| - n. 他讲的笑话把满桌人都逗笑了. His jokes amused the whole table
- v. 他讲话时不时地捶著桌子. He punctuatedhis remarks with thumps on the table
- v. 以希尔的名字预订一个双座的桌位 reserve a table for two in the name of Hill
- n. 以手指在桌子上轻击鼓点. beating a tattoo on the table with his fingers
- n. 任何光滑坚硬可以雕刻的表面, 桌状面, 上有铭题、绘画等的平面, 刻有铭文的碑, 颅骨分层, 画在墙上、天花板上或桌面上的画, 弦线标谱, 想象中的景象, 生动的描述 tablature
- n. 传布, 伸展, 蔓延, 扩展, 伸张, 传播, 范围, 区域, 广度, 差额, 进出差价, (报纸、杂志上的)连续两页或多页的文章或广告, 酒席, 宴会, 涂在面包上的软质食品, 展开, 桌布 spread
- 伸缩桌 extension table
- adj. 你别在桌布上擦沾了果酱的手指. Don't wipe your jammy fingers on the table-cloth
- 你把书桌斜过来就能通过这道门. If you turn it edgeways you'll get the desk through the door
- adv. 你把你的书都从桌上拿开了吗? Have you cleared away your books from the table?
- indef det 你把钱落在桌子上了. You left some money on the table
- n. 你铺好桌子准备吃晚饭好吗? Could you set the table for supper?
- vt. 使就座, 使坐下, 帮助…找到座位, (桌子)有座位, (屋子)可容纳若干人 seat
- adj. 使桌子不摇晃(如把一条桌腿儿修好) make a table steady, eg by repairing a leg
- 便携式组合桌椅 easy carry combination table and chair
- n. 信用, 祭器台, 供桌, 信任, 凭证, 餐具柜, 餐桌旁的伺服用桌, 相信 credence