  • 那輛斯萊斯在出口的斜坡附近趕上了我們。
    The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp.
  • 在農場或牧場的雇傭工。
    a hired laborer on a farm or ranch.
  • 1999年,法國農民出身的活動傢瓊斯·博韋帶頭砸了法國南部的一傢麥當快餐店,成為法國反全球化運動中執掌大旗的一名楷模。
    In 1999, sheep farmer-turned-activist Jose Bove became a standard-bearer for the French anti-globalization movement when he led a group that ransacked a McDonald's in southern France.
  • 第五節 第三,除了動對象材料和幫助動的工具外,還必須防止動受到幹擾,防止動産品受到損害。這些幹擾或損害或是來自破壞性的自然力量,或是來自人們的暴力或強取。
    5. Thirdly: Besides materials for industry to employ itself on, and implements to aid it, provision must be made to prevent its operations from being disturbed, and its products injured, either by the destroying agencies of nature, or by the violence or rapacity of men.
  • 我們要在社會主義建設的勝利史上寫下青年們的光輝的一頁,我們就一定要老老實實,勤勤懇懇,戒驕戒躁,克勤克儉,把一切可以團结的力量團结起來,用艱苦的動來創造我們的幸福生活。
    If our youth want a brilliant page to be written for them in the annals of successes for socialist construction, they must be honest and diligent, guard against conceit and rashness, practise economy and industriousness, and unite all forces possible to create a happy life through hard work.
  • 動力市場專傢說,大多數公司將婦女排除在專業工作之外所持的理由?,他們擔心婦女會在短短數年之後就放棄工作去結婚。
    Labor market experts say the rationale used by most companies for excluding women from professional jobs is the fear that they will quit to get married after only a few years.
  • 香港人口不斷增加,並且日漸老化,帶來各種問題,我們要謀求對策;市民對房屋的需求日殷,對房屋質素的要求日高,我們要設法滿足;香港經濟轉型,工市場出現混亂情況,我們必須加以處理;生活在貧窮綫下的人口不斷上升,我們亦須施以援手。
    We have to meet the challenges arising from a growing and ageing population, satisfy demand for more and better housing, and deal with employment dislocation due to restructuring of the economy and rising level of population under the poverty line.
  • 我們要應付香港人口膨脹和日漸老化所帶來的各種挑戰;設法滿足市民對優質房屋日益殷切的需求;處理香港經濟轉型而導致工市場出現的混亂情況,以及嚮貧睏的人施以援手。
    We have to meet the challenges arising from a growing and ageing population, satisfy the demand for more and better housing, and deal with employment dislocation due to restructuring of the economy and address the needs of the poor.
  • 香港人口不斷增加,並且日漸老化,帶來各種社會問題,我們要謀求對策;市民對房屋的需求日殷,對房屋質素的要求日高,我們要設法滿足;香港經濟轉型,工市場出現混亂情況,我們亦須加以處理。
    We have to meet the challenges arising from a growing and ageing population, satisfy the pressing demand for more and better housing, and deal with employment dislocation due to restructuring of the economy.
  • 香港人口不斷增加並且日漸老化,帶來各種問題,我們要謀求對策;市民對房屋的需求日殷,對房屋質素的要求日高,我們要設法滿足;香港經濟轉型,工市場出現混亂情況,我們亦須加以處理。
    We have to face challenges arising from a growing and ageing population, meet the pressing demand for more and better housing, and deal with employment dislocation due to restructuring of the economy.
  • 他認為,拉的大部分表現都可以得到“a+”的評價。一名華盛頓資深記者說:“拉不希望別人把目光都集中在她身上。
    " Yet for the most part, observers give her raves. " An A plus," says a veteran Washington journalist. " It hasn't been about ' Look at me. Look at me.
  • 青德雞,上海風味華榮雞,麥當,加州牛肉面和蝦仁燒麥。
    Fried kentuky chicken. Huarong chicken with shanghai flavour, Macdold. California beef noodle, and steamed shelled shrimps ravioli.
  • “基本上,我們的談判已完全停頓,”與工會談判的首席代表州工廳長布拉姆奇說。“我們提出來討論的,他們都未加考慮。”
    "Basically, we are at a dead stop in negotiations," said Raymond L.Bramucci, the State Commissioner of Labor, who has led negotiations with the unions. "They have just not considered anything we have put on the table."
  • 想要收穫自由之果的人,必須承受維護自由的苦。(潘恩)
    Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it.( T. Paine)
  • 播種者和收割者的動也是如此。
    as is also the labour of the sower and of the reaper.
  • 磨坊主、收割者、耕耘者、製犁匠、車把式和造車工匠,乃至水手和造船工匠,衹要被雇用,就會從最終産品即面包那裏獲得報酬,因為他們對於製作面包用的小麥付出過動或者提供過作業工具。
    The miller, the reaper, the ploughman, the plough-maker, the Waggoner and waggon-maker, even the sailor and ship-builder when employed, derive their remuneration from the ultimate product-the bread made from the corn on which they have severally operated, or supplied the instruments for operating.
  • *國際工組織--工組織召集政府、雇主和工人代表就如何緩解9月11日攻擊後發生旅遊業嚴重下滑所造成的社會影響交流情況。
    * International Labour Organization – ILO has organized government, employer and worker representatives to exchange information on ways to ease the social impact of the severe downturn in the tourism industry in the aftermath of the 11 September attacks.
  • 惟獨第三次戰役,因為不料敵人經過第二次戰役那麽慘敗之後,新的進攻來得那麽快(一九三一年五月三十一日我們結束第二次反“圍剿”的作戰,七月一日蔣介石就開始了他們的第三次“圍剿”),紅軍倉卒地繞道集中,就弄得十分疲
    It was only during the third campaign that the Red Army was very fatigued by the detour it had hastily had to make in order to reassemble, because we had not expected the enemy to launch a new offensive so quickly after suffering such a crushing defeat in the second campaign (we ended our second counter-campaign on May 31, 1931, and Chiang Kai-shek began his third "encirclement and suppression" campaign on July 1).
  • 每一代人都有他們自己的反抗;他的身體正在發出疲的信號。
    each generation must have its own rebellion; his body was in rebellion against fatigue.
  • 雲南、貴州、甘肅、廣東等省的一些戒毒所,在規範化管理方面創造了“治療醫院化、教育學校化、環境園林化、康復動化”的經驗,被戒毒人員稱為“告別毒品的再生之所”。
    Endeavoring to realize standardized administration, a number of centers in Yunnan, Guizhou, Gansu and Guangdong provinces have created the experience of "undergoing treatment along hospital lines, offering education along school lines, managing the environment along garden lines and achieving rehabilitation along labor lines," and have been called "places of rebirth where I bade farewell to drugs" by many addicts.
  • 他的勤使我感到慚傀。
    His industry rebukes me.
  • 他拒絶接受任何服務的酬
    He object to receiving any remuneration for his service.
  • 他靠勤、節儉保持興旺發達。
    He keeps himself afloat by industry and economy.
  • 以收到酬為特徵的。
    marked by the reception of pay.
  • 對功等的正式認可。
    an official recognition of merit.
  • 接受承認和酬某人的顯著的造詣成就而授予的榮譽的人。
    a recipient of honors in recognition of noteworthy accomplishments.
  • 你的功必須受到充分的嘉奬。
    Your services must be duly recognized.
  • 這一類的回憶,很可能在節日的愉快氣氛裏投下一個陰影,於是剋德便把話引到一般性的題目上。
    These recollections being of a kind calculated to cast a shadow on the brightness of the holiday, Claud diverted the conversation to general topics.
  • 免費的,不收酬的無需回報或無償地給予或授予的;無所獲取的
    Given or granted without return or recompense; unearned.
  • 他們給他錢以酬他的辛苦。
    They gave him money in recompense for his trouble.
  • 晚些時候,希臘及其殖民地嚮羅馬帝國提供了另一類冒險傢,即所謂哲學家或演說傢,這些人嚮上層階級子弟傳授所謂最寶貴的技藝;他們大都是非生産性動者,但他們優厚的報酬卻是本國財富的一個來源。
    At a later period the same country and its colonies supplied the Roman empire with another class of adventurers, who, under the name of philosophers or of rhetoricians, taught to the youth of the higher classes what were esteemed the most valuable accomplishments : these were mainly unproductive labourers, but their ample recompense was a source of wealth to their own country.
  • 他們酬謝他的辛勞。
    They recompensed him for his trouble.