| - 酸性鉻橙 acid chrome orange
- 酸性鉻深藍 acid chrome dark blue
- 酸性鉻紅 acid chrome red
- 酸性鉻緑 acid chrome green
- 酸性鉻藍 acid chrome blue
- 酸性鉻黃 acid chrome yellow
- 酸性鉻黑 acid chrome black
- 酸性降水 acid(ic) precipitation
- 酸性障礙 acid harm
- 酸性飼料 acidic feed
- 酸性香波 acidic shampoo
- n. 酸把銀器的表面腐蝕了. Acid had pitted the surface of the silver
- 酸改性氧化醚代馬鈴薯澱粉 acid modified oxidized etherified potato starch
- 酸改性纖維 acid modified fibre
- 酸改性聚酯纖維 acid modified polyester fibre
- n. 酸果汁, 不高興的態度, 酸果汁, 尖酸刻薄, 陰沉, 乖僻 verjuice