| - n. 作名词时可指1`身体感受周围事物的方式' She talks a lot of good sense. *sense
- abbr. 作街道名的)路, 大道 Drive (
- n. 作记号的人, 记分员, 书签, 打分数的人, 记分器, 划线器, 指示器, 标靶兵, 指标, 标杆, 旗标, 纪念标, 纪念碑, 里程碑, 点名先生, 监猎人, 照明弹, 遗传标记, 基因标记, 得分, 筹码, 标识, 标志, 冰上割槽机, 标记, 标兵 marker
- n. 作记号表示(某事物)(如在某人姓名旁打勾号) by putting a mark, eg a tick by sb's name
- n. 作`民族'、 `部落'或`种族'解时, 是单数名词(复数是peoples) meaning `nation', `tribe' or `race' *people
- n. 你今天晚上很神秘, 搞的什麽名堂? You're full of mystery tonight; what's going on?
- 你在决选名单上吗? Are you on the short list?
- 你必须报名参加该队. You `must put your name down for the team
- adj. 你把我的名字拼错了. You've spelt my name wrong
- 你猜猜是哪个名人说过这句话? =>Usage at which 用法见 which. Guess what famous person said this?
- n. 你的名字怎麽拼写? How do you spell your name?
- 你的朋友都不过是无名之辈. Your friends are all just a bunch of nobodies
- n. 你能说出这花园里所有植物的名字吗? Can you name all the plants in this garden?
- v. 使...附于,署名,粘贴 affix
- v. 使一法律文件生效(经签署、 签名见证、 封印、 交付者). execute a legal document, ie by having it signed, witnessed, sealed and delivered
- vt. 使不名誉, 使蒙羞, 高于, 优于, 使黯然失色, 使感到羞愧, 使感到可耻, (常与into, outof连用)迫使某人因羞愧而做某事 shame