  • 用坏由于长时或重复使用使或成为无用
    To make or become unusable through long or heavy use.
  • 空着不用的房常常积起大量灰尘。
    There is a collection of dust in an unused room.
  • 把磁盘上的文件、库、文件夹移到一起,使未使用的空成为一个连续区。
    To move files, libraries, or folders together on disk to create a continuous area of unused space.
  • 在数据管理系统中,把库中的若干成员移放在一起,以便把库中未用的存储空构成一片连续的区域。
    In data management system, to move library members together in a library to create one continuous area of unused space in the library.
  • 汤姆没有时准备讲稿,加之他身体欠佳。
    Tom had no time to prepare his lecture , besides which he was unwell.
  • 乘这种岛的小渡船他总是感到不舒服。海浪的起伏波动颠得他的胃十分难受。
    He always felt unwell on the small inner-island ferry. The motion of the waves rising and falling upset his stomach.
  • 不少领导同志,喜欢在自己的工作岗位上建立庞大的机关,由于机构臃肿,层次重叠,不能使群众的意见和要求正确地及时地反映上来,也不能把自己的决议和指示正确地迅速地贯彻下去,在自己和群众之,设置了许多人为的障碍。
    Not a few leading comrades like to turn their own departments into huge apparatuses. These unwieldy and overlapping organizations, like artificial barriers erected between themselves and the masses, make it impossible for the opinions and needs of the masses to be accurately and promptly brought to their notice and for their own decisions and instructions to be correctly and quickly carried out.
  • 当他回家后,应设法给他提供时放松;
    When he comes home try to provide him with some time to unwind;
  • 夫妻的事最好不要管.
    It's unwise to interfere between husband and wife.
  • 这段谈话,无意矮化了民的意见身段。
    He had unwittingly downgraded public opinion.
  • 严格执法的目的是为了营造良好的社会秩序,而不是举手投足之都提心吊胆的物化羁绊。
    The purpose of strict enforcement of the law is to maintain an orderly society. But people should not become so fearful of breaking rules and regulations unwittingly that they refrain from exercising any initiative.
  • 成年人也可利用工余时进修,以充实自己或学习与工作有关的新知识和技能。
    Opportunities are available for adults to study in their spare time, either for personal development or to update knowledge and skills relevant to their work.
  • 使更改数据(插入、修改、删除)为永久性的。在保存变更的数据之前,新老数据会并存一段时,因此,既可保存新数据,也可恢复老数据。当用户使用sql的提交命令commit时,一个事务处理中对数据的全部变更将成为永久性的。
    To make changes to data(inserts, updates, deletes) permanent. Before changes are stored, both the old and new data exist so that change can be stored or the data can be restored to its prior state. When a user enters the SQL command COMMIT, all changes in that transaction are made permanent.
  • 至于兴建新码头的确实时,则有待一九九八年初作出最新的港口货运量增长预测后才决定。
    The timing for building the new terminals on Lantau will be determined after the updating of the Port Cargo Forecasts in early 1998.
  • 134.为提高私营安老院舍的服务水平,自一九九七年初以来,我们已向一百私营安老院提供资助。
    134. To help upgrade the standards in private care homes, since early 1997 we have approved financial assistance to 100 homes.
  • 在参观和拍卖之有一天空隙时,这是留给地毯商拆卸帷幔、壁毯等墙上饰物用的。
    An interval of one day had been left between the viewing and the sale in order to give the upholsterers enough time to take down the hangings, curtains and so forth.
  • 装饰用的家俱布一种用于装潢房的装有厚绒毛的重织物
    A heavy fabric with a thick nap, used for upholstery.
  • 出水高度船的吃水线与最高层甲板之的距离
    The distance between the water line and the uppermost full deck of a ship.
  • 正当我一心想着你的时候,你就走进了我坐着的那个房
    You walked into the very room I was sitting in, while you were uppermost in my mind.
  • 中国红军(抗日时期是八路军、新四军,现在是人民解放军)从一九二七年八月一日南昌起义创始,到一九二九年十二月,经过了两年多的时
    The Chinese Red Army (which became the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies during the War of Resistance Against Japan and is now the People's Liberation Army) was created on August 1, 1927, during the Nanchang Uprising, and by December 1929 had been in existence for over two years.
  • 有利的一面是,我们将有更多的时把这件事做彻底。
    The upside is that we will have more time to do a thorough job.
  • 楼上的房要比底层的暖和得多。
    The upstairs rooms are much warmer than those on the ground floor.
  • 他把我们带进了楼上的一个房
    He led us into a room upstairs.
  • 他把我们带到楼上一个房里。
    He led us to a room upstairs.
  • 她把我们带到楼上一个房里。
    She led us to a room upstairs.
  • 楼上有一个供客人使用的酒吧
    There is an upstairs bar for guests.
  • 然若全国在革命高涨中,贫农阶级有所恃而增加勇气,中阶级亦有所惧而不敢乱为。
    But when there is a revolutionary upsurge in the country as a whole, the poor peasant dass has something to rely on and becomes bolder, while the intermediate class has something to fear and dare not get out of hand.
  • 为了确保最大的网络不停机工作时,成本有效的网络速度和灵活性,有些企业用户正在数据存储网络中实施光纤通道产品。
    To ensure maximum network uptime, network speed and flexibility for cost-effective, pay-as-you-go growth, some enterprise users are implementing Fibre Channel products in data storage networks.
  • 大桥正从中分开,两半部分正往上升起,一艘大汽船正从下驶过。
    The bridge is parting in the middle, and the tow halves are moving upwards. A big steamer is passing underneath.
  • 阿根廷和乌拉圭之的一个河口。
    an estuary between Argentina and Uruguay.
  • 美国正在增加它与欧共体之的贸易。
    The USA is increasing its trade with the EEC.
  • 房子7月1日以后就能使用了;2000平方英尺的可用办公空
    the house is available after July 1; 2000 square feet of usable office space.