| - 剧名角色 title role
- 副图名 map subtitle
- 功成名就的级长们 Prefects Who Gained Power
- n. 加入赫赫有名的团队. infantry regiment
- 加害无力自卫的人的生命[名誉]; 欺侮善良无辜者 shoot the sitting pheasant
- vt. 加标签于,紧随,添饰,起浑名,连接 tag
- n. 加里, 加里(男子名) gary
- n. 动名词, 英语动名词, 拉丁动名词gerund-grinder gerund
- adj. 动名词的, =gerundial gerundive
- 动名词(如在 Swimming is a good form of exercise 句中的 swimming). noun derived from a verb, eg swimming in the sentence Swimming is a good form of exercise
- n. 劳伦斯, 劳伦斯(男子名) lawrence
- n. 勋爵(用在贵族和男爵的姓名之前) title prefixed to the names of peers and barons
- adj. 包括市区及郊区的, (加在名称前)大种的 greater
- n. 包裹因姓名地址有误而退给了寄件人. The parcel was returned to the sender because the directions were incorrect
- 化武亚里(原名阿里马哲特,因协助萨达姆﹒侯赛因统领化学气体武器而得此名) Chemical Ali (Ali Hassan al-Majid)
- 北方青瓷(以别于越窑青瓷而得名) northern celadon