  • 全国妇联作为中国妇女最大的非政府组织,充分发挥自己的组织、宣传、协调优势,积极配合政府开展适合妇女特点的活动,动妇女参与农业发展。
    As the biggest nongovernmental organization in China the All-China Women's Federation has given full play to its advantages in organizing, propaganda and coordination, actively cooperated with the government to carry out activities that suit women's characters and promoted women's involvement in the development of agriculture.
  • 在日本,专门宣布了进3g,分析人士说,这是因为日本有如此多的非标准的专有系统以及无线电频谱正在被用完。
    The push for 3G in Japan is especially pronounced.Analysts say that's because Japan has so many nonstandard proprietary systems and radio spectrum is being used up.
  • 如果您赶时间的话,我愿向您荐通心粉或炒面条。
    If you are in a hurry, I would recommend the spaghetti or fried noodles.
  • 断, 我们要是黎明出发, 中午就能到.
    He reasoned that if we started at dawn, we would be there by noon.
  • 这支军队逐步强行向北进。
    This army gradually forced its way northward.
  • 我们向北进,打了几个胜仗。
    We pushed northward, gained several victories over the enemy.
  • 世人皆知,印度独立以后,不断把邻土向北进,先后占领了中印边境东段传统习惯线以北和非法的“麦克马洪线”以南约9万平方公里的中国领土。
    After India declared independence, it constantly extended its territory northward, occupying about 90,000 square km of Chinese territory north of the east section of the traditional Sino-Indian boundary line and south of the illegal Mcmahon Line.
  • 用鼻子动或者移动。
    push or move with the nose.
  • 坚持教育创新,深化教育改革,优化教育结构,合理配置教育资源,提高教育质量和管理水平,全面进素质教育,造就数以亿计的高素质劳动者、数以千万计的专门人才和一大批拔尖创新人才。
    We should encourage innovation in education, deepen its reform, optimize its structure, allocate its resources rationally, raise its quality and management levels and promote quality-oriented education to cultivate hundreds of millions of high-quality workers, tens of millions of specialized personnel and a great number of top-notch innovative personnel.
  • 把深化改革同调整结构和促进发展结合起来,理顺政府和文化企事业单位的关系,加强文化法制建设,加强宏观管理,深化文化企事业单位内部改革,逐步建立有利于调动文化工作者积极性,动文化创新,多出精品、多出人才的文化管理体制和运行机制。
    We must integrate the deepening of reform with structural adjustment and promotion of development and straighten out the relationship between the government and cultural enterprises and institutions. We must build up a legal system concerning culture and intensify macro-control. We should deepen the internal reform of cultural enterprises and institutions and gradually establish a management system and operational mechanism favorable to arousing the initiative of cultural workers, encouraging innovation and bringing forth more top-notch works and more outstanding personnel.
  • 没有任何地方他们能进到7英里以上。
    Nowhere had they advanced more than seven miles.
  • 预定本季度出的第一版将支持windowsnt、netware4。
    The initial release, due out this quarter, will support windows NT, NetWare 4.
  • 我用肘轻推某人。
    I give someone a nudge.
  • 我用肘轻轻了他一下,他马上就明白了
    I gave him a nudge and he understood at once
  • 我用肘轻轻了他一下,他马上就明白了
    I give him a nudge and he understand at once
  • 他把我推出房间。
    He nudged me out of the room.
  • 我们在人群中边边向前走。
    We nudged our way through the crowd.
  • "他们彼此打趣搡着,拿对方的滑雪技艺寻开心。
    “ They were kidding one another and nudging and joking over their skiing prowess.
  • 他用肘他的朋友,让他知道该走了。
    He nudged his friend to let him know it was time to leave.
  • 撤消,翻无效的行为或事例
    The act or an instance of nullifying.
  • 护士用车把他的饭食来了。
    The nurse wheeled his dinner up.
  • 由于人体需要足够的维生素,当今大多数营养学家都一致荐平衡各种食物成分的综合饮食结构。
    Most nutrition experts today would recommend a balanced diet containing elements of all foods, largely because of our need for sufficient vitamins.
  • 用鼻子触;以鼻推压
    To touch with the nose; nuzzle.
  • 倒浆把橹或桨向前以阻止船向前运动或向后移动的一种划船或摇桨方式
    A rowing or paddling stroke in which the oar or paddle is pushed forward, used to check a boat's forward motion or move it backward.
  • 宽叶短桨一端有扁平的叶片或者有时两端都有叶片的一种木制工具,使用这种工具不用桨架就可以动船或小舟
    A wooden implement having a blade at one end or sometimes at both ends, used without an oarlock to propel a canoe or small boat.
  • 用于比赛的由划桨人动的小船。
    a boat propelled by oarsmen and designed for racing.
  • 由一个或两个人动两个船桨的贝壳状赛艇。
    a racing shell propelled by one or two oarsmen pulling two oars.
  • 推卸承担的义务
    Back out of an obligation
  • 由火箭动器动的能够逃离地球引力的导弹;能够观察太阳系,这种观察在陆地上是观察不到的。
    a rocket-propelled missile that can escape the earth's atmosphere; makes observations of the solar system that cannot be made by terrestrial observation.
  • 贫困是动教育的一大障碍。
    lack of immagination is an obstacle to one's advancement; the poverty of a district is an obstacle to good education; the filibuster was a major obstruction to the success of their plan.
  • 当我们设法行我们的方案时,他却有意给我们设置障碍。
    he acted very obstructively when we tried to carry out our project.
  • 很明显,即使我们能节约很多能量,我们也只能迟能源危机的到来。
    It is obvious that even if we can save much energy, we can only delay the energy crisis.