      Explanation: Silkworms eat mulberry leaves as the occupation as a step by step, like swallowing food that once the annexation. Analogy with other countries in various ways to annex occupied territory.
      Usage: Joint type; as the predicate attribute; metaphor a little bit to be swallowed
      Source: Qing Ji Yun "Notes of Summer recorded a six-Luan Yang": "Ruxian left two orphaned nephews, Yu swallow like a whale, it demonstrated a few Lek."
      Examples: In the Qianlong era, the English destroyed the East India, Bangladesh, according to stab, the ~ means of getting Stanford, mergers that the eastern, central, and southern India, the land. (Qing Peng Ou Yang, "ghosts of black membership," the second time)
  • Thesaurus:  Swallow like a whale According to Hu, swallow like a whale encroach