  • 军人应服从上级军官.
    A soldier must obey his superior officers.
  • 这些政策均按照以往编制的《社会福利白皮书》以及每年行政长发表《施政报告》时所发出的《施政方针》小册子所载目标而制定。
    It is based on the objectives set out in White Papers published in previous years and Policy Objective booklets issued annually at the time of the Chief Executive's Policy Address.
  • 那法素以大公无私著称。
    The judge had a reputation for complete objectivity.
  • 鉴定书南非的一种通过部落鉴定黑人的身份,并列举有关此人的工作,旅游和定居权利的方限制的强制性文件
    An obligatory document in South Africa that identifies a Black person by tribe and enumerates official restrictions placed on the person regarding the right to work, travel, or establish residence.
  • 政府一味要求学生达到预计的考试目标,而那些员们十分清楚说明性过多的课程及为7岁、11岁和14岁孩子设置的全国性考试给孩子们造成的负担和不良影响。
    The Government was so concerned about meeting its examination targets that ministers were oblivious to the damage caused to children by an overly prescriptive curriculum and national tests at the ages of 7, 11 and 14.
  • 迟钝得永远也不理解我对他说的任何话;从来没碰到过这么笨的人;尽管在传统的学习上迟钝,但在数学上他却不一般的敏捷——撒克里;愚蠢的员做出了一些非常愚蠢的决定;他不是一般性的愚蠢,就是故意的反应慢;对一些迟钝的学生起作用。
    so dense he never understands anything I say to him; never met anyone quite so dim; although dull at classical learning, at mathematics he was uncommonly quick- Thackeray; dumb officials make some really dumb decisions; he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse; worked with the slow students.
  • 眼状斑;一个眼状器
    Ocular spots; an ocular organ.
  • 青少年罪犯评估专案小组于一九八七年成立,成员包括惩教署和社会福利署人员。该小组负责就年龄介乎14至25岁的年轻犯人,向裁判建议最适合的自新计划。
    The Young Offender Assessment Panel, comprising staff from CSD and the Social Welfare Department, was established in 1987 to provide magistrates with recommendations on the most appropriate programmes of rehabilitation for young offenders between the ages of 14 and 25.
  • 他向地方法说明犯罪者仅是个小孩。
    He represented to the magistrates that the offender was only a child.
  • 利用官职捞取的私利
    The spoils of office
  • 精英根据个人能力或成就而选举出来的一群领导人或
    A group of leaders or officeholders selected on the basis of individual ability or achievement.
  • 这个年轻军被提升为上尉。
    The young army officer was promoted to the rank of captain.
  • 被指派协助一个高级军计划军事方针和政策的军
    military officers assigned to assist a senior officer in planning military policy.
  • 兼于他对政府所做的巨大贡献,他被提升为政府员。
    he is an officer of the court; the club elected its officers for the coming year.
  • 贪财受贿的警官
    A venal police officer.
  • 2002年1月中央军委颁布的《中国人民解放军现役军职务任免条例》,对军交流的条件、范围以及组织实施等做出了具体规定。
    The Regulations on the Appointment and Removal of the PLA Officers in Active Service promulgated by the CMC in January 2002 lays down concrete stipulations on the condition, scope, organization and implementation of officer exchange.
  • 改革院校、训练机构体制编制,减少院校数量,扩大单所院校办学规模,提高军培训层次和调学比例。
    The reform of educational and training institutions has resulted in the reduction of military academies and schools, expansion in the scope of individual institutions, upgrading in officer training and greater percentages of officers selected for training.
  • 被罢黜的候选官员
    A washed-out officer candidate.
  • 员先生,办好了吗?
    Is that all, officer?
  • ,我的成绩怎样?
    Officer, how did I do?
  • 军官大声发布命令。
    The officer barked on order.
  • 这个士兵向军行军礼。
    The soldier saluted his officer.
  • 士兵向军官敬礼。
    The soldier saluted the officer.
  • 我真的超速了吗,警
    Was I really speeding, officer?
  • 那军指挥他的士兵继续前进。
    The officer waved his men on.
  • 一个负责调查工作的军事员。
    a military officer responsible for investigations.
  • 他自称是一名军官。
    He represented himself as an officer.
  • 当地政府一位员来看他。
    An official of the local government called to see him.
  • 我碰巧身边有方的统计数字。
    I happen to have the official statistics with me.
  • 他是个自命不凡的员。
    He is a pompous official.
  • 卫生部门的官员
    an official in the department of health
  • (指员)在一般的员之外执行不寻常的或者特别的任务。
    (of an official) serving an unusual or special function in addition to those of the regular officials.