Pinyin: píng bái wú gù
Usage: 联合式;作状语;指无缘无故
Explanation: 平白:凭空;故:缘故。指无缘无故。
Source: 清·石玉昆《三侠五义》:“平白无故的生出这等毒计。”
Example: 眼看~被他们拿去。不,这等于是他们砸明火、路劫!(梁斌《红旗谱》三十二)
- Thesaurus: without (due) cause, White-browed red eye, dispatch troops without just cause
- Antonym Group: refuse letting others talk, explain, etc., not waiting for an explanation, forbid barge, not entirely devoid of truth, Let things drift., leave sb. alone, allow sth to become neglected, less organized, etc, There are no waves without wind. There's no smoke without fire., doubt, emerge of itself and perish of itself, acquiescently