  • 任何一種小的平行的凹槽,就象冰河留在岩石上的擦或者是肌肉組織裏的層次或紋綫。
    any of a number of tiny parallel grooves such as: the scratches left by a glacier on rocks or the streaks or ridges in muscle tissue.
  • 玻璃杯有裂痕!
    This glass is cracked!
  • 這衹玻璃杯有裂痕!
    And this glass is cracked!
  • 今天晚上我接到了副總統先生極為友好的電話,我們同意下周早些時候在華盛頓會晤,我們同意盡力彌合這次大選帶給美國的傷
    This evening I received a gracious call from the vice president.We agreed to meet early next week in Washington and we agreed to do our best to heal our country.
  • 他的痛苦並未觸及靈魂深處,不會留下任何傷
    His griefs grieve on no universal bones, leaving no scars.
  • 她姐姐身上還帶着艱辛操勞的跡。
    Her sister carried with her most of the grimness of shift and toil.
  • 車輪在泥路上留下凹
    Wheels leave grooves in dirt roads.
  • 槍手在自己的槍柄上刻下五道凹以表示有五個人死在他槍口下。
    The gunman notched up five victims on the handle of his gun.
  • 沒有人住過的痕跡。
    There are no signs of human habitation.
  • 根據表背上的那道跡,我能認出那塊表是我的。
    I can identify that watch as mine by the scratches on the hack.
  • 由於劈砍形成的粗糙、不規則的切
    A rough, irregular cut made by hacking.
  • 伯恩:任何次品:扣眼針腳不勻、衣服上有污、鎖邊不當、輔料遺漏、貼錯標簽等等。
    Any unevenly-stitched buttonholes, stains on the blouses, improper hemming, missing trimmings, wrong labeling, etc.
  • 當別人盯著她脖子上的吻看時,她臉都泛紅了。
    The girl blush when people stared at all the hickey on her neck.
  • 她的精心化妝掩飾了脂粉下面歲月刻下的跡.
    Her careful make up hid the signs of age beneath.
  • 40年來,他倆並肩耕耘,共用生産機械,需要時互換勞力和物品。相處的日子過得和和順順。這是他們之間第一次出現裂
    It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch.
  • 動物的蹄子留在一個表面上的可見跡。
    a visible impression on a surface made by the hoof of an animal.
  • 透明塑料膜含有一些繪畫跡(如標簽、色塊)的透明膜,置於解說性的印刷品上以將其印於膜上
    A transparent sheet containing graphic matter, such as labels or colored areas, placed on illustrative matter to be incorporated into it.
  • 可是,但前剋林頓面臨的彈劾指控卻使得政府和選民之間的這種裂發生了戲劇性的變化。國會把彈劾指控搞到了這種程度,是在進行一場冒險,會使它本應當代表的民衆與它的關係更加疏遠。
    But now Bill Clinton's threatened impeachment has dramatised this gap between government and country, by pushing impeachment this far, Congress has risked further alienating the people it is meant to represent.
  • 這幅畫唯一的小疵是在角落裏有一道劃
    The only slight imperfection in this painting is a scratch in the corner.
  • 時代給他留下了跡。
    Time has left its impress upon him.
  • 化石中一片葉子留下的
    The impression of a leaf in a fossil
  • 取得人的指紋跡的程序。
    the procedure of taking inked impressions of a person's fingerprints.
  • 她的臉上帶着受過苦難的深深的跡.
    Her face bore the deep imprint of suffering.
  • 印模牙齒及周圍組織的印,由塑料材料製成,變硬後成為一個模子,用於製造假牙、鑲嵌物或者塑料模型
    An imprint of the teeth and surrounding tissues, formed with a plastic material that hardens into a mold for use in making dentures, inlays, or plastic models.
  • 由新加坡而大連,其所帶有的深刻個人印的權威主義——如新加坡的整齊劃一的價值觀,並不適用於青島的商業文明。
    Besides, the authoritative style of government in both Dalian and Singapore which bears the imprint of a strong leader, is also deemed unsuitable. According to the official, Singapore's set of uniform values is not compatible with Qingdao's business culture.
  • 壓印産生的跡或圖案
    A mark or pattern produced by imprinting.
  • 流星流星體與地球大氣摩擦加熱至白熾在天空中出現的閃光跡或光帶
    A bright trail or streak that appears in the sky when a meteoroid is heated to incandescence by friction with the earth's atmosphere.
  • 一種壓入産生印的裝置;用於保護封閉口,識別文件。
    a device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents.
  • 手印手留下來的輪廓或壓
    An outline or indentation left by a hand.
  • 腳印腳在表面上留下的輪廓或凹
    An outline or indentation left by a foot on a surface.
  • 因傷害而留下的跡。
    an indication of damage.
  • 標記漲潮和落潮時潮水邊緣的綫或人為的標記
    A line or an artificial indicator marking the high-water or low-water limit of the tides.