  • 詹姆斯·克莱顿(科林·法雷尔饰)也许和一般新的心态不同,但他却是美国最聪明的大学毕业生之一--而且他正是沃尔特·伯克(艾尔·帕西诺饰)在中情局需要的人。
    James Clayton(Colin Farrell) might not have the attitude of a typical recruit,but he is one of the smartest graduating seniors in the country? and he's just the person that Walter Burke(Al Pacino)wants in the Agency.
  • 因此,我要求国会今年同我一起为通过一项《病人权利法案》而付出努力,使没买保险的工人能够享受健康福利,使老能够大幅增加在健康方面的支出,使那些老年人能够享受健全的、现代化的医疗体系,其中包括处方药。
    I ask Congress to join me this year to enact a Patients' Bill of Rights ? to give uninsured workers credits to help buy health coverage ? to approve an historic increase in spending for veterans' health ? and to give seniors a sound and modern Medicare system that includes coverage for prescription drugs.
  • 他这一队人一直战斗到4月9日,后来坚持不下去了,日本围捕他们,把他们集中起来,以无端的残暴手段迫使他们向北走到85英里以外的营地。
    His company fought until April 9, then it could fight no more. The Japanese rounded up the soldiers and marched them with senseless cruelty to a camp 85 miles north.
  • 布什总统看到一个人被警察用警棍打得不省人事而一伙警察袖手旁观时,感到“非常不适”。可是当他眼见萨达姆以[直升机]炮艇成批歼灭胆敢响应他的号召起而反抗的库德人,而美国陆军按不动时,竟不觉得翻胃。
    President Bush was "sickened" at the sight of a man being clubbed senseless by police while a gang of cops looked on. Yet his stomach is not turned at the spectacle of an American army standing by and watching Saddam Hussein't gunships rain death on the Kurdish people for daring to answer George Bush's call for an uprising.
  • 他们寻求的新项目包括:能够穿透伪装的人造卫星摄像系统、可以监视军队和车辆行动的太空雷达、可以给士提供如同打手机一样方便联络的强大通讯卫星,以及可以跟踪弹道导弹的轨道传感器。
    New assets in the works include satellites that can see through camou-flage, space-based radar that can monitor the movements of troops and vehicles, more powerful communications satellites to give soldiers cellphone-like connections, and orbiting sensors that can track ballistic missiles.
  • 南斯拉夫危机将演变到何种程度,主要关键在于南国军方是否有效和团结,以及其继续支持克罗地亚境内塞尔维亚民的程度。
    How the Yugoslav crisis plays out will hinge in large measure on the Yugoslav military's effectiveness and unity, or lack thereof, and the extent to which it continues to back Serbian militias in Croatia.
  • 新疆生产建设团近五十年的发展,对加快新疆经济发展,促进民族团结,保持社会稳定,巩固边防,维护祖国统一,发挥着十分重要的作用。
    The development of the XPCC in the past five decades has played a very important role in accelerating the economic development of Xinjiang, promoting unity among ethnic groups, maintaining social stability, consolidating border defense, and shoring up the unification of the motherland.
  • 在以歼灭战破坏敌军的气焰这一点上讲,歼灭又是缩短战争过程提早解放日本士和日本人民的条件之一。
    From the viewpoint of destroying the enemy's overweening arrogance through battles of annihilation, such battles are one of the prerequisites for shortening the war and accelerating the emancipation of the Japanese soldiers and the Japanese people.
  • 那名士官训练新兵。
    The sergeant trained the recruits.
  • 代表招募新的军官。
    a sergeant deputized to enlist recruits.
  • 三等兵;下士
    A buck private; a buck sergeant.
  • 上校把中士降为一个二等
    The colonel reduced the sergeant to private.
  • 士官向全排士大声地发出命令.
    The sergeant bellowed orders at the platoon.
  • 中士让士兵们靠拢。
    The sergeant told the men to close up.
  • 中士很快就把新训练得规规矩矩
    A sergeant soon knocks new recruits into shape.
  • 那位上尉厉声地向士们发布命令。
    The sergeant snapped his orders at the soldiers.
  • 军士长命令士兵靠拢.
    The sergeant major ordered the men to close up.
  • 军士长命令士靠拢。
    The sergeant-major ordered the men to close up.
  • 副排长叫士们从右首开始报数。
    The platoon sergeant numbered his men off from the right.
  • 霍华德士官因为违抗命令而被降为小
    Sergeant Howard was reduced to the ranks for disregard of orders.
  • 由一名中士率领的四名士埋伏在十字路口
    Four men lead by a sergeant lie in ambush at the crossroads.
  • 上田并不是教官,这儿也不是什么普通的新营。
    But Ueda is no drill sergeant, and this is no ordinary boot camp.
  • 中士严厉责骂点名时迟到的那个士
    The sergeant raked the soldier over the coals for being late for roll call.
  • 我觉得奇怪:“一个当过的人,什么尖端的坦克、武器都见过了,怎么一听说机动部队要经过他的组屋区,还是那么兴奋呢?”
    I wondered: "Why would a national serviceman, who has seen the best of tanks and weaponry, be so turned on by the presence of a mobile column in his neighbourhood?"
  • 这些法规规定:对于牺牲军人家属、革命伤残军人、老复员军人等重点优抚对象实行定期定量补助;对义务家属普遍发放优待金;
    These regulations stipulate that a regular and fixed-amount subsidy shall be given to the key recipients, such as dependents of fallen servicemen, disabled revolutionary servicemen and demobbed veterans, that dependents of conscripts be granted special allowances;
  • 国家在国防建设领域,依法确立和健全了从中央到地方的国防领导体制和运行机制,建立了役制度、国防动员制度、国防科研生产制度、国防资产管理制度、军事设施保护制度以及军人抚恤优待制度等基本国防制度;
    In the sphere of national defense construction, China has set up and improved its defense leading system and operating mechanism at both the central and local levels in accordance with the law, together with basic national defense systems and institutions, such as those of military service, mobilization, research and production, assets management and military facilities protection, as well as those of giving special care to the bereaved families of servicemen.
  • 她被看成全公司的标
    She is considered a pace-setter in the corporation.
  • 后来在1957年,他又被评为全国的"标"。
    Then in 1957 he was named as a national"pace-setter".
  • 自从他十七岁以来,他就是一名士并且还计划呆在军队里直到他三十岁为止。
    He had been a soldier since he was seventeen, and planned to stay in the army till he was thirty.
  • 数名士兵受了奖。
    Several soldiers were decorated.
  • 意识到声音是由猫发出的,卫将刀收回鞘中。
    Realizing the sound was made by a cat, the guard sheathed his sword.
  • 什么叫九十万、九十万呀?头一个九十万,就是起义、投诚、俘虏的国民党官有九十万,怎么消化,怎么安置,怎么教育改造,这是个大难题,需要解决。
    The first 900,000 referred to the number of Kuomintang officers and men who had revolted, surrendered or been captured. We had to solve the big problem of absorbing them, making arrangements for them and remoulding them through education.