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Traditional Chinese:  ( ???? ????)Pinyin: Header: 
Total Strokes: 11Extra Strokes: 8UTF-8: E5 9F 9F
UTF-16: 57DFUTF-32: 000057DFGB 2312: 5182
GB 12345: 5182Big 5: B0ECCangjie: GIRM
Four Corner Code: 4315.0One word full code: yu4tuhuoOne word double code: yutuhu
One word single code: ythCharacter structure: Left-(middle)-rightLevel of decomposition: 6
Strokes: 一丨一一丨????一一乚丿丶Stroke sequence: 12112511534Stroke Description: horizontal, vertical, horizontal, horizontal, vertical, turning, horizontal, horizontal, turning, downwards-left, downwards-right
Others' sequence: 12112511534
Structure of components: 土(十(一丨)一)或(????(一口(冂(丨????)一))戈(一((乚丿)丶)))
Simple Explanation
  Domain yù certain place within the borders: extraterritorial. Abroad. Area. Area. Areas. Territory. Stroke: 11; radicals: soil; stroke order number: 12112511534
Detailed Explanation
  (Phonetic. From the soil, or (yù) sound. Soil, said territory. "Domain" of this as "or", and "State" synonymous. "From the mouth, from Ge to keep one. One, and the earth." is Associative. original meaning: borders, boundaries)
  With the original meaning 〖landwithincertainboundaries; territory〗
  Domain, the state also. - "Said Wen." Press, or letters are, the country who are also state: the emperor was to defend the nobility of the domain, the capital for the state.
  By Paul domains. - "Han Wei Yuancheng Biography." Note: "fief that also."
  He is the domain Quartet. - "Book of Poetry and black bird"
  Drive I, the people, economy of Renshou the domain. - "Han"
  Another example: the domain field (within the countryside); domain (domain); extraterritorial (outside; foreign)
  Local, regional 〖region; area〗
  A hundred dead, into the absolute domain. - "Han"
  Qing Cao and I both in the absolute domain, Yuli great merit in order to wealth. - "Han Ban Chao Biography"
  Another example: exotic; Western
  Range domain〗 〖
  Guan Zhong also is the carry to the field. - "Han Fei Zi"
  Grave, the cemetery graveyard〗 〖
  Ge Sheng Meng spine, Lian Man in the domain. - "Wind Ge Sheng Tang Poetry"
  Another example: Domain trillion (the tomb of the boundary; cemetery)
  Constraints limit〗 〖
  Eye of politicians, the domain in one incident, the poet of the eye, is a panoramic view through past and present. - Wang Guowei, "Human Words"
  Another example: Domain Domain (described as narrow and shallow ignorance)
More Simple Explanation
  Domain <name "(phonetic. From the soil, or sound. Soil, said the territory. Domains" or the making "and the country" are synonymous. From the mouth, from Ge to keep one. One, and the earth. "For the Associative . the original meaning of borders, territory) with the original meaning of the domain, the state also. - "Said Wen." Press, or letters are, who the country, the state has the emperor to defend the nobility of the domain, the capital for the state. By Paul domains. - "Han Wei Yuancheng Biography." Note also that the fief. "He is the domain Quartet. -" Book of Poetry and black bird "Drive I, the people, economy of Renshou the domain. -" Han "and if the domain field (within the countryside); domain (domain); Overseas (outside; foreign) areas, regions a hundred dead, into the absolute domain. - "Han" Qing Cao and I both in the field yù ⒈ domain boundaries must, within a certain range where lead ~. to ~. Area ~ . Yangtze River flow ~. ⒉ <Ancient> Bangguo, within the fief of the state ~. to Paul ~.
More Detailed Explanation
  Yu domain
  Radical Radical soil total strokes 11 strokes 03
  field; region; territory;
  (Phonetic. From the soil, or (yù) sound. Soil, that territory. Domains "or the making" and the country "are synonymous. From the mouth, from Ge to keep one. One, and the earth." As the knowing words. the original meaning of borders, boundaries)
  With the original meaning [land within certain boundaries; territory]
  Domain, the state also. - "Said Wen." Press, or letters are, who the country, the state has the emperor to defend the nobility of the domain, the capital for the state.
  By Paul domains. - "Han Wei Yuancheng Biography." Note also that the fief. "
  He is the domain Quartet. - "Book of Poetry and black bird"
  Drive I, the people, economy of Renshou the domain. - "Han"
  Another example is the domain field (within the countryside); domain (domain); extraterritorial (outside; foreign)
  Local, regional [region; area]
  A hundred dead, into the absolute domain. - "Han"
  Qing Cao and I both in the absolute domain, Yuli great merit in order to wealth. - "Han Ban Chao Biography"
  Another example is exotic; Western
  Range of [domain]
  Guan Zhong also is the carry to the field. - "Han Fei Zi"
  Grave, the cemetery [graveyard]
  Ge Sheng Meng spine, Lian Man in the domain. - "Wind Ge Sheng Tang Poetry"
  Another example is the domain trillion (the tomb of the boundary; cemetery)
  Limits [limit]
  Eye of politicians, the domain in one incident, the poet of the eye, is a panoramic view through past and present. - Wang Guowei, "Human Words"
  Another example is the domain field (described as narrow and shallow ignorance)
  yù ╝ ㄩ
  In a certain place within the borders of ~ outside. Iso ~. District ~. To ~. Link ~. Xinjiang ~.
  Zheng code bhja, u57df, gbkd3f2
  11 number of strokes, radical land, stroke number 12112511534
Kangxi Dictionary
Ugly focus  〔〕 㽣 䧕 ???? Ancient Tang Yun】 【Rain】 【pressing 【Ji Yun Yun Yun will】 【】 are more pressing, ???? sound oak. State also. Areas also, community Board also. Ancient graves】 【return air only home field. The Book of Poetry】 【He Shiu universal domain. Zhou Tai Situ 【】 local officials to land the world map, known Kyushu region, the number of wide wheels. And buildings or said domain. General articles】 【Zhuangzi Qiu water almost endless if the Quartet, nothing will disappear. Chu Zhen training】 【Huainanzi D's World, Gan Xian Evening in the clo_set_ of the domain. And never said a foreign domain. 【Before】 Chao Han Ji-gun police Limin, there can be relative, so that those who must field. Tomb said they limit the domain. People Zhou Chun 【】 charge of official graves cemetery, the Bianqi trillion domain. And six B】 【Ji Yun cut, audio Yu. Hsieh Fu 【】 snow snow house with built in East country, snow peak in the Western Regions. Under the leaves of bamboo. Do not make ????, see】 【Pei Wei. ???? and ???? different. ???? Music Die, from Ge through the mouth from the ????. This from or from the soil. ???? with ????. ???? dié, with ????.

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