  • color
  • expression
  • hue
  • kind
  • quality
  • scene
  • woman's looks
  • look
  • appearance
  • dice
  • tint
  • form
  • beauty
  • colour
  • shade
  • desire for beauty
  • description
  • chrom-
  • chromato-
  • chromo-
  1.   "紅瓦斯"爆炸時炸藥所産生的毒氣   red fume
  2. n.  &a.紫紅, 品紅, 絳紅, 品紅, 澤紅染料, 紅苯胺染料, 紅紫, 洋紅   magenta
  3. n.  &a.赭, 紅褐, 赭, 赤褐   auburn
  4. adj.  &,n.淺黃褐色   rachel
  5.   (一種由女子表演的低級黃的)大腿戲   leg show
  6.   (以劇中主角為名的劇本)角   title role
  7.   (伊頓公學製服上的)白寬翻領   Eton collar
  8.   (伊頓公學男學生製服上的)白硬寬領   Etoncollar
  9.   (因情緒變化而)變臉色   change (one's) countenance
  10.   (在...中)扮演角; (在...中)起作用   act a part in
  11.   (在...中)扮演角; (在...中)起作用   play a part in
  12.   (在劇中)扮演(某人)角   play the role of(sb.)
  13.   (場順序製)彩色鑲邊   colour fringing
  14.   (夜總會等處)表演情舞蹈的舞女   shindig dancer
  15.   (帶半圓凸透鏡層的彩電視錄象用)浮雕影片   embossed film
  16.   (彩影片用)凹凸式[雙凸透鏡狀]膠片   lenticular film
  1. 當她繪聲繪地描述那件事時,大傢哄然大笑起來。
    Everyone roared when she acted out the episode.
  2. 當本把牛奶器皿從金屬托架上拿下來的時候,終於面陰鬱地說出了事情的大概。
    Today, however, he was the epitome of gloom as he dropped off his wares from hiswire carrier. It took slow, careful questioning to extract the story from him.
  3. "數字奧運"是"科技奧運"的時代特徵,是"人文奧運"的弘揚手段,是"緑奧運"的重要支撐。
    “Digital Olympics” is the epoch feature of “High-Tech Olympics”, developing means of “people’s Olympics” and important back-up of “Green Olympics”.
  4. 祖先亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各和雅各的十二個兒子等人,是以列十二個部落的祖先
    Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or any of Jacob's12 sons, the eponymous progenitors of the12 tribes of Israel.
  5. 哌嗪,對二氮已環一種無晶體化合物,c4h10n2,用作環氧樹脂的硬化物、抗組(織)胺劑和驅蟲劑
    A colorless crystalline compound, C4H10N2, used as a hardener for epoxy resins, an antihistamine, and an anthelmintic.
  6. 儘管有關美國繁榮興旺的故事傳奇不勝枚舉。可是,在那兒不僅存在着貧窮,而且形形犯罪的增長也已達到令人震驚的程度。
    In spite of all stories of prosperity in the United States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate.
  7. 由於鼻涕在鼻竇中時間越長顔就越重,所以如果早晨的噴嚏物呈緑或銹,也不必驚恐。
    Mucus gets darker the longer it sits in your sinuses, so don't be alarmed if your early? morning sneezes are green-or rust-colored.
  8. 一個預定在一部長的電視連續劇擔任角的演員,得知自己的角在劇中被取消時,感可能感到吃驚。
    An actor who has been booked for a long series of television may be alarmed to hear that his part is being written out of the script.
  9. 失望之際,我沒有大驚小怪,因為我們倆誰碰到形形的事都可能使我們無法幽會。
    I was disappointed but not alarmed, for so many things could happen to either of us to prevent out keeping our tryst.
  10. 在金牛星座天赤道東部的星座;包含參宿四(位於獵戶星座的一顆鮮紅固有變星,距地球572光年)和參宿七(獵戶座星群中的一顆明亮的雙星)。
    a constellation on the equator east of Taurus; contains Betelgeuse and Rigel.
  11. 赤道非洲西部的大型深帶條紋的大羚羊。
    large dark striped eland of western equatorial Africa.
  12. 普通的傢養灰鸚鵡,紅和黑尾巴,白臉;原産於靠近赤道的非洲。
    commonly domesticated gray parrot with red-and-black tail and white face; native to equatorial Africa.
  13. 大猩猩棲居在赤道非洲的最大的類人猿(大猩猩),體型粗壯,頭髮很粗,呈深棕或黑
    The largest of the anthropoid apes(Gorilla gorilla) native to the forests of equatorial Africa, having a stocky body and coarse, dark brown or black hair.
  14. 瑞典人在女子體操、跳水和馬術中成績突出,而他們作為東道主的出表現就更不用說了。
    The Swedes excelled in women gymnastics, diving, and the equestrian events-to say nothing of the job they did as a host.
  15. 亞洲和非洲東北部的幾種顔純淨的馬科哺乳動物。
    any of several plain-colored equine mammals of Asia and northeast Africa.
  16. 太陽(全)照相儀裝備來拍攝太陽的望遠鏡
    A telescope equipped to photograph the sun.
  17. 福氏金縷梅屬的任何一種落葉的矮生灌木,具有美麗的穗狀花序,花在春季呈白、秋季火紅或橙;産自阿拉巴馬州和阿利根尼山脈。
    any of several deciduous low-growing shrubs of the genus Fothergilla having showy brushlike spikes of white flowers in spring and fiery red and orange autumn color; Alabama to Allegheny Mts.
  18. 因此,必須堅决肅清由“四人幫”帶到黨內來的無政府主義思潮以及在黨內新出現的形形的資産階級自由主義思潮。
    Therefore, we must resolutely eradicate the trend towards anarchism that was introduced into the Party by the Gang of Four as well as the trend towards various kinds of bourgeois liberalism that is emerging within the Party.
  19. 阿諾德·施瓦辛格在片中的表演確定了他後來的戲路。從20世紀80年代中、後期直到90年代,施瓦辛格飾演了更多這類令人驚嘆的、極具票房號召力的角:《魔鬼司令》(又譯《獨闖竜潭》)(1985)、《邊緣戰士》(1986)、《終極戰士》(1987)、《跑動者》(1987)、《衝出生死綫》(1988)、《全面回憶》(1990)、《終結者ii》(1991)、《真實的謊言》(1994)和《蒸發密令》(1996)。
    Arnold Schwarzenegger performs in a career-shaping role that would soon lead to many more such formidable,box-office appealing characterizations in the mid to late 1980s and into the 1990s: Commando(1985),Raw Deal(1986),Predator(1987),The Running Man(1987),Red Heat(1988),Total Recall(1990),Terminator 2(1991),True Lies(1994)and Eraser(1996).
  20. 一種黑礦物,由釔、鉺、鉭和其他礦物的氧化物組成。
    a dark mineral consisting of oxides of yttrium and erbium and tantalum and other minerals.
  21. 黑稀金礦一種光亮的棕黑稀土礦石,主要由鈰、鉺、鈦、鈾和釔構成
    A lustrous, blackish-brown rare-earth mineral consisting primarily of cerium, erbium, titanium, uranium, and yttrium.
  22. 北美一種直立的落葉灌木,開黃白略帶紅的花。
    erect deciduous North American shrub with red-tinged yellow-white flowers.
  23. 直立的歐洲越橘,有孤獨的花和藍黑的漿果。
    erect European blueberry having solitary flowers and blue-black berries.
  24. 直立的、部分是攀爬的一種香草,有大的緑或多的樹葉。
    erect or partially climbing herb having large green or variegated leaves.
  25. 歐洲西南部的一種直立灌木,花金黃,成總狀花序。
    erect shrub of southwestern Europe having racemes of golden yellow flowers.
  26. 火棘屬的任何一種多刺的灌木,開白的小花,果實堅硬、紅至桔紅
    any of various thorny shrubs of the genus Pyracantha bearing small white flowers followed by hard red or orange-red berries.
  27. 中國多年生有巨大的總狀花序,開有玫瑰脈絡的白花,根辛辣,藥用或作調味品。
    Chinese perennial with pyramidal racemes of rose-veined white flowers and pungent aromatic roots used medicinally and as flavoring.
  28. 高大的金字塔形雲杉,原産北歐,墨緑樹葉,外展形樹枝,下垂的小枝條,長的下垂球果。
    tall pyramidal spruce native to northern Europe having dark green foliage on spreading branches with pendulous branchlets and long pendulous cones.
  29. 泡桐屬一種中國産的泡桐屬落葉喬木,具有心形的大對生葉片,淡紫或白錐狀花冠,內部具有花斑
    Any of several Chinese deciduous trees of the genus Paulownia, having large, heart-shaped, opposite leaves and pyramidal panicles of purplish or white flowers with a spotted interior.
  30. 分佈於加拿大東南部和美國東北部的一種速生金字塔形落葉樹,中等至高大,葉具深羽裂,秋季變鮮紅;在潮濕地區生長繁茂。
    fast-growing medium to large pyramidal deciduous tree of northeastern United States and southeastern Canada having deeply pinnatifid leaves that turn bright red in autumn; thrives in damp soil.
  31. 原産於比利牛斯山的一種球莖鳶尾;現已被廣泛栽培,花大、雅緻,除黃外具有各種顔
    bulbous iris native to the Pyrenees; widely cultivated for its large delicate flowers in various colors except yellow.
  32. 分配角分配扮演一種和某人個性相近或自然的或和某人外表適合的角
    To cast in an acting role akin or natural to one's own personality or fitted to one's physical appearance.