  • 保民古代罗马平民选举产生的保护他们的权利免受贵族地方行政专横行为侵害的
    An officer of ancient Rome elected by the plebeians to protect their rights from arbitrary acts of the patrician magistrates.
  • 一位首席法将对工会和雇主之间的争端进行仲裁。
    A leading judge will arbitrate in the disagreement between the trade union and the employers.
  • 判定,判决决定,如法或仲裁者所作出的
    A decision, such as one made by a judge or arbitrator.
  • 宅邸高显贵的正式邸,如主教或大主教
    The official residence of a high dignitary, such as a bishop or an archbishop.
  • 会吏总的职位副主教的阶或职位
    The rank or office of an archdeacon.
  • 足弓,齿弓具有弯曲的或弓状外形的器或结构,尤指脚的骨架结构的两个弓形部分之一
    An organ or structure having a curved or bowlike appearance, especially either of two arched sections of the bony structure of the foot.
  • (植物学)属于或与植物(雌性器)藏卵器有关。
    (botany) of or relating to an archegonium.
  • 一个炎热的下午,被遮天蔽日的大树覆盖着的沙伯尔街吸引着年轻的警埃文·马海尼。
    It was the trees arching over Sabal Lane that called to young officer Evan Mahoney one afternoon.
  • 十月二十五日,同盟国中国战区台湾省受降仪式於台北举行,受降主代表中国政府宣告:自即日起,台湾及澎湖列岛已正式重入中国版图,所有一切土地、人民、政事皆已置於中国主权之下。
    On 25 October the ceremony for accepting Japan's surrender in Taiwan Province of the China war theater of the Allied powers was held in Taibei. On the occasion the chief officer for accepting the surrender proclaimed on behalf of the Chinese government that from that day forward Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago had again been incorporated formally into the territory of China and that the territory, people, and administration had now been placed under the sovereignty of China.
  • 在政府员中对新的建设工程产生了不少分歧。
    A good deal of discord has arisen over the new construction project among the government officials.
  • 到1599年,出现了第三种意思“指那些被授权以长的名义处理事务,特别是政府事务的人,因此出现了当今对美国以总统的名义办事的内阁成员的称呼。
    By 1599, a third sense had arisen, that of someone authorized to act in the name of the principal, especially in matters of government affairs. Hence the titles of US cabinet members who act in the name of the president.
  • 三、皇帝和贵族的专制政权是被推翻了,代之而起的先是地主阶级的军阀僚的统治,接着是地主阶级和大资产阶级联盟的专政。
    The autocratic rule of the emperors and nobility has been overthrown, and in its place there have arisen first the warlord bureaucrat rule of the landlord class and then the joint dictatorship of the landlord class and the big bourgeoisie.
  • 革命之后贵族统治灭亡了;竞选员的不成功使得他在政治上和经济上都破产了。
    after the revolution the aristocracy was finished; the unsuccessful run for office left him ruined politically and economically.
  • 据史料记载,1943年,大贵族车门·罗布旺杰把100名农奴卖给了止贡地区噶珠康萨的一名僧,每个农奴的价钱是60两藏银(约合四块银元);
    According to historical records, in 1943 the aristocrat Chengmoim Norbu Wanggyai sold 100 serfs to a monk official at Garzhol Kamsa, in Zhigoin area, at the cost of 60 liang of Tibetan silver (about four silver dollars) per serf.
  • 警察不能逮捕任何人,因为篮子里载着两名国会议员和基地的司令
    The police could not arrest anyone, for the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the commanding Officer of the station!
  • 逮捕由法律执行员进行的逮捕
    An arrest by a law enforcement officer.
  • 拘捕嫌疑犯时,负责逮捕的警必须背诵一段长长的警告:“你有权保持沉默。
    When taking a suspected criminal into cus-tody, the arresting officer must recite a lengthy warn-ing which begins: "You have the right to remain silent.
  • 傲慢的员;傲慢的声明;骄傲的象孔雀。
    an arrogant official; arrogant claims; chesty as a peacock.
  • 主动脉系统血管的主干道,将血液由心脏左侧输送到除肺部以外的所有肢体及器的动脉里
    The main trunk of the systemic arteries, carrying blood from the left side of the heart to the arteries of all limbs and organs except the lungs.
  • 心脏脊椎动物分隔成室的肌肉器,从静脉接受血液并将其压入动脉从而维持血液在整个循环系统中的流动
    The chambered, muscular organ in vertebrates that pumps blood received from the veins into the arteries, thereby maintaining the flow of blood through the entire circulatory system.
  • 然而,人体中的萄葡糖一旦与生命期长的胶原蛋白结合就会产生一系列重大变化,诸如动脉变厚,关节僵硬,肌肉乏力,器衰退等年迈体虚的特微。
    But where glucose forms tight bonds with the long-lived protein collagen, the result is a constellation of changes, including thickened arteries, stiff joints, feeble muscles and failing organs-the hallmarks of a frail old age.
  • 内膜器或部位最里面的膜,特指淋巴管、动脉或静脉的内里
    The innermost membrane of an organ or a part, especially the inner lining of a lymphatic vessel, an artery, or a vein.
  • 瓣,瓣膜在中空器或管道,例如静脉或动脉血管中的膜状结构,能够收紧或关闭以防止通过其的体液倒流
    A membranous structure in a hollow organ or passage, as in an artery or a vein, that folds or closes to prevent the return flow of the body fluid passing through it.
  • (其他动物的)齿非脊椎动物的类似器,例如节肢动物的外骨骼或软体动物的外壳上的尖锐小齿或小突起
    A similar structure in invertebrates, such as one of the pointed denticles or ridges on the exoskeleton of an arthropod or the shell of a mollusk.
  • 口器昆虫或其它节肢动物的嘴的部分,尤指适于某种特殊喂食方式的部分或器
    Any of the parts of the mouth of an insect or other arthropod, especially a part or an organ adapted to a specific way of feeding.
  • 充满野心勃勃、阿谀谄媚之人的庞大、腐败的僚机构,既搞工作也搞麻烦——小亚瑟·m·斯金森格。
    a large praetorian bureaucracy filled with ambitious...and often sycophantic people makes work and makes trouble- Arthur M.Schlesinger Jr..
  • 发滑音言语中发音器从一个音滑到下一个音发音
    To articulate a glide in speech.
  • 可移动的导弹系统;舌头是……最灵活的发音器
    a mobile missile system; the tongue is...the most mobile articulator.
  • 调动发音器发出语音。
    bringing articulatory organs together so as to shape the sounds of speech.
  • 炮兵军士未受军衔的炮兵军
    A noncommissioned artillery officer.
  • 她坦率地回答了法的问题。
    she answered the judge's questions artlessly.
  • 古罗马或法国高级员的职位或职权
    The office or authority of a prefect.