  • 国务院新闻办公室主任赵启正邀请铁道部部长傅志寰于6月2日席中外记者招待会,介绍中国铁路建设有关情况并答记者问。
    At a June 2 press conference sponsored by the State Council Information Office, Minister of Railways Fu Zhihuan introduced to Chinese and foreign journalists China's railway construction and answered their questions.
  • 有一个可作支点的尖锐的凸物的杠杆;用来翻滚重轮。
    a lever with a pointed projection that serves as a fulcrum; used to roll heavy wheels.
  • 你苦是作允诺,就必须履行。
    If you make a promise, you should fulfil it.
  • 如果夫妻两人能把腾时间相守在一起看作头等重要的事情,美满的婚姻就由此开始了。
    A fulfilling marriage begins when two people make time together their No.1 priority.
  • 由于决定国,他立即开始料理中国的生意。
    Having decided to go abroad, he at once set about fulfilling his business in China.
  • 亲眼看到孩子成为一个年轻的读者,是我所想象的最令人满意的经历。
    Witnessing a child's development into a young reader is one of the most fulfilling experiences I could imagine.
  • 它结构简单,造形别致实现了设计师创造“一个尽可能细的线条勾划庞然大物”的愿望。
    it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer's dream to create 'an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible'.
  • 为了切实履行作为世界贸易组织成员应尽的义务和中国所作的承诺,我们正在按世界贸易组织规则的要求,对现行法律、法规、规章进行清理和修改。
    With a view to effectively fulfilling its WTO obligations and commitments, China is reviewing and amending, where necessary, existing laws and regulations as required by the WTO rules.
  • 1995年与1990年相比,5岁以下儿童营养不良发生率下降了23.82%,提前实现了《九十年代中国儿童发展规划纲要》提的中期目标。
    Compared with 1990, the rate of malnutrition in children under five years old dropped by 23.82 percent in 1995, fulfilling, ahead of the time, the medium-term target envisaged in the Outline of the Program for Chinese Children's Development in the 1990s.
  • 八十年代以来,中国军队在完成教育训练任务的同时,积极参加和支援国家经济建设,为国家的繁荣和发展作了重要贡献。
    Since the 1980s, while fulfilling its education and training tasks, the Chinese army has taken an active part in and fully supported the nation's economic construction, and through this it has made significant contributions to the country's prosperity and development.
  • *根据联合国某些人权条约,个人可对国家提申诉,控诉国家侵害其权利,但需满足某些前提条件,包括用尽国内所有补救办法。
    * Under certain UN human rights treaties, individuals can appeal against States for alleged violations of their rights, subject to the fulfilment of certain preconditions, including the exhaustion of all domestic remedies.
  • 在小农经济的基础上面,对于某些重要农产作相当的生产计划,动员农民为着这样的计划而努力,这是容许的,而且是必须的。
    Within the framework of small-scale peasant economy it is permissible and indeed necessary to draw up suitable plans for the output of certain important agricultural products and to mobilize the peasants to strive for their fulfilment.
  • 我深信,全体香港市民都会期待着香港的青年人表现这样的精神状态:更多地讲求义务,对自己和社会作更大的承担。
    I firmly believe that it is the expectation of Hong Kong people that our young people will demonstrate such a spirit, that is, to focus more on the fulfilment of obligations and be more committed to oneself and the community.
  • 为确保我们的学校有良好的师资,我在施政报告中提了教师学位化和专业化的目标,把原定二零零七年令学位小学教师增加至百分之三十五的目标,提前在二零零一学年实现,并期望早日公布规定所有新入职教师须持有学位和受过师资训练的时间表。
    To ensure the quality of teachers in our schools, I set out in my Policy Address the goal of raising the professional status of teachers. All new teachers will be required to be trained graduates. The date for graduate posts making up 35 per cent of all primary teaching posts will be advanced from 2007 to 2001. It is also hoped that the schedule for the fulfilment of the requirement that all new teachers should be trained graduates could be announced as soon as possible.
  • 他欢喜得说不出来。
    In the fullness of his joy, he could hardly speak.
  • 他没有使出全力。
    He is not fully stretched.
  • 货轮冒浓烟正准备航。
    The freighter was fuming thick black smoke and ready for departure.
  • 一种控制若干输入-输通道的操作装置。
    A functional unit that controls one or more input-output channels.
  • 数据进某功能部件的一种接口。
    An interface by which data enters or leaves a functional unit.
  • 然而,能给这些功能的java小应用程序尚未问世。
    However, the Java applets that will deliver the functionality don't exist yet.
  • 随着im服务提供商推新的版本,他们不仅在其产品上增加了新的功能,而且还增添了个性化特色。
    As IM service providers release new versions, they are adding not only new functionality to their products but also more personalization features.
  • 这两点限制对无线平台提两个方面的要求:第一,平台必须能够开发设备专用的功能,比如能够从无线设备更轻松地操作应用程序的语音浏览;
    The requirements that these two limitations place on a Wireless Platform are twofold: first, the platform must be able to exploit devicespecific functionality such as voice browsing which make it easier to navigate through applications from a wireless device;
  • 故障的没能正常发挥作用的;毛病的
    Not functioning properly; out of order.
  • 国家首脑每年要席很多重大宴会.
    Heads of state attend numerous functions every year.
  • 该养老基金在几家主要售股份给公众的公司中均有股份.
    The pension fund owns shares in several major public companies.
  • "孩子们如果要靠自己去野营两个星期,便须懂得照顾自己的基本知识。"
    "If the young boys and girls are going to camp for two weeks by themselves, they'll need to know the fundamentals of taking of themselves."
  • 我刚提筹集基金的问题, 他急忙插嘴说问题已经解决了.
    When I brought up the question of funding, he quickly interjected that it had been settled.
  • 四、有越来越多的艺术表演团体,要求大笔的资助到国外演
    4. It is increasingly common for the arts companies to seek large funding for overseas performances.
  • 各级财政要切实调整支结构,保证重点支
    Financial departments at all levels should arrange their expenditures so that funding for key items is ensured.
  • 借人那里获得资金。
    obtaining funds from a lender.
  • 交出了非法资金
    Turned over the illegal funds.
  • 突然现一排难看的小屋。
    A fungus of ugly little houses sprang up.