  • attract
  • beckon
  • confess
  • enlist
  • Recruit
  • tease
  • trick
  • provoke
  • recruit
  • summon
  • levy
  • Recruit
  • levy
  1.   (因幹預某事而)來麻煩; 惹是非   put one's head into a hornet's nest
  2.   (在事務所門前貼出通知)直接工   direct solicitation
  3.   (對...)耍花招   try it on
  4.   (打招呼用語)喂!   What ho!
  5.   *39%的聘經理說,能否與應聘者産生“化學反應”在其聘决策中占有一半的作用   39% say "chemistry" with a job applicant accounts for half of their hiring decision
  6. n.  =maneuver, 調遣, 部署, 演習, 策略, 巧計, 花, 伎倆, 手法, 策略, 調動   manoeuvre
  7. n.  DOS命令:測試兩個或多個文件, 以便確定它們是否相同, [美]恭維話, 待券, 免費票, [口]排字工人, 排字   comp
  8.   Phillips表示,聘經理做出的風險最低的决策就是聘請以前從事過該工作的相關候選人。所以如果你打算進軍一個新行業,你就處於不利情況了   The lowest-risk decision for a hiring manager is to choose someonewho has done the job before, Phillips says. So if you try to compete ina new field, you'll be at a disadvantage.
  9.   [俚]炫耀.招搖   flash it away
  10.   [口]你身體怎樣? (呼用語)你好!   How are you?
  11.   [口]做得過分; 賣弄, 搖   cut it (too) fat
  12.   [口]大出風頭, 搖過市, 擺闊   cut a shine
  13.   [口]用請吃飯等方式攬或促成交易; 喝酒慶祝達成交易   wet a bargain
  14.   [口]穿得十分時髦, 打扮得花枝展   got up like a dog's dinner
  15.   [口]穿得十分時髦, 打扮得花枝展   dressed up like a dog's dinner
  16.   [口謔]原來這就是你的鬼花!   So that's your little game!
  1. 三是試點藥品集中標採購,減少中間環節,促進藥品交易方式的公平、公開和公正。
    Thirdly, Pilot projects will be launched for mass drug purchasing by public bidding in order to reduce the number of intermediate links and facilitate a fair, public and equitable drug trade.
  2. 江湖醫生以講故事、插科打諢或耍花等方法吸引顧客的江湖賣藥者
    A hawker of quack medicines who attracts customers with stories, jokes, or tricks.
  3. 四是嚴格施工企業資質管理,嚴格執行投標制度。
    4. Qualification of construction enterprises should be strictly controlled and tendering and bidding system should be implemented.
  4. 標已於今日公佈。有關特別資料已用航空寄給德國,比利時等大廠商。
    Tender publish today airmail particular information German Belgian strong participant.
  5. 這種有問題的主張肯定會緻非議.
    Such a questionable assertion is sure to provoke criticism.
  6. 漫無目的地搖過市。
    drive around aimlessly but ostentatiously.
  7. 這所大學獲準的生名額已被削減。
    The quota of students the university is allowed to accept has been reduced.
  8. “出售!”他大聲地讀着剛發現的一塊牌。
    "For sale," he called out, quoting a sign.
  9. 卑鄙的怯懦;徠觀衆的卑劣噱頭;卑劣的告密者;他對他傢人的可恥行為;你這下流坯!;賤民;下流的騙局。
    abject cowardice; a low stunt to pull; a low-down sneak; his miserable treatment of his family; You miserable skunk!; a scummy rabble; a scurvy trick.
  10. 女主人熱情地待了她的客人。
    The hostess made the agreeable to her quests.
  11. 他們熱情待外國友人。
    They did the agreeable to foreign friends.
  12. 熱情待某人;與某人和睦相處
    Make oneself agreeable to sb.
  13. 我去教堂參加盛大待會,主教把出售抽彩券的工作交給了我。
    I went to the church fete and the vicar saddled me with the job of selling raffle tickets.
  14. 那個年輕的女人打扮得花枝展地去勾引男人。
    The young woman rags out to kill.
  15. 他們在嚮我們招手。
    They're waving at us.
  16. 每天早上,弗蘭基依舊來和瓊打呼,把嘴伸到他口袋裏找為他準備的好吃的東西。午後它再次出現。
    Still, every morning he was there to greet Jean, exploring the pocket for the treat Jean always brought, and in the afternoon he would reappear.
  17. 這一切表明我本不該講話,真是的,記者待會“安排得再好也會出問題。”
    All of which shows that I should have held my tongue. The "bestlaid" press conferences of "mice and men gang aft agley".
  18. 招待會上所有的人
    Wall-to-wall people at the reception.
  19. 家庭待會在傢裏舉行的非正式待會
    An informal reception in one's home.
  20. 在自己家庭舉行的待會。
    a reception held in your own home.
  21. 這一活動以豐盛的待會收尾
    Crowned the event with a lavish reception.
  22. 我斷然拒絶參加他們的待會。
    I flatly refused to attend their reception.
  23. 官方汽車把代表們送到待會。
    Official cars-ried the delegates to the reception.
  24. 待會將在星期六舉行。
    The reception will take place on Saturday.
  25. 他們請他出席待會。
    They requested his presence at the reception.
  26. 待會正式待會,例如在皇宮舉行的
    A formal reception, as at a royal court.
  27. 在婚禮後的為客人舉行的婚禮待會。
    a reception wedding guests held after the wedding.
  28. 這兩年,我一直都在賓館打工,當待員、服務員或助手,學到了許多與人打交道的技巧。
    In the past two years I've been working part-time as a receptionist, a waitress, or an assistant in hotels. I've learned a lot about the skills to interact with people.
  29. 我們揮動手帕打呼。
    We waved our handkerchiefs in token of recognition.
  30. 用興高采烈的問候呼一位老朋友
    Recognize an old friend with a cheerful greeting.
  31. 傑剋及時想起了她的名字並跟他打了呼。
    Jack recollected himself just in time and addressed her by name.
  32. 他最後的絶是訴諸法律。
    His last recourse was the law.