堆Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 琢石, 料石, 嵌饰墙面的整形块石, 方石堆 ashlar
- n. 瓶子, 束, 堆, 麦杆捆, 瓶, 酒, avessel, oftenofglassandtypicallycylindricalwithanarrowneckthatcanbeclosedwithacaporcork, forcontainingliquids., Alsocalled:bottlefultheamountsuchavesselwillhold, acontainerequippedwithateatthatholdsababy'smilkorotherliquid, nursingbottle.thecontentsofsuchacontainer, shortformagneticbottle, nerve, courage, moneycollectedbystreetentertainersorbuskers, abundle, espofhay bottle
- 生产反应堆 producing reactor
- 生产反应堆 production reactor
- 生物医学用反应堆 biomedical reactor
- 生物医学辐照用反应堆 biomedical irradiation reactor
- n. 用厨房里的垃圾制堆肥. composting the kitchen waste
- n. 用沙子堆的城堡(通常指儿童在沙滩堆筑的). pile of sand shaped to look like a castle, usu made by a child on a beach
- n. 用粗面轧辊轧制, 瘤, 节疤或类似的肿块, 锤碾金属, 金属片加工, 凸起部分, 刻痕和堆焊, 轴包套, 导流罩, 尾轴孔部, 船尾管鼓出部 bossing
- adj. 用索子捆扎的, 附凸花织的, 分搁堆积的, 用绳索捆扎的, 绳制的, 起棱纹的, (肌肉)紧张的 corded
- n. 用耙把某物耙在一起、 耙成一堆等 She gets tips as well as her wages, so she's really raking it in. 她又领工资又收小费, 真赚了不少钱. rake sth together, up, etc move sth together, up, etc with a rake
- n. 甲板, 露台, 舱面, 覆盖物, 桥面, 房屋的楼层, 纸牌, 一包香烟, 上承, 平屋顶, 客车顶, 地面, 副标题, 装海洛因等毒品的袋子, 卡片组, 走动机构, 层舱, 驾驶舱, 最低飞行高度, 平台, 场地, 凹板, 圆木堆, 一层云, 层面, 一副纸牌, 舰板, 一副 deck
- 电力堆垛机 electric stacker
- 电视机用高压硅堆 high voltage silicon stack for TV
- n. 皱褶, 普通群众, 大量, 多量, 一堆, 一群, 落后马群, 碎屑, 废物, 群众, 普通人, 一般事物, 布上的皱褶, 一般人, 群众, 乱阵, 争相抢球的一群球员 ruck
- 直接循环一体化沸水堆 direct cycle integral boiling reactor