| - pref. -亦用於動詞、 形容詞、 名詞之前, 構成反義詞 Dis- is also used with verbs, adjectives and nouns to form opposites *dis
- pref. -附加在名詞、 形容詞、 副詞前, 表示沒有或不存在某事物 Non- and un- are the most freelyadded prefixes. *non-和un-在使用上最為自由. Non-is used with nouns, adjectives and adverbs and indicates an absence of something *non
- pref. -附加在形容詞前, 表示與原詞相反的意義 speaking non-stop說個不停. Un- is added to adjectives and indicates the opposite quality from the simple word *un
- AGP區域內存容量 AGP Aperture
- CD音訊內容 cd audio properties
- n. CGS電磁製法拉, 絶對法拉, C.G.S製電容量單位 abfarad
- n. DOS命令:允許從101鍵的鍵盤嚮後兼容,及將WINA20.386文件移出根目錄 switches
- n. DOS命令:比較兩個文件或一組文件的內容,並報告它們之間的差別 fc
- [俚]容易得來的錢 quick buck
- [俚]工作輕鬆而報酬優厚的差事; 有利的買賣; 容易取勝的比賽 soft thing
- [俚]很容易(看出或嗅出) a mile off [away]
- [俚]找到容易賺大錢的工作; 幹不費勁的事 get on the gravy train (=ride the gravy train)
- [口](婦女)化妝; 整容 do one's face
- [口](婦女)化妝; 整容 put on one's face
- [口]...這個字眼還不足以形容 is not the word for it
- [口]不刻板; 不拘謹; 容易相處 comfortable as an old shoe