Chinese English Sentence:
  • 亚历克天被公共汽车撞倒了。
    Alec was knocked down by a bus yesterday.
  • 天买了一本代数。
    I bought a book on algebra yesterday.
  • 汤姆天约会了爱丽斯。
    Tom dated Alice yesterday.
  • 州政府当局天勒令曼哈顿一家电汇款项的商号歇业。据说其与多米尼加共和国数家银行往来调动美金数百万地,主要供毒贩使用。
    State authorities yesterday pulled the plug on a Manhattan money-wiring operation that allegedly funneled millions of dollars to and from banks in the Dominican Republic, mainly for use by drug dealers.
  • 天和玛丽结婚了。
    He led Mary to the altar yesterday.
  • “太不可思议了,他就像天才死去一样。
    “ Amazing. He might have died yesterday.
  • 警察天打了个埋伏。
    The police waited in ambush yesterday.
  • 天一位男子在火车上胡作非为—他打伤了两名铁路员工,砸碎了几扇车厢窗户。
    A man ran amok in the train yesterday—he struck two railway staff and smashed several carriage windows.
  • 天买了一个扩音器。
    I bought an amplifier yesterday.
  • 天晚上他情绪最好,使我们大家一直都很开心。
    He was at his best yesterday evening and kept us all amused.
  • 国际商业机器有限公司天又在华尔街宣布了一项骇人听闻的消息,警告分析家说他们可以预期第二季度盈利至少下降百分之八十。
    IBM dropped yet another bombshell on Wall Street yesterday, warning analysts to expect at least an80% slide in second-quarter earnings.
  • 哥伦比亚广播公司主播丹·拉瑟显然改变了初衷,天拒绝应邀参加明天第二次总统辩论讨论会。他说他宁愿“报导辩论的过程而不愿参加讨论。”
    In an apparent change of heart, CBS anchorman Dan Rather yesterday turned down an invitation to be a panelist in tomorrow's second presidential debate, saying he preferred "to report on the process than to participate in it."
  • 安德鲁天又动身到马德里去了,他真是个行踪不定的人。
    Andrew left for Madrid again yesterday-he’s a regular bird of passage.
  • 天丁勤时市长因为他在民主党内的主要政敌市议会会长斯泰因寄给同性恋活动分子一封未署名的粉红色小册子,而大为光火。
    Mayor Dinkins saw red yesterday over an unsigned pink pamphlet mailed to gay activists by his main Democratic rival, City Council President Andrew Stein.
  • 女王天对她度过童年的格莱米斯的安格斯村进行了一次非正式访问,这勾起了她对往昔的美好回忆。
    The Queen took a trip down memory lane yesterday during an informal visit to the Angus village of Glamis where she spent her childhood.
  • 天不可能看见汤姆。
    Ann couldn't have seen Tom yesterday.
  • 天可能没看见汤姆。
    Ann might not have seen Tom yesterday.
  • 当我们正讨论晚的音乐会时,安娜突然离开话题,开始谈起她的新公寓来了。
    We were discussing last night's concert when Anna went off at a tangent and started talking about her new flat.
  • 天一定有什么事让他烦心了。
    He must have been annoyed by something yesterday.
  • 霍震霆先生天告诉我,每一位获得金牌的运动员看着香港区旗升起和听着国歌演奏的时候,心情特别激动。我相信我能够和你们分享这一份感受。事实上,我听到之后都很激动。
    I was greatly moved indeed when Mr Timothy Fok told me yesterday that our gold medal winners were welled up with particular feelings at the sight of the flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region being raised to our national anthem. I believe that I can share your feelings.
  • 今天完全不象天那么热。
    It isn't anything like as hot as it was yesterday.
  • 昨天我哪儿也没去。
    I didn't go anywhere yesterday.
  • 天去过什么地方吗?
    Did you go anywhere yesterday?
  • 他的文章天发表于“中国日报”上。
    His article appeared in China Daily yesterday.
  • 天,他们订了约会。
    Yesterday they made an appointment.
  • 晚下了雪,并且是在四月!
    It snowed last night, and in April too!
  • 顺便问一句,你天在哪儿?
    Apropos, where were you yesterday?
  • 罪犯昨天被捕了。
    The criminal was arrested yesterday.
  • 警察天执行了三项逮捕行动。
    The police made three arrests yesterday.
  • 阿瑟昨天去世了。
    Arthur pegged out yesterday.
  • 天表现不好,我现在感到很惭愧。
    I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed (of myself) now.
  • 那栋楼晚被烧成灰烬。
    That building was laid in ashes last night.