| - n. 意为较大的建筑物群及其机器设备, 一般并不生产成品 factory workers 工厂工人. Works suggests a larger group of buildings and machinery, generally not producing finished goods *works
- adj. 慈母般的微笑、 拥抱. a motherlike smile, embrace
- adj. 戏剧性的, 引人注目的, 给人深刻印象的, 戏剧的, 剧本的, 演剧的, 戏剧般的, 激动人心的, 惹人注目的, 生动的, 有关戏剧的, 激动的, 动人的 dramatic
- v. 我一般不爱吃辛辣的食物. Generally speaking, I don't like spicy food
- n. 我一般乘7点15分的火车去伦敦. get the 7.15 train to London
- adj. 我从来没有见过这麽不般配的一对儿. I've never seen such an incompatible couple
- n. 我们一般在四点半喝下午茶. We usually have tea at half-past four
- n. 我们向经销商出售汽车, 不卖给一般人. We sell cars to the trade, not to the general public
- adv. 我对此事记忆犹新, 恍如昨日一般. I can remember it as if it were yesterday
- n. 我耳边响起雷鸣般的讲话声. A voice thundered in my ear
- 截至一九XX年三月三十一日为止的财政年度预算卷一乙部──政府一般收入帐目 Estimates for the year ending 31 March 19XX Volume IB--General Revenue Account
- 截至一九XX年三月三十一日为止的财政年度预算卷一甲部──政府一般收入帐目 Estimates for the year ending 31 March 19XX Volume IA--General Revenue Account
- n. 拇指页标(书边切割的缺口, 一般按字母顺序排列, 用以标示各字母所在书中的位置, 如某些字典中的). set of lettered notches cut in theedge of a book, used to identify the position of the varioussections in it (eg the words beginning with a certain letter in a dictionary)
- adj. 指岩石)如玻璃般坚硬光亮的. hard and shiny like glass (
- adj. 指戏剧或戏剧风格)一般的, 朴实无华的, 严肃的 of the ordinary type; serious (
- v. 指液体或液体般流动之物)不断流动(尤指自上而下) flow, esp downwards, in a continuous stream (