  • 天助理厨师烫伤了。
    "Yesterday the commis chef burned himself.
  • 晚他下班回家兴致勃勃,非常高兴—他刚刚得到加薪。
    He came home from work last night all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed—he'd just been given a pay increase.
  • 晚电影院外边发生了激烈的争吵。
    There was quite a bust-up last night outside the cinema.
  • 酒保:是啊,我们天很忙,但今天差多了。
    Sure it is. We were pretty bust yesterday, but today the place is dead.
  • 为此,日电告你方如下:
    So we sent you a cable yesterday reading:
  • 来!我们击掌:天在康州新伦敦所举行的海岸警备队士官学校毕业典礼上,该校学员西厄图受到里根总统击掌祝贺。
    Coast Guard cadet Joseph Lo Sciuto gets "high five" from President Reagan during Coast Guard Academy graduation ceremonies at New London, Conn., yesterday.
  • 晚你在咖啡馆里搭讪的那个漂亮女孩是谁?
    Who was that pretty girl you were chatting up in the cafe last night?
  • 我的兄弟晚从上海打电话给我。
    My brother called me from Shanghai last night.
  • 已经退休了的董事天到你办公室来看过你。
    The retired director called on at your office yesterday.
  • 中共国家主席江泽民于天访问柬埔寨,一般认为这象征着两个亚洲国家的联盟关系向上发展,但却也彰显出长期以来北京与河内(越南)两宿敌之间为争取南亚地区影响力的角力战更为激烈。
    Chinese President Jiang Zemin's visit to Cambodia yesterday signifies a growing alliance between the two Asian nations and marks an intensification of the long-running battle for regional influence between old foes Beijing and Hanoi.
  • 从昨天开始的。
    It came on yesterday.
  • 夜有人看见两个形迹可疑的人在校园里徘徊。
    Two suspicious-looking fellows were seen hanging around the campus last night.
  • 卡洛琳天穿著她的舞会礼服真是崭露头角。
    Caroline cut a fine figure in her prom dress last night.
  • 天霍乱病夺去了她的生命。
    Cholera carried her off yesterday.
  • 天,一只鸽子把第一封信从平赫斯特带到锡尔伯里。
    Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury.
  • 我一直在琢磨你天说的话。
    I have been casting over in my head what you said yesterday.
  • 他昨天感冒了。
    He catch a cold yesterday.
  • 他昨天感冒了。
    He caught a cold yesterday.
  • 我昨天得了感冒。
    I caught a cold yesterday.
  • 我昨天捕到一条鱼。
    I caught a fish yesterday.
  • 天我们在大厅里进行了庆祝。
    We had a celebration in the hall yesterday.
  • 天我们在大厅里进行了庆祝。
    We have a celebration in the hall yesterday.
  • “最糟糕的莫过于转眼即成日黄花。”
    " There is nothing worse than suddenly becoming yesterday's celebrity."
  • 名律师米乔森天说,“我一辈子从来没像这样拚命祷告过,”——周六晚他搭泛美巨型喷气式客机飞往苏黎世途中,一具引擎突然失灵,必须飞回肯尼迪机场迫降,由于这场虚惊他仍在发抖。
    "I never prayed so hard in my life,” said celebrity lawyer Marvin Mitchelson yesterday –still shaking from a scare a board a Zurich-bound Pan Am jumbo jet that was forced to turn back to Kennedy Airport Saturday night after one of its engines conked out.
  • 我定期存折天到期了。
    My fix deposit certificate fall due yesterday.
  • 我的定期存折天到期了。
    My fixed deposit certificate fell due yesterday.
  • 晚的拳击赛中,冠军在第一轮中就将挑战者击昏在地。
    In the boxing last night the champion knocked his challenger out in the first round.
  • 天晚上我在电视里看了一部卓别林主演的老电影,非常有趣。
    I killed myself laughing when I saw that old Chaplin film on television last night.
  • 他昨晚受到控告。
    He was charged last night.
  • 他们晚顺便来闲聊了一会儿。
    They dropped in for a chat last night.
  • 晚你与之谈笑风生的那个漂亮姑娘是谁。
    Who is that pretty girl you chat up last night.
  • 读者听其闲谈两小时,如与人一夕畅谈,谈后卷被而卧,明日起来,仍旧办公抄账,做校长出通告,自觉精神百倍,晚谈话滋味犹在齿颊间。
    The readers listen to their chats, which last just about two hours. It is like having a good evening chat, and after that the reader goes to bed, and next morning when he gets up to attend to his duties as a bank clerk or accountant or a school principal posting notices to the students, he feels that the flavor of last night's chat still lingers around his cheeks.