  • 继续通过具有普遍代表性的多边谈判机制谈判缔结新约;
    new treaties should be concluded through a broadly representative multilateral negotiations mechanism;
  • 船的侧面碰撞了港口岸壁.
    The ship hit the harbour wall broadside on.
  • 詹特立说:“改变你的饮食方式。当有人问你昨晚吃的什么饭时,你说吃的甘蓝、面和水果,而不是牛排。肉应该是配菜。”
    “ shift the way you eat,so that when somebody asks what you had for dinner last night,you talk about broccoli,pasta and fruit -- not the steak.Meat should be the garnish,” Gentry says.
  • 烤架用平行的金属构成的用来烤鱼或肉的平面构架
    A flat framework of parallel metal bars used for broiling meat or fish.
  • 旧时的经纪业广告上说:"他的钱是用老办法得来的:他挣的。
    An old brokerage commercial says:“ He made his money the old? fashioned way: He earned it.
  • 无情的天气;北方的冬天是无情的;无情的世界;严酷的气候件;严酷的气候件;无情的冬天。
    brutal weather; northern winters can be cruel; a cruel world; a harsh climate; a rigorous climate; unkind winters.
  • 地方政府有一对警察的暴行保持缄默的密约。
    there was a conspiracy of silence about police brutality.
  • 因为一方面,敌人兵力不够分配,又执行着前无古人的野蛮政策,另一方面,中国有广大的土地,又有众多的抗日人民,这些都提供了平原能够发展游击战争并建立临时根据地的客观件;
    On the one hand, the enemy does not have enough troops at his disposal and is pursuing a policy of unparalleled brutality, and on the other hand, China has a vast territory and vast numbers of people who are resisting Japan; the objective conditions for spreading guerrilla warfare and setting up temporary base areas in the plains are therefore fulfilled.
  • 狗是危险的畜牲,它咬人。
    That dog is a dangerous brute; it bites people.
  • 那条狗真像一只野兽.
    That dog looks a real brute.
  • 约三天前在布加勒斯特签订。
    The treaty was signed three days ago at Bucharest.
  • 好消息使我们大家倍受鼓舞。
    The good news made all of us buck up.
  • 好消息使我们大家振奋。
    The good news bucked us all up.
  • 长满芽的枝条
    Branches in full bud.
  • 前总统克林顿办公室说,克林顿将抱一新狗回家。他曾说,他的爱犬巴迪之死是他离开白宫后发生的最糟的一件事。
    Former President Bill Clinton who said the death of his dog Buddy was the worst thing to happen to him after leaving the White House, is getting a new puppy to his house, his office says.
  • 不管我怎样用劲拉缰绳,那老母牛一点儿也不动窝。它只是站在那儿,静静地望着我,嘴里咀嚼着从胃里吐出的东西。
    No matter how hard I pulled on her rope, the old cow refused to budge. She just stood there calmly gazing at me and chewing he cud.
  • 汽船从在水里游水的水牛附近经过。
    A steamboat pass near a buffalo swimming in the water.
  • 他向冲过来的那水牛开火,结果一枪就把它给打死了。
    He fired at the charging buffalo and killed it stone dead with the first shot.
  • 在卡夫卡的小说中,一个人变形成了一小虫。
    In Kafka's story, a person metamorphoses into a bug.
  • 身体和翅膀上有突起线组成的网格图案的小虫。
    small bug having body and wings covered with a lacy network of raised lines.
  • 围在从右肩到左边臀部的放剑或号角的(装饰性的)带子。
    a wide (ornamented) belt worn over the right shoulder to support a sword or bugle by the left hip.
  • 他帮忙造一条小船。
    He helped build a boat.
  • 将一项额外款列入合同中
    Build an extra clause into the contract
  • 营造商未能履行合同的款。
    The builder fail to fulfill the term of his obligation.
  • 这座建筑物不符合安全例。
    The building does not conform to safety regulations.
  • 新铁路正在建造之中。
    A new railway is being built.
  • 必要性的免责条款
    A built-in escape clause.
  • 去年我们新建了一铁路。
    Last year we built another railway.
  • 那儿正在修建一水渠。
    There a canal was being built.
  • 那银行职员半闭着眼在打瞌睡。他一胳膊穿进皮带圈,借助它的力量使自己不至于撞着身边的乘客,也不至于在马车颠簸太厉害时给扔到车旮旯儿里去。马车车窗和车灯朦胧映入他的眼帘,他对面的旅客的大包裹便变成了银行,正在忙得不可开交。
    As the bank passenger--with an arm drawn through the leathern strap, which did what lay in it to keep him from pounding against the next passenger, and driving him into his comer, whenever the coach got a special jolt--nodded in his place, with half-shut eyes, the little coach-windows, and the coach-lamp dimly gleaming through them, and the bulky bundle of opposite passenger, became the bank, and did a great stroke of business.
  • 他本不应该走近那公牛。
    This should not walk near that bull to him.
  • 有人送给她一叭喇狗。
    Someone gave her a bulldog.