers, fill up vacancies in the local ~ fill. ~ plug. ~ ditch. ~ empty. ~ full. ⒉ by the project, the format to write or make ~ table. ~ Write voluntary book. ~ word (by word transfer lyrics). fill zhèn 1. stability. 2. star name. See "Tianxing." filling chén 1. long. fill tiǎn 1. poverty. See "fill widowed." 2. extinction. See "filled clothes." filling zhì 1. Place.
More Detailed Explanation
Fill tian
Radical Radical soil total strokes 13 strokes 03
fill; fill in; stuff; write;
(Phonetic. From the soil, really sound. The original meaning of stuffed)
With the original meaning of [fill; stuff]
Fill in, plug too. - "Said the text"
Filled pit Mangu. - "Records of the Historian Sima, such as Biography"
Fill as well. - "Zi rough"
Guests will also fill in the door. - "Han Zheng was passed"
Grass fill the negative. - "Mirror"
His disciples filled the room. - Ming Lian "send Dongyang Horse Health Order"
Filling the portal. - "Strange Cricket"
Another example is stuffed (fill in the blank; place); fill lead (plus lead); filled pit Mangu (filled pit Valley); Reclamation Street (filled streets); filled pharynx (filled space); fill in earnings (full); fill Palace (not into the ancient royal family made official); fill door (fill in households. describe the door more people); fill choke (blockage, congestion)
Complete, write [write; fill in].
Such as filling tax forms; fill (fill reported); reclamation (fill in preparation); filled red (red pen to fill in old officials DATE); fill out (complete with a presented); you mark (fill painted)
Added [replenish].
Such as the filling for the (add place); fill satisfied (in back)
Finishing, painting [paint].
If filled gold; fill white (dark pattern in the porcelain on white porcelain in the filling); fill paint
Through Britain. "Fall [fall].
Such as filling board under tiles on roof (His servant hardship); fill up (die); fill servant (tilt and fall)
Vain [in vain; to no purpose].
Such as the filling limit (to make sacrifices in vain); be filled and sent (the property giving this away); filled throat (the property giving this away); filled also (give away; fill)
[Fill in the blanks, gaps, etc.] Fill
To fill the vacancy left by retiring
Fill positions
[Fill in barn] old customs of the first month on the 25th family to eat hearty meals, and add points to the food store in the food, said Geely
[Fill up; stuff]: filled; added
[Till in the blanks in a test paper]: examination or test to fill in the blank portion of title
[Compose a poem to a given tune of] lyrics, because the election must be strictly in accordance with the word rhyme with the rhyme, it said lyrics
Fill block
[Cram; pack; stop up] stuff; blocked
[Fill in and issue] complete payment
[Fill] the construction of Civil Engineering or elsewhere, to the foundation of the earth fill
Tian Fang
[Remarry to a widower]: old wife died of a woman who married
[Be the second wife of]: old refers to the subsequent death of the wife of his ex-wife
[Caulk; calk]: strong fill sealing materials to plug leaks so close and not
[Slush]: filled with cement mortar or grout (such as The gaps or ground)
Fill in grid
tián gézi
[Writing] Page Zi, dubbed the work of writing
Filled gully
tián gōuhè
[Die] the death of modesty argument. Died buried underground, it said fill gully "
Not fill the gully and care. - "Warring Zhao policy"
Fill in the blank
[Fill a vacancy; fill a vacant position]: fill a vacant or empty position, duties, etc.
Fill in the blanks to fill a vacancy
[Fill in the blanks in a test paper]: Fill
[Filling; stuffing] things that can be used for filling
[Fill]: filled
Filled pit road
[Line]: Fill the internal
So goes the judge to fill a large rounded delicious capon
[Packing box] together into dense groups or act or instance of the block
Hydraulic packing
Fill in confidential letters
[Fill and level up] in the place where the uneven surface of things that fill the levels with
[Fill up] to fill; filled; filled
[Stem] with explosives in preparation or packing when plugged force (such as a hole)
Fill food
[Force-feed] fed by means of coercion (such as animals)
[Fill in; write] in accordance with certain requirements of the Note at the office or fill denotes compulsory figures
[Force-feed a duck]: a certain period of growth in the duck, time to do, bar feed from Ischaemum fill, and reduce the amount of exercise a duck to make it fast weight gain
[Force-feed duck]: duck with duck method to develop
Spoon-fed indoctrination
tiányāshì guànshū
[Spoon-feed] would be one thing very detailed narrative passion as to make the other side there is no need to think independently, the first room, or on their own
Cross indeed
[Be filled in the chest] filled in the chest
Old things cross indeed. - Qing Yuan Mei, "Mei Man Festival"
[Crossword puzzle] filled with the words arranged into a number of vertical and horizontal grid, filled in according to numbers given in the word implies; fill in the letters can be cross-read or read from the top down, and usually most of the letters belong to two words
Through the town. "Stability [pacify]
The risk of Wu, Hueiji light defended, no strong king to fill it. - "Historical Records"
. Another example is the complete filling (end of the whole stable outlook); fill Wei (guarding, guard); fill monitoring (guarded command); filling pressure (with a strong suppression; town services)
See tián
Fill 1
tián ㄊ ㄧ ㄢ
Filled the vacancy or fill up the place ~ plug. ~ Fill. ~ Charge. ~ Empty (kòng). ~ Ying indignation.
In writing by the project on a blank form ~ table. ~ Words.
Sounds great ~ then described.
Zheng code belo, u586b, gbkccee
13 number of strokes, radical land, stroke number 1211225111134
fill; fill in; stuff; write;
Fill 2
zhèn ㄓ ㄣ ╝
The same old town ", so that stability.
Zheng code belo, u586b, gbkccee
13 number of strokes, radical land, stroke number 1211225111134