| - qí shí bù rán, xīn 'ào dōushì gòng hé lián bāng guó jiā chéng yuán, liǎng guó shuāng biān guān xì liáng hǎo, tā gèng shì wǒ men mào yì huǒ bàn, hé kuàng 'ào zhōu shì guó rén rè 'ài de lǚ yóu diǎn, hái yòu bù shǎo rén zài nà lǐ dìng jū, duì bái 'ào zhǒng zú zhèng cè yòu chū xiàn sǐ huī fù rán de jì xiàng, wǒ men qǐ kě děng xián shì zhī。
The reality is more complex. Singapore and Australia are both members of the Commonwealth, we are trading partners and we enjoy good ties. Besides, Australia is one of the favourite holiday destinations of Singaporeans and quite a number of Singaporeans have settled there. We should not take signs of racism rearing its ugly head there again lightly.- nà cuì zhù yì nà cuì dǎng de yì shí hé shí shī, yóu qí shì zhǒng zú guó jiā zhù yì, guó jiā kuò zhāng, zhèng fǔ kòng zhì jīng jì de zhèng cè
The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy.- yòu lì yú jī jí jìn qǔ de shì chǎng yíng xiāo cè lüè
A go-ahead marketing strategy.- wǒ men de jī běn zhèng cè shì bù biàn de。
Our radical policy is invariable.- wèn: nà me nǐ jiàn yì de jī jìn cè lüè shì shénme?
Q: So what's your radical prescription?- yào shèng lì bì xū zhèng zhì shàng jūn shì shàng dū cǎi qǔ hé xiàn shí dà yòu qū bié de zhèng cè 。
For the attainment of victory, policies radically different from the present ones are necessary in both the political and the military fields.- wàn yī fā shēng jǐn jí shì gù, tiān wén tái biàn huì jiā qiáng fú shè jiān cè, bìng píng gū shōu jí dào de fàng shè jí qì xiàng zī liào, yǐ gū jì fàng shè xìng wù zhì zài quán gǎng de shū sòng、 kuò sàn jí chén jī qíng kuàng, ér qiě huì jiù bì xū cǎi qǔ de duì cè xiàng zhèng fǔ tí gōng jì shù yì jiàn。
In any emergency, the Observatory will intensify radiation monitoring and assess the radiological and meteorological information collected to estimate the transport, dispersion and deposition of any radioactivity over Hong Kong. It will also give the government technical advice on any necessary counter-measures.- “ mì mì wài jiāo zhèng cè ” de shuō fǎ cháng qī yǐ lái yǐn qǐ liǎo měi guó gōng zhòng de fèn nù。
The phrase "secret diplomacy" has long been a red rag to American public opinion.- dàn shì wǒ men de gànbù, hái yòu xǔ duō rén bù míng bái dǎng zài mù qián shí qī de zhèng cè yīngdāng hé tǔ dì gé mìng shí qī de zhèng cè yòu zhòng dà de qū bié。
But many of our cadres fail to realize that the Party's present policy must be very different from its policy during the Agrarian Revolution.- shí xíng“ gēng zhě yòu qí tián” de tǔ dì gé mìng, zhèng shì sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng céng jīng tí chū guò de zhèng cè ;
The Agrarian Revolution put into effect the principle of "land to the tiller", which is precisely what Dr. Sun Yat-sen proposed.- zài tǔ dì gé mìng zhōng, wǒ men gēn jù nóng cūn de jiē jí zhuàng kuàng tí chū liǎo zhèng què de jiē jí zhèng cè 。
During the Agrarian Revolution we based our correct class policy on the conditions of classes in rural areas.- lǜ piào 'é zhà yī zhǒng fǎn shōu gòu cè lüè, mù biāo gōng sī yǐ qí tā gǔ piào chí yòu zhě yuàn yì de gèng gāo de jià gé lái shōu gòu měng liè pāo shòu zhě de gǔ piào
An antitakeover maneuver in which the target firm purchases the raider's stock at a price above that available to other stockholders.- zài yīng guó, shí shì píng lùn yuán hé zhèng cè zhì dìng zhě dōuduì měi guó de xīn guó jì guān xì yuán zé gǎn dào xīng fèn, nà shì měi guó zǒng tǒng qiáo zhì ·w· bù shí zài xī diǎn jūn xiào de bì yè diǎn lǐ jiǎng huà zhōng pī lù de。
In Britain commentators and policy makers are agog about a new U . S. doctrine, unveiled by President George W. Bush in a commencement address at West Point.- zhèng shì yīn wéi zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng gēn jù mǎ kè sī zhù yì de yuán zé, yī guàn dì jiān chí liǎo bìng fā zhǎn liǎo dì yī cì guó gòng tǒng yī zhàn xiàn de gòng tóng gāng lǐng jí gé mìng de sān mín zhù yì, suǒ yǐ gòng chǎn dǎng néng yú qiáng kòu yā jìng mín zú wēi jí zhī jì, jí shí dì tí chū mín zú mín zhù de tǒng yī zhàn xiàn zhè zhǒng wéi yī néng gòu wǎn jiù wēi wáng de zhèng cè , bìng qiě bù pí juàn dì shí xíng zhī。
It is precisely because the Chinese Communist Party, basing itself on Marxist principles, has constantly adhered to and developed the revolutionary Three People's Principles -- the common programme of the first Kuomintang-Communist united front -- that, in this hour of national crisis when our country is invaded by a powerful aggressor, the Party has been able to put forward the timely proposal for a national and democratic united front, which is the only policy capable of saving the nation, and to apply this policy with unremitting effort.- zài kē lì zhī“ fán róng” shí qī, měi dì guó zhù yì de kuò zhāng hé fǎn dòng xíng wéi jí wéi chāng jué。 tā de zǒng de lüè duó jīng shén biǎo xiàn zài: hǎi lù jūn bèi de páng dà kuò zhāng; lǚ cì wǔ zhuāng qīn rù jiā lè bǐ hǎi qū hé zhōng měi zhōu gè guó …… lì yòng suǒ wèi“ mén hù kāi fàng” zhèng cè dǎ jìn zhōng guó。
During the Coolidge "prosperity” period American imperialism was aggressively expansionist and reactionary. Its general predatory spirit was exemplified by the huge growth of military and naval armaments, repeated armed invasions of Caribean and central American countries… and inroads upon China through the device of the "Open Door" policy.- gōng sī yào qiú yuán gōng wéi tuī chū chéng gōng chǎn pǐn chū móu huá cè , bìng duì zhè xiē shè xiǎng jiā yǐ guǎng fàn lùn zhèng, yǐ què bǎo qí zhì liàng hé 'ān quán xìng, rán hòu jī jí dì jiāng zhè xiē shè xiǎng fù zhū shí shī, tuī xiàng shì chǎng, chuán dì gěi xiāo fèi zhě。
Employees are expected to think up successful product ideas, to test those ideas extensively to ensure quality and safety, and to push those ideas aggressively into the market to the customer.- piān 'ài qiáng yìng hàodòu de zhèng cè de zhèng zhì qīng xiàng。
any political orientation favoring aggressive policies.- tā men xiàn zài gèng jiā pīn mìng dì tuī xíng qīn lüè zhèng cè liǎo。
They have become more desperate in pushing their policies of aggression.- luó suǒ hào zhào shì jiè yú lùn qiǎn zé tā men de qīn lüè zhèng cè 。
Russel called on world opinion to condemn their policy of aggression.- wèile cuī huǐ cháo xiān fāng miàn de dǐ kàng, tā men cǎi qǔ jìn gōng cè lüè, tā men yǐ wéi hěn kuài jiù huì shí xiàn hé píng, dàn què dài lái liǎo zhàn zhēng。
In ruling out the defense of Korea, they invited aggression in that area, they thought they were going to have peace, it brought war.- duì shǎo shù mín zú de xǔ duō shì yí, bù máng dòng, bù yào qīng shuài dì páo qù jìn xíng gǎi gé, bù yào qīng shuài dì tí chū zhù zhāng, xuān chuán mín zú zhèng cè yě bù yào qīng shuài。
In handling the affairs relating to minority nationalities, we should not act blindly and go there rashly to carry out reform, raise proposals and propagate the nationality policy.- liǎng cì dà zhàn de jiào xùn zhī yī shì, mín zú、 zōng jiào hé jīng jì wèn tí bì xū shòu jiān kòng ( ōu zhōu guó jiā duì fēi lǐ xìng zhèng quán de suí jìng zhèng cè , zhǐ huì ràng qián zài wēi jī 'è huà ), dàn shì jiān kòng yòu lài qiáng yòu lì de guó jì xié diào, ér fēi yǐ bào zhì bào。
One of the lessons that can be learned from the Second World War is the issues of race, religion and economy must be monitored and controlled. (The Europeans' appeasement policy towards irrational regimes would only aggravate the hidden dangers.) However, to monitor and control them, a strong and effective system of international coordination must be in place. We should not curb violence with violence.- liǎng cì dà zhàn de jiào xùn zhī yī shì, mín zú、 zōng jiào hé jīng jì wèn tí bì xū shòu jiān kòng( ōu zhōu guó jiā duì fēi lǐ xìng zhèng quán de suí jìng zhèng cè , zhǐ huì ràng qián zài wēi jī 'è huà), dàn shì jiān kòng yòu lài qiáng yòu lì de guó jì xié diào, ér fēi yǐ bào zhì bào。
One of the lessons that can be drawn from two World Wars is the issues of race, religion and economy must be monitored and controlled. (The Europeans' appeasement policy towards irrational regimes would only aggravate the hidden dangers.) However, to monitor and control them, a strong and effective system of international coordination must be in place. We should not curb violence with violence.- quán gǎng fā zhǎn cè lüè jiǎn tǎo de píng gū jiēguǒ xiǎn shì, bù duàn chéng shì huà hěn kě néng huì shǐ kōng qì zhì sù hé shuǐ zhì 'è huà, yǐ jí shǐ zào yīn hé fèi wù chǔlǐ shè shī bù zú de wèn tí gèng wéi yán zhòng。
The assessment of the territorial development strategy showed that continuing urbanisation would be likely to aggravate air and water quality,intensify exposure to noise and overloads waste disposal capacity.- rán 'ér, ōu yuán pī píng jiā rèn wéi jiāng lìlǜ hé huì shuài zhèng cè kòng zhì quán yí jiāo gěi 'ōu zhōu yāng xíng kě néng yì wèi zhe xíng dòng zhí xíng de jí zhōng huà, zhè yǔ bāo hán gōng sī yùn zuò de gè guó jīng jì bù xiāng shì yìng。
However, critics of the euro feel that handing over control of interest rates and exchange rate policy to the ECB could mean that action is taken centrally which is inappropriate for the economies in which companies operate.- zhè zhǒng lǐ lùn yǐ jù lǐ xìng de jué cè 。
This theory is based on rational decisions.- jí shǐ zài jué cè shí de dà fāng xiàng què shí shì qún tǐ de lì yì, rú guǒ zhǎng quán zhě xiǎng yào rén mín jiē shòu zhè yàng de jiě shì, nà me, qǐng zhì shǎo qīng chǔ dì ràng rén men liǎo jiě měi yī gè jué dìng de chū fā diǎn hé dāng jú jiān chí de lǐ yóu。
Even if a policy is truly in the interest of the majority and the government wants the people to embrace it, it should spell out clearly the rationale for the decision and why it has to go ahead with it. - àn zhào jīng jiǎn、 tǒng yī、 xiào néng de yuán zé hé jué cè 、 zhí xíng、 jiān dū xiāng xié diào de yào qiú, jì xù tuī jìn zhèng fǔ jī gòu gǎi gé, kē xué guī fàn bù mén zhí néng, hé lǐ shè zhì jī gòu, yōu huà rén yuán jié gòu, shí xiàn jī gòu hé biān zhì de fǎ dìng huà, qièshí jiě jué céng cì guò duō、 zhí néng jiāo chā、 rén yuán yōng zhǒng、 quán zé tuō jié hé duō zhòng duō tóu zhí fǎ děng wèn tí。
Following the principle of simplification, uniformity and efficiency and meeting the requirements of coordination in decision-making, execution and supervision, we will continue to promote the restructuring of government departments, standardize their functions in a scientific manner, rationalize their set-ups, and optimize their composition in order to delimit the structures and sizes statutorily and solve the problems of too many levels, overlapping functions, overstaffing, divorce between powers and responsibilities and duplicate law enforcement.- xiāng gǎng rén kǒu bù duàn zēng jiā, bìng qiě rì jiàn lǎo huà, dài lái gè zhǒng wèn tí, wǒ men yào móu qiú duì cè ; shì mín duì fáng wū de xū qiú rì yīn, duì fáng wū zhì sù de yào qiú rì gāo, wǒ men yào shè fǎ mǎn zú; xiāng gǎng jīng jì zhuǎn xíng, láo gōng shì chǎng chū xiàn hùn luàn qíng kuàng, wǒ men bì xū jiā yǐ chǔlǐ; shēng huó zài pín qióng xiàn xià de rén kǒu bù duàn shàng shēng, wǒ men yì xū shī yǐ yuán shǒu。
We have to meet the challenges arising from a growing and ageing population, satisfy demand for more and better housing, and deal with employment dislocation due to restructuring of the economy and rising level of population under the poverty line.- xiāng gǎng rén kǒu bù duàn zēng jiā, bìng qiě rì jiàn lǎo huà, dài lái gè zhǒng shè huì wèn tí, wǒ men yào móu qiú duì cè ; shì mín duì fáng wū de xū qiú rì yīn, duì fáng wū zhì sù de yào qiú rì gāo, wǒ men yào shè fǎ mǎn zú; xiāng gǎng jīng jì zhuǎn xíng, láo gōng shì chǎng chū xiàn hùn luàn qíng kuàng, wǒ men yì xū jiā yǐ chǔlǐ。
We have to meet the challenges arising from a growing and ageing population, satisfy the pressing demand for more and better housing, and deal with employment dislocation due to restructuring of the economy.- xiāng gǎng rén kǒu bù duàn zēng jiā bìng qiě rì jiàn lǎo huà, dài lái gè zhǒng wèn tí, wǒ men yào móu qiú duì cè ; shì mín duì fáng wū de xū qiú rì yīn, duì fáng wū zhì sù de yào qiú rì gāo, wǒ men yào shè fǎ mǎn zú; xiāng gǎng jīng jì zhuǎn xíng, láo gōng shì chǎng chū xiàn hùn luàn qíng kuàng, wǒ men yì xū jiā yǐ chǔlǐ。
We have to face challenges arising from a growing and ageing population, meet the pressing demand for more and better housing, and deal with employment dislocation due to restructuring of the economy.- wǒ men bìng huì wéi lǎo huà de rén kǒu zhì dìng zhōu xiáng de 'ān lǎo zhèng cè , wù qiú zuò dào“ lǎo yòu suǒ yǎng、 lǎo yòu suǒ shǔ、 lǎo yòu suǒ wéi”。
We will develop a comprehensive policy for our ageing population, and provide our elderly with a sense of security, belonging and worthiness.