  • 儘管晚的戲很無聊,但我還是堅持看到完。
    I sat out the play last night tough it was quite uninteresting.
  • 天接到貴函,我們很樂意嚮您報告有關查詢事項。該公司博得此間客戶極大信賴,特此復函。
    Reply to your letter of yesterday's date, we are happy to inform you that the house refer to enjoy an unlimited credit.
  • 晚9時發燒並咳嗽的很厲害,一直到半夜纔入睡。
    She coughed a lot and had a high fever at 9 last night and could not fall asleep untie midnight.
  • 直到天我纔註意到這件事。
    It was not until yesterday that I noticed it.
  • 直到昨天我都很忙。
    I was very busy until yesterday.
  • `約翰今天沒來.'`怪不得, 他天就好像不太舒服.'
    John isn't here today.'That figures, he looked very unwell yesterday.'
  • 窗外有一條翻耕過的地畦,上面有一部夜除去馬軛後留下的鏵犁。
    There was a ridge of ploughed land, with a plough upon it where it had been left last night when the horses were unyoked;
  • 我可以聽到老師責備湯姆天曠課的聲音。
    I could hear the teacher upbraiding Tom for his absence from school yesterday.
  • 晚的魚使我的胃不舒服。
    The fish last night upset me.
  • 我想問一下你們在天的報紙上廣告招聘色拉配製工的事。這個職位還空着嗎?
    I'm asking about your ad for a salad hand in yesterday's newspaper. Do you still have that vacancy?
  • 我想問一下你們在天的報紙上廣告招聘色拉配製工的事。這職位還空着嗎?
    I am asking about your ad for a salad hand in yesterday's newspaper. Do you still have that vacancy?
  • 我想問一下你們在天的報紙上廣告招聘色拉配製工的事。這職位還空着嗎?
    I am asking about your ad for a salad hand in yesterday 's newspaper. do you still have that vacancy?
  • 天夜裏兩個流浪漢凍死在公園裏。
    Two vagabonds froze to death in the park last night.
  • 天我桌子上有兩支鋼筆,可是現在它們全消失得無影無蹤。
    There were two pens on my desk yesterday but now they have both vanished into thin air.
  • 我以為,我們最好避而不談晚發生的事。
    I think it best if we draw a veil over what happened last night.
  • 據《洛杉磯時報》日報導:剋林頓聲言他從未得到優遇,事實正好相反,他叔父曾幕後使用影響力,並曾展開一項“有計劃的遊說活動”協助民主黨總統候選人逃避越戰徵兵。
    Contrary to Bill Clinton's claim that he never got special favors, his uncle pulled strings and ran a"concerted lobbying campaign" that helped the Democratic presidential candidate dodge the Vietnam draft, the Los Angeles Times reported yesterday.
  • 天他們打了一場排球賽。
    Last night they played a match of volleyball.
  • 當他天來時,我正在打排球。
    When he came yesterday, I was playing volleyball.
  • 天來時,我正在打排球。
    When he come yesterday, I am playing volleyball.
  • 他把天吃的東西全都吐了出來。
    He vomited out all what he ate yesterday.
  • 他昨天沒有空,對嗎?
    He was not free yesterday, was he?
  • 韋德夜很晚纔回傢,更確切地說,今天凌晨纔回傢。
    Wade came home very late last night, or rather very early this morning.
  • 他昨天沒有睡着。
    He was wakeful yesterday.
  • 我們隊天吃了個大敗仗。
    Our team got a terrible walloping yesterday.
  • 天要提出幫助他。
    I wanted to help him yesterday.
  • 比昨天暖和得多了。
    It's much warmer than yesterday.
  • 比昨天暖和得多了。
    It 's much warmer than yesterday.
  • 天我洗了我的衣服。
    I washed my clothes yesterday.
  • 天他們拍了許多瀑布的照片。
    They took many pictures of the waterfall yesterday.
  • 花園不用澆水了--夜剛下過雨.
    The garden doesn't need watering it rained last night.
  • 過分小心的張德培晚竟被排名第十二的種子選手,來自南非的韋恩·費瑞逼得他使出所有招數,……。
    Michael Chang, careful to a fault, let himself be pushed to the limit last night by 12th-seeded Wayne Ferreira of South Africa, ….
  • 州警官韋恩·貝內特天說,“當初以為弗格森不知槍裏有子彈,而是一項意外事件。可是進一步調查證明他當時發怒,他所做的乃出於本意,根本的問題是他居心如此。”
    "At first, there was a suggestion that Furguson didn't think there was a bullet in the gun, that it was an accident," said State Police Major Wayne Bennett yesterday. "But further investigation indicates he was angry. He meant to do what he did. The bottom line is, there was intent."