  • 这艘船定期往返于伦和澳大利亚之间。
    This ship plies between London and Australia.
  • 该办公室成立于1973年,当时的工作重点主要放在美、苏两国及其各自的盟国,评估的目的不仅仅是根据美国的看法作出对形势是否满意的判断,而且提供形势发展的长期趋势,就某些问题提请国防部高层领导人关注并促其采取行动,这些问题可能是正在出现的问题,也可能是我们应当抓住的机会。
    When it started, the office began in 1973, and it was focused pretty much on U.S., Soviet Union plus allies on both sides. The objectives of these assessment was not only to provide assessment, not only whether the situation was satisfactory, from a U.S. perspective, but also to provide assessment of the long term trends that were underway, and to surface for the top level managers here in the department, issues they ought to pay attention to and do something about. It could be an emerging problem, or an opportunity we ought to seek.
  • 警察在伦的下流社会中有告密者。
    The police have informers in the London underworld.
  • 英军肯定会被打垮,他估计一周之内便可打到伦
    The English army would undoubtedly be defeated and he estimated that within a week he would be in London.
  • 此人骑着马小跑着往回走。他要把消息带给伦法学院大门旁台尔森银行门口警卫棚里的守夜的,守夜的要把消息转告银行里更高的权威。夜里的黑影仿佛是从那消息里生出的种种幻象,出现在他面前,也仿佛是令母马心神不宁的幻象横出在那牲畜面前。
    While he trotted back with the message he was to deliver to the night watchman in his box at the door of Tellson's Bank, by Temple Bar, who was to deliver it to greater authorities within, the shadows of the night took such shapes to him as arose out of the message, and took such shapes to the mare as arose out of her private topics of uneasiness.
  •  煌的美在世界上是独一无二的。
    The beauty of Dunhuang is unique in the world.
  • 我们认为把伦作为中国茶叶的卸货港,很难让人接受。
    We don't think it's proper to unload the Chinese tea at London.
  • 当一架飞机从伦到达悉尼机场时,工人们开始卸下大批装有衣服的木箱。
    When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport, workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing.
  • 自打那时起,他皈依宗教,表现出对绘画交易的不满以及对工作玩忽职守的态度。古比尔把他从伦调到巴黎,可看到他的工作还是不尽人意时,就在1876年将他解雇了。
    After that,he turned to religion,expressed disapproval with art-dealing and neglected his work,Groupil transferred him from London to Paris but,when his work was still unsatisfactory,dismissed him in 1876.
  • 自打那时起,他皈依宗教,表现出对绘画交易的不满以及对工作玩忽职守的态度。古比尔把他从伦调到巴黎,可看到他的工作还是不尽人意时,就在1876年将他解雇了。
    After that, he turned to religion, expressed disapproval with art-dealing and neglected his work, Groupil transferred him from London to Paris but, when his work was still unsatisfactory, dismissed him in 1876.
  • 她别井离乡从农场搬到伦.
    She uprooted herself from the farm and moved to London.
  • 他们促我们给予支持。
    They urged us to give our support.
  • 这些伦的断垣残壁是罗马人占领的遗迹。
    These fragments of wall in London are vestiges of the Roman occupation.
  • 我们将从伦经过纽约到华盛顿。
    We shall go from London to Washington via New York.
  • 维多利亚站是伦最繁忙的一个车站。
    Victoria is one of London's busiest stations.
  • 明天从伦到维也纳有什么班机?
    What flights are there from London to Vienna tomorrow?
  • 当你参观伦时,首先看到的东西之一就是`大本钟'。
    When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben.
  • 参观博物馆;游览伦
    Visit a museum; visited London.
  • 我们既访问了纽约,又访问了伦
    We visited both New York and London.
  • 是值得参观的城市。
    London is a city worth visiting.
  • 在古伦,房屋都用围墙围起来作防御。
    In old London the houses were walled about for defence.
  • 该班机由华盛顿直飞伦
    The flight goes direct from Washington to London.
  • 我可以从滑铁卢到南安普去吗?
    Can I go from Waterloo to Southampton?
  • 我可以从滑多铁卢以南安普去吗?
    Can I to from Waterloo to Southampton?
  • 每次我去医院探望儿子总是先乘火车到伦滑铁卢车站下车,这几乎已经成了惯例,然后步行25分钟穿过滑铁卢大桥,走到位于大奥蒙德大街的儿童医院。
    The journey up by the train to London’s Waterloo Station had become almost routine. Then 20-minute walk across Waterloo Bridge and on to the hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street.
  • 我是从伦来的汤姆·华特森。
    This it Tom Watson from london.
  • 如果你打算去伦,那就去;如果你不打算去,那就待在家里。你一会儿一个想法,我怎么订计划。
    If you're going to London, go-and if you're not, stay at home. I can't make any plans with you as changeable as a weathercock.
  • 他们每年有六百镑的伦地区生活补贴。
    They got a London weighting of £600 a year.
  • 他们每年获得200英镑伦地区差别工资津贴。
    They got a London weighting allowance of £200 a year.
  • 回伦时,正好路过皮卡迪利的宏伟官邸(简直是座宫殿)阿普斯利大厦,这是心存感激的英国人民在拿破仑战争之后送给威灵顿公爵的。
    When I returned to London,I happened to pass Apsley House,the enormous mansion(almost a palace)on Piccadilly given by the grateful British people to the Duke of Wellington after the Napoleonic wars.
  • 他们那时候在伦,对吗?
    They were in London then, were not they?
  • 今日已将下列物品装于“伦号”货轮,运到美国码头,以贵公司为收货人,特此通知。
    We inform you that we have today send the goods to the american wharf addressed to you for shipment per m.s."London maru".