Chinese English Sentence:
  • 晚剩下的部份菜给热一热留到今天中午吃。
    Part of last night's dinner was reheated for lunch today.
  • 天,丁勤时市长在一次记者招待会中,对几位商界领袖们说:“曼哈顿南部是推动本市经济的发动机,”并宣布研究改善此一地区的计划,设法使其复苏,并研拟本地的长期发展。
    "Lower Manhattan is the economic engine which drives our city," Mayor David N.Dinkins said yesterday during a news conference with several corporate executives where he announced plans to study changes in the area, find ways to reinvigorate it and map out its long-term development.
  • 天告知向上海发出25箱的信函我们已敬悉。
    We have the pleasure to acknowledge your favour of yesterday advising 25 cases for shanghai.
  • 天,警察通知迪克先生,他丢失的金表找到了。
    Police advised Mr.Dick of finding his lost gold watch yesterday.
  • 六个队参加了天的接力赛。
    Six teams competed in yesterday's relay race.
  • 他昨天被释放出狱。
    His release from prison took place yesterday.
  • 有,我天刚换了新的。
    Yes, I renewed it yesterday.
  • 在工人们把飞机跑道上的灰烬清理干净之后,机场天重新对外开放。不过火山发出的隆隆巨响和火山口喷出的浓烟极有可能迫使机场第三次关闭。
    It reopened yesterday after workers had cleared debris from the runway, but explosive booms and smoke from the crater could yet force it to close for a third time.
  • 天我又重复了一遍。
    And I repeated it yesterday.
  • 天的报纸报导了一件极其振奋人心的事。
    Yesterday's papers reported something extremely exciting.
  • 里根总统当初宣布支持布什一事,被认为不够认真——把布什的名字读错了——据报导里根非常“羞愧”。天乃再度推荐布什。
    President Reagan took a second crack at endorsing George Bush yesterday after reportedly being "mortified" that his original statement of support- in which he mispronounced Bush's name –was considered half-hearted.
  • 日官方说,一位因判罪犯重刑而据称已被犯人计划铲除的皇后区最高法院法官,将由警察护送上班回家。
    A Queen Supreme Court justice reportedly slated for a rubout by a convict he threw the book at will be escorted to and from work by uniformed cops, officials said yesterday.
  • 天没听说哪儿有大的军事冲突。
    No major military clashes were reported anywhere yesterday.
  • 昨天他提出了辞呈。
    He gave in his resignation yesterday.
  • 天向经常递交了辞呈。
    I submitted my resignation to the manager yesterday.
  • 海运市场持续看涨,目前无法获相同动费率。
    Ret market continue bullish no chance to get same rate presently.
  • 海运市场持续看涨,目前无法获相同动费率。
    Ret mt continue bullish no chance to get same rate presently.
  • 他昨天回家了。
    He returned home yesterday.
  • 我昨天回家了。
    I returned home yesterday.
  • 他昨天回伦敦了。
    He returned to London yesterday.
  • 西尔斯百货公司天宣布结束“大本”商品目录(邮购业务)。……(这本目录在乡间美国家庭里与圣经并列已有九十七年。)作为公司重整计划的一部分。此外公司将关闭113家分店,解雇5万人。
    Sears, Roebuck & Company announced yesterday that it was pulling the plug on its "big book" catalogues, …as part of an extensive revamping that will close 113 of its stores and carve 50,000 jobs from its payroll.
  • 天我丈夫把门拆了,rex气恼极了,从此我们再也没有见到它。
    Yesterday my husband removed the gate and Rex got so annoyed we have not seen him since.
  • 据说理查德天获奖了。
    I heard Richard won the prize yesterday.
  • 里克:晚我们说了很多事情,你说了我应该为我们俩考虑。
    Rick: Last night we said great many things.
  • 丁勤时市长削减10亿余元市府预算的努力,天在好几方面遭遇阻碍。
    Mayor David N.Dinkins' efforts to cut the city's budget by more than $1 billion ran into roadblocks on several fronts yesterday.
  • 消防队向布朗克斯南部一个irt高架地铁站窜出的火焰围拢过来,天上午歹徒打劫不成纵火焚烧该站,售票员沙希德无法脱身。
    Firemen close in on blaze as it roars through elevated South Bronx IRT station, where token booth clerk Micki Shaheed was trapped after thwarted robbers torched station early yesterday.
  • 天发生了一宗大胆的抢劫案。
    A daring robbery took place yesterday.
  • 有人告诉你天的抢劫案了吗?
    Did someone tell you about the robbery yesterday?
  • 有人告诉你天的抢劫案了吗?
    Do someone tell you about the robbery yesterday?
  • 天我在银座差点撞上罗伯特·雷德福。
    Yesterday I nearly ran into Robert Redford in the Ginza
  • 晚罗伯特的行为令人难以忍受。
    Robert’s behaviour last night was beyond the pale.
  • 经过33天的逃亡,被控杀死警察的鲁宾逊天在一项破晓前的突袭中,在费城他的女友公寓中被捕。
    After 33 days on the lam, accused cop killer Johnny Ray Robinson was bagged yesterday in a predawn raid at his girl friend's apartment in Philadelphia.