  • 一种组成神经系统的细胞。其显著特点为:当加刺激于其树突上时能开启离子电流;能进入细胞体中的电位相加,如积累的电位足够高,则发出一动作电位(冲动)。
    A cell composing the nervous system. Its salient features are its ability to open to ionic current when stimulated on its dendrites; to sum the incoming potentials in its cell body and to emit an action potential down its atomic part, if the potential accumulated is high enough.
  • 到2004年,产量以15%的复合比率增长,是同类公司平均速度的4倍。
    Through2004,production should increase at a compounded15% ,four times greater than its peer-group average.
  • 这部电影几年的事压缩于半小时内。
    The film compresses several years into half an hour.
  • 两个月的工作并在一个月做
    compress two months' work into one
  • 然而,如果一个充满液体的密封的容器加热,就会发生膨胀,这种膨胀可以大到使容器崩裂,因为液体不像气体那样是可压缩的,液体受热后往往产生巨大的压力。
    However, if a sealed container fully filled with a liquid is heated, expansion will take place. The expansion may be so great that it will crack the container, because a liquid is not so compressible as a gas, and the heat supplied creates a great pressure.
  • 糖的溶液浓缩为糖浆
    concentrate sugar solution into syrup
  • 集中精力于精力集中于(某物或观点)
    To concentrate emotional energy on(an object or idea).
  • 空幻境界神或魔鬼所具有的能观念转化为可感知世界的一个元素的力量
    The power of a god or demon to transform a concept into an element of the sensible world.
  • 意念由注意力放到某物体上而来的概念
    A concept arising from directing the attention toward an object.
  • 症状的显示表示计划的产物要流失。
    the appearance of symptoms that signal the impending loss of the products of conception.
  • 在理论上,我国的各族精英,都必须接受一个事实,那就是未来的新加坡,仍旧是一个多元文化的社会。
    At the conceptual level, we should accept that Singapore's elite would remain heterogeneous in the future, reflecting the multi-racial, multi-lingual and multi-religious character of Singapore society.
  • 我们友善的关怀误解成间谍行为
    Misread our friendly concern as prying.
  • "关于你的来信,我乐意告诉你,你们在本周末收到订货。"
    "Concerning your letter, I am pleased to inform you that you are to receive the order by the end of this week."
  • 我希望你我两家商行的交易迅速发展。
    I hope business will develop rapidly between our two concerns.
  • 音乐会于星期六举行。
    The concert will be given on Saturday.
  • 音乐会在9点45分左右结束。
    The concert will end about 9:45.
  • 只要我们同心协力和持之以恒,种族和谐的关系必定能在来更上一层楼。
    With concerted and sustained efforts by all concerned Singaporeans, racial harmony should attain a new dimension when the next generation of citizens take their rightful place in society.
  • 我已经下达命令,联军已经开始对固定的目标进行选择性打击,彻底销毁萨达姆威胁这个世界的能力,这是一次大规模的袭击,这只是一个初始的阶段。
    "On my orders, coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war. These are opening stages of what will be a broad and concerted campaign.
  • 有理由相信,经过努力,青藏铁路作为一条符合环保要求的高原铁路,真正造福于西藏各族人民。
    With the concerted efforts of all concerned it is justifiable to believe that the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, as a plateau railway up to the environmental protection standard, will truly benefit the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet.
  • 这首难度大的钢琴协奏曲弹奏得完美无缺。
    She played the difficult piano concerto to perfection.
  • 我们在价格上做些让步。
    We will make some concession in price.
  • 在价格上稍作让步带来足够的利润。
    Some slight concession in price would bring in sufficient profit.
  • 同时,为了照顾团结抗日的大局,委曲求全,同意江南新四军部队移至长江以北,并且进一步要求解决国共间的若干重要悬案。
    However, in a spirit of conciliation and compromise for the sake of maintaining unity against Japan, they agreed to shift their forces from the south to the north of the Yangtse River, while demanding the solution of a number of major outstanding issues between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.
  • 随着第三首诗的发表,荔子情也告一段落。
    Lizi Qing will conclude with the publication of the third classical poem.
  • 以请求捐款给俱乐部结束我的谈话。
    I will conclude my remarks with a request for a contribution to the club.
  • 敌人方面,士气已开始表现颓靡,敌人陆军进攻的锐气,此阶段的中期已不如初期,末期更不如初期。
    On the enemy side, there are already signs of flagging morale, and his army's momentum of attack is less in the middle phase of this stage than it was in the initial phase, and it will diminish still further in the concluding phase.
  • 有一天我们生活在和平,和谐和团结之中。
    One day we shall all live in peace, concord and union.
  • 光是谴责这种侵略罪行是不够的;他们必须采取行动,用枪支弹药自己武装起来,抵抗侵略。
    It is not enough to condemn aggression: they must take steps to arm themselves against invasion with guns, bombs, etc.
  • 联合国会员再也经不起畏首畏尾。必须强烈谴责伊拉在,并且如果它不它库存的氰化物和芥子毒气摧毁,就必须以孤立它做威胁。
    The UN's member-nations can no longer afford to pussyfoot around the issue. They must strongly condemn Iraq and threaten to isolate if it fails to destroy its stock of cyanide and mustard gases.
  • 摘要已发表的材料,例如文章、散文或报告编辑或压缩后汇集起来
    A collection of previously published material, such as articles, essays, or reports, usually in edited or condensed form.
  • 据说这位军每周日都要屈尊与士兵们一同进餐。
    It is said the general condescended to eat with the soldiers every Sunday.
  • 条件运算符用于自己的“副作用”,或用于它生成的值。但通常都应其用于值,因为那样做可运算符与if-else明确区别开。
    The conditional operator can be used for its side effects or for the value it produces, but in general you want the value since that’s what makes the operator distinct from the if-else.