Explanation: By means of both hardware and software in an attempt to make submission. Usage: Joint type; as predicate; containing derogatory Source: Mao Zedong's "On the new international situation and talk to the reporter of Xinhua Daily," Social Democratic Party belongs to the Second International, in Chamberlain, Daladier, under the threats and inducements, is undergoing differentiation. " Examples: Social Democratic Party belongs to the Second International, in Chamberlain, Daladier of ~ under the differentiation is occurring. (Mao Zedong's "On the new international situation and talk to the Xinhua Daily News")- Thesaurus: Incentives and the, Enwei board and board, to make proper use of both kindness and unkindness in dealing with subordinates, Incentives and economic, stick and carrot, to threaten and to bribe, the carrot and the stick the hope of reward and the threat of punishment as a means of making sb try harder