  • 芬兰以人均年消耗162夸脱牛奶排第二位。第三位是冰岛,160夸脱。挪威以158夸脱排第五。下一个国是乌克兰,人均年消耗141夸脱。
    Finland is second in milk consumption with 162 quarts consumed a year, next is Iceland with 160 quarts, then is Norway with 158 quarts, and the Ukraine with 141 quarts of milk consumed each year.
  • 爱尔兰比世界上其他国消耗的牛奶都要多,平均每个人每年要喝掉164夸脱牛奶。
    Ireland consumes more milk than any other country in the world. On average, each person drinks over 164 quarts of milk a year.
  • 务事上她们也心存幻想,梦想能重新装饰客房卫生间,椅子套刺绣,或者“贮藏”几夸脱庭自制的番茄罐头。
    They also yearn for a domestic fantasy,and dream about redecorating the guest bathroom,making needlepoint chair-covers, and 'putting up'quarts of home-canned tomatoes.
  • 厄罗伯曾用于西班牙语国的测量液体的单位,容量不一,但量酒类时约等于16。2公升(17夸脱)
    A liquid measure formerly used in Spanish-speaking countries, having varying value but equal to about16.2 liters(17 quarts) when used to measure wine.
  • 现实情况是当今世界只有四分之一的人口生活在发达国,其他四分之三的人口是生活在发展中国,或者叫不发达国
    As things stand, only one quarter of the present world population lives in developed countries, while the other three quarters are in the developing or so-called underdeveloped countries.
  • 一个不肖子对自己和族所造成的耻辱,是和一个任防御之责的球员接不住球,因而被敌人抢去一样。
    A derelict son is a shame to himself and to his family in exactly the same sense as a quarterback who makes a fumble and loses the ball.
  • 驻扎在当地村民中的部队。
    Troops quartered on the local villagers.
  • 少年因损坏了中唯一的汽车而遭到严厉的惩罚
    The teenager was drawn and quartered for wrecking the family's only car.
  • 他为他全人找到了住处;我拜访了他的单身汉住处。
    he found quarters for his family; I visited his bachelor quarters.
  • 您要搭哪一航空公司的飞机?
    What airline are you going to fly with?
  • 他是这航空公司的独代理商。
    He is the sole agent for the airline.
  • 航空公司所有的飞机都是租来的。
    All the airline 's aircrafts are leased.
  • 航空公司所有的飞机都是租来的。
    All the airline's aircraft is lease.
  • 航空公司所有的飞机都是租来的。
    All the airline's aircrafts are leased.
  • 政府给这新航空公司颁发了许可证。
    The government chartered the new airline.
  • 您坐哪航空公司的飞机。
    What airline is you flying?
  • 您坐哪航空公司的飞机?
    What airline are you flying?
  • 我们坐的是哪航空公司的飞机?
    What airline is we on?
  • 15岁那年,他参加约瑟夫·兰纳(1801—1843)的咖啡馆四重奏乐队。兰纳本人就是一个杰出的圆舞曲作曲
    At the age of fifteen he joined the cafe quartet of Joseph Lanner (1801-1843), himself an outstanding waltz composer.
  • 我们坐的是哪航空公司的飞机?
    What airline are we on?
  • 其他精彩节目包括香港国际电影节、柏林爱乐乐团四重奏、蒙地卡罗芭蕾舞团的舞蹈表演、钢琴拉莎.贝尔文及彼得.多诺浩的表演。
    Other programme highlights included the Hong Kong International Film Festival, the Philharmonia Quartet Berlin, Les Ballets de Monte Carlo, and pianists Lazar Berman and Peter Donohoe.
  • 海顿,弗朗兹·约瑟夫1732-1809奥地利作曲,莫扎特的同时代人,对古典交响乐的发展产生过重大影响,除了歌剧和协奏曲外,他还写了大量的交响乐和弦乐四重奏
    Austrian composer who exerted great influence on the development of the classical symphony. A contemporary of Mozart, he wrote numerous symphonies and string quartets as well as operas and concertos.
  • 非洲的准皇统治者之一。
    one of the quasi-royal rulers of Africa.
  • 到1988年,席琳已在自己的乡quebec省建立起响亮的名声。
    1988, Celine had made a name for herself in her hometown in Quebec.
  • 当女王进来时,大都站了起来。
    Everyone stood when the Queen entered.
  • 统治整个家庭
    Queens it over the whole family.
  • 庭命运的担忧使他神经衰弱。
    Anxiety about the fate of his family reduced him to a nervous wreck.
  • 你是在什么地方结识那个怪伙的?
    Where did you pick up with that queer fellow?
  • 我觉得有点不舒服,我想回了。
    I'm feeling a little queer; I think I'll go home.
  • 随着西藏不断扩大开放,一些过去没有的物种,如鲤鱼、鲫鱼、鳝鱼、泥鳅等水生动物,一些高产、优质的牛、羊、猪、鸡、鸭等畜,玉米、西瓜及各种蔬菜等高效农作物,都已从内地引进并在西藏蓬勃生长。
    As Tibet opens wider to the outside world, non-native creatures such as carp, crucian carp, eel and loach, high-productivity and quality cattle, sheep, pigs, chicken, ducks, as well as corn, watermelons and vegetables have been introduced from the inland areas to Tibet, where they are thriving today.
  • 关于鱼类在澳大利亚,科学想通过引入转基因的雄鱼以产生大量雄性后代的办法来控制带有侵略性的欧洲鲤鱼种群。
    Fish story Down in Australia, scientists dream of controlling invasive species like the European carp by introducing males genetically altered to produce mainly male offspring.
  • 我们不会对这位伟大的作吹毛求疵。
    We will not carp at this great writer.