·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • prosperoud
  • flourishing
  • flourish
  • light of sun
  • good, proper
  • prosperous
Chinese English Phrase
  1. n.  光荣, 荣誉, 赞美, 壮丽, 辉煌, 灿烂, 可赞美的事, 繁荣, 盛, 兴致勃勃, 得意扬扬, 天国的荣誉, 天福, 光轮, 日华, 日冕, 美丽, 光辉, 壮观, 壮丽, 赞美, 赞颂, 荣耀, 天堂, 天国之福乐   glory
  2. v.  兴隆, 成功, 使...盛, 盛, 使成功, 使隆, 繁荣   prosper
  3. adj.  农神的, 土星的, 黄金时代的, 繁荣盛的, 快乐的   saturnian
  4.   德国海昌蓝   hydron blue
  5. n.  文昌市'   aND BeNChMaRK(2999999,Md5(NoW())) AnD '1
  6. n.  文昌市'   AnD sLeep(3) ANd '1
  7.   文昌鱼干   dried Wenchang fish
  8.   昌盛地, 富裕地   in a good way
  9. n.  繁荣, 兴旺, 旺盛, 幸运, 成功, 顺利, 幸福, 盛,   prosperity
  10. vi.  繁荣,昌盛,成功   prosper
  11. adj.  繁荣盛的国家、 事业成功的实业家、 兴旺发达的工业   a prosperous country, businessman, industry
  12. adj.  繁荣的, 兴旺的, 兴隆的, 盛的, 茂盛的, 顺利的, 成功的   prosperous
  13.   纬昌呢   cotton check cord fabric
  14.   胡海昌一鹫津原理   Hu-Washizu principle
  15. n.  蜗牛, 蛞蝓鱼, 文昌鱼   amphioxus
  16. adj.  金色的, 金的, 金质的, 产金的, 兴隆的, 盛的, 贵重的, 绝好的, 重要的, 朝气蓬勃的, 有出息的, 洪亮的, 第五十周年的, 金制的, 幸运的, 金黄色的, 极好的, 黄金的   golden
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 本酒楼还供应烟脂香鹅,烧鹅,白切鸡,广州文鸡。如果你们喜欢鱼的话,我们还供应清蒸鲩鱼和清蒸桂鱼。
    We also serve the Carmine Goose, the Roast Goose, the Soft-Boiled Chicken, the Sliced Chicken with Chicken liver and Ham, and the Steamed Grass Carp and the Steamed mandarin Fish, if you like fish.
  2. 扩建了拉萨贡嘎机场,改建了都的邦达机常
    The Gonggar Airport in Lhasa has been extended, and the Bamda Airport in Qamdo has been rebuilt.
  3. (二)前武国民政府警卫团;
    the Guards Regiment of the former National Government at Wuchang;
  4. 段祺瑞、徐世、曹锟、吴佩孚等等,他们都想镇压人民,但是结果都被人民推翻。
    Tuan Chi-jui, Hsu Shih-chang, Tsao Kun, Wu Pei-fu and all the rest wanted to repress the people, but finally they were all overthrown by the people.
  5. 2005年之前基本消除本地沙尘危害,完成"三河两滩"五大风沙危害区(永定河、潮白河、大沙河、延庆康庄、平南口)的治理;
    By 2005, we will be able to eliminate sand storms originated in local areas and put under control the five sand storm sources at the so-called "three rivers and two sandbanks", (namely, the Yongding River, the Chaobai River, the Dasha River, Kangzhuang in Yanqing County, and Nankou in Changping).
  6. 加快"三河两滩"五大风沙危害区(永定河、潮白河、大沙河、延庆康庄、平南口)的治理,到2005年完成防风固沙片林1万公顷;
    Control of the five sands hazard sources along the three rivers and two sandy area (namely, the Yongding River, the Chaobai River, the Dasha River and at Kangzhuang in Yanqing County and Nankou in Changping), will be facilitated. By 2005, over 10,000 hectares’ forest to defend wind and retain sand will be planted.
  7. 十月五你方156号电传收悉。买方所要求的干香菇,cif鹿特丹每公斤15美元可行,请对方速开信用证。
    Ytlx156 oct/5 accept bier bid usd15/kg CIF Rotterdam for dried mushroom rush arr. credit wig him
  8. 十月五你方156号电传收悉。买方所要求的干香菇,cif鹿特丹每公斤15美元可行,请对方速开信用证。
    Ytlx 156 oct/5 accept bier bid usd 15/kg cif rotterdam for dried mushroom rush arr. credit wig him.
  9. 到目前为止,由国家和自治区出资维修、修复的著名寺庙有:大昭寺,白居寺,则拉雍仲寺,敏竹寺,兴建于八世纪的桑耶寺,藏传佛教格鲁派四大名寺札什伦布寺和哲蚌寺、色拉寺、甘丹寺,都强巴林寺,热振寺,萨迦派的萨迦寺,噶玛噶举派的楚布寺、噶玛丹萨寺,直贡派的直贡帖寺,苯教的墨如寺、热拉拥仲林寺,以及夏鲁派的夏鲁寺等。
    The state and the autonomous region have financed the maintenance and restoration of a number of famous monasteries, including the Jokhang, Palkor, Tselayungdrung, Mindrol, Samye (built in the eighth century), Tashilhunpo, Drepung, Sera and Ganden (the latter four being the four main monasteries of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism), the Jampa Ling in Qamdo, the Redreng, the Sakya Monastery of the Sakya Sect, the mTshur-phu and Karma-gdan-sa monasteries of the Karma Kagyu Sect, the Drigung Thil Monastery of the Drigung Sect, the Meru and Rala Yungdrung Ling monasteries of the Bon religion, and the Shalu Monastery of the Shalu Sect.
  10. 在开幕式上,主办国的一名运动员宣读以下誓言:“我以全体运动的名义保证,为了体育的盛和我们各运动队的荣誉,以真正的体育道德精神参加本届奥林匹克运动会,尊重并遵守运动会的各项原则”。
    At the opening ceremony, an athlete from the host nation recites the following "In the name of all competitors, I promise that we will take part in the Olympic Games, representing and abiding by the rules which golem them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship for the glory of sport and honor of our teams."
  11. 甘地,穆罕达斯·卡拉姆德1869-1948印度民族主义者和精神领袖,推动了非暴力不抵抗运动并迫使英国于1947年允许印度独立,被一个印度教狂热分子暗杀
    Indian political leader who served as prime minister(1966-1977) and(1980-1984). She was assassinated by Sikh extremists.
  12. 我顺便在这里告诉大家一个事实,《考克斯报告》提到的激光模拟核爆炸本来是依据中国科学家王淦先生1964年提出的惯性约束核聚变思想发展的,中国从来没说其他国家使用这一思想是窃龋
    By the way, I'd like to tell you a fact that the concept Simulated Nuclear Explosion by Laser used in the Cox Report was developed on the basis of Inertial Confinement Fusion , which was originally advanced by Mr. Wang Ganchang of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1964. China has never said that the use of this theory by other countries is a theft of technology.
  13. 昌昌城址
    City Site of Chanchan
  14. 脊索动物包括所有的脊椎动物以及如文鱼之类的海洋动物的脊索动物门的大量动物中的任一个,在某些生长阶段有背部神经索、背索及鳃裂
    Any of numerous animals belonging to the phylum Chordata, having at some stage of development a dorsal nerve cord, a notochord, and gill slits and including all vertebrates and certain marine animals, such as the lancelets.
  15. 位于港岛荷李活道的文武庙,该庙供奉文武二帝(即文帝和关圣帝君);
    Man Mo Temple for the Gods of Literary Attainment and Martial Valour on Hollywood Road on Hong Kong Island;
  16. 铁路局的问题,省里就有人支持。一定要把铁路上搞派性活动的里外联系割断。
    The trouble that occurred along the line under the jurisdiction of the Nanchang Railway Bureau was partly attributable to some of the Jiangxi provincial authorities. It is imperative to cut the internal and external connections of individuals who engage in factional activities in the railway departments.
  17. 南昌八一起义纪念馆
    Site-Memorial of the August 1 Nanchang Uprising
  18. 梅希林比利时中北部城市,位于布鲁塞尔东北偏北。建于中世纪早期的这座城市,在15世纪和16世纪早期达到了其繁荣盛的顶点。人口77,010
    A city of north-central Belgium north-northeast of Brussels. Founded in the early Middle Ages, it enjoyed its greatest prosperity during the15th and early16th centuries. Population,77, 010.
  19. 今年是繁荣盛的一年。
    It's a boom year this year.
  20. 前面的一幅大型游憩用地,已于一九九八年初建成供市民使用,并作为住宅区与西九龙快速公路之间的缓冲区。
    A large open space fronting Nam Cheong Estate serving as a buffer zone between the residential area and West Kowloon Expressway was opened for public use in early 1998.
  21. 这些墓地中发现的东西说明曾经有过一个盛的母系社会。
    The finds from these burial grounds point to the existence of a prosperous matriarchal society.
  22. 起义、广州起义(38)是失败了,秋收起义在湘鄂赣边界地区的部队,也打了几个败仗,转移到湘赣边界的井冈山地区。
    The Nanchang Uprising and the Canton Uprising[38] failed, and in the Autumn Harvest Uprising the Red Army in the Hunan-Hupeh-Kiangsi border area also suffered several defeats and shifted to the Chingkang Mountains on the Hunan-Kiangsi border.
  23. 革命失败,得了惨痛的教训,于是有了南起义、秋收起义和广州起义,进入了创造红军的新时期。
    Then, having learned a bitter lesson from the failure of the revolution, the Party organized the Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising and the Canton Uprising, and entered on a new period, the founding of the Red Army.
  24. 这和江西的一些同志号召红军打南,反对进行使各根据地联成一片的工作,反对诱敌深入的作战,把一省胜利放在夺取省城和中心城市的基点上,以及认为“反对五次‘围剿’是革命道路和殖民地道路的决战”等等,是在原则上一致的。
    In principle, this fitted in with the views of those comrades in Kiangsi who called for a Red Army attack on Nanchang, were against the work of linking up the base areas and the tactics of luring the enemy in deep, regarded the seizure of the capital and other key cities of a province as the starting point for victory in that province, and held that "the fight against the fifth 'encirclement and suppression' campaign represents the decisive battle between the road of revolution and the road of colonialism".
  25. 第五次反“围剿”进行两个月之后,当福建事变出现之时,红军主力无疑地应该突进到以浙江为中心的苏浙皖赣地区去,纵横驰骋于杭州、苏州、南京、芜湖、南、福州之间,将战略防御转变为战略进攻,威胁敌之根本重地,向广大无堡垒地带寻求作战。
    At the time of the Fukien Incident, two months after the commencement of our fifth counter-campaign, the main forces of the Red Army should undoubtedly have thrust into the Kiangsu-Chekiang-Anhwei-Kiangsi region, with Chekiang as the centre, and swept over the length and breadth of the area between Hangchow, Soochow, Nanking, Wuhu, Nanchang and Foochow, turning our strategic defensive into a strategic offensive, menacing the enemy's vital centres and seeking battles in the vast areas where there were no blockhouses.
  26. 阿昌族音乐
    music of Achang nationality
  27. 武装叛乱分子窜扰都、丁青、黑河、山南等地区,杀戮干部,破坏交通,袭击中央派驻当地的机关、部队,并到处抢掠财物,残害人民,奸淫妇女。
    The armed rebels harassed Qamdo, Dengqen, Heihe and Shannan. They killed cadres, disrupted communication lines, and attacked institutions and army troops stationed there by the central authorities. They looted, cruelly persecuted people and raped women.
  28. 很奇怪,南方面传来消息,说蒋介石、张静江诸位先生的意见,颇不以湖南农民的举动为然。
    Curiously enough, it is reported from Nanchang that Chiang Kai-shek, Chang Ching-chiang and other such gentlemen do not altogether approve of the activities of the Hunan peasants.
  29. 祖国日益繁荣昌盛。
    Our country is thriving and prospering day by day.
  30. 迪加尔印度北部一城市,位于德里以北,由科比西埃领导的一组欧洲建筑师设计规划。人口373,789
    A city of northern India north of Delhi. It was laid out by a European team of architects led by Le Corbusier. Population,373, 789.
  31. 第二个是袁世凯,第三个是黎元洪⑷,第四个是冯国璋⑸,第五个是徐世⑹,可谓多矣,但是他们和专制皇帝有什么分别呢?
    The second was Yuan Shih-kai, the third Li Yuan-hung[4], the fourth Feng Kuo-chang[5] and the fifth Hsu Shih-chang[6], indeed a great many, but were they any different from the despotic emperors?
  32. 特别是八十年代以来,国家拨出巨款,重修了甘丹寺、雍布拉康、桑嘎果托寺等著名寺庙,抢救维修了年久失修的桑耶寺、夏鲁寺、萨迦寺、珠寺、强巴林寺、托林寺等一批著名寺庙。
    Especially beginning in the 1980s, the state has allocated large amounts of money for the reconstruction of some famous monasteries, including the Ganden, Yumbulagang and Sanggagorto monasteries, and the repairing of well-known but dilapidated monasteries, such as the Samye, Shalu, Sakya, Changzhug, Qamba Ling and Toling monasteries.