宝鼎现(寿京尹曾留远侍郎渊子) Baoding cash Shou Jing Yin had to stay away Assistant minister Deep sub-
真珠帘(寿孙古岩) Clearly bead curtain Gu Yan Shou Sun
大酺(寿江东运使陆云西集撰) Great drink in company birthday South of the changjiang river Transported to Liu yun West _set_ essays
大酺(寿沿江大制使观文马裕斋同知) Great drink in company birthday Sea-shore, river-shore, border-shore opening-up Great system to View paper Ma Yu-fast sub-prefect
大酺(寿王修斋枢密) Great drink in company Shou Wang repair fast senator
沁园春(单景山雪中以学佛自夸,因次韵戏抑之) Write Your Single View Snow hill In order to Buddhist Braggadocio Dimension Yunxiyizhi
沁园春(丁未春补游西湖) s poem Dingwei, the forty-fourth of the cycle of the sixty in chinese calendar Spring up swim the West Lake
沁园春(寿吴竹溪) Write your life (surname) Zhuxi
沁园春(寿六二叔父德光) Write your life hexad Di Father Deguang
沁园春(□竹窗纸枕屏) s poem Bamboo window Paper pillow panel
沁园春 Patio Spring
沁园春(寿竹窗兄) Write your life Bamboo window man or boy having the same parents as another person
沁园春(寿陈菊坡枢密卓) Write your life Zhuo Chen Chu Po senator
水龙吟(寿江阃姚橘洲学士希得) Shuilong yin Shou Jiang Kun Yao Orange Island Bachelor Xi was
瑞鹤仙(寿赵德修检讨必普) Rui xian birthday De-Xiu Zhao Review R &
摸鱼儿(随湖南安抚赵德修自长沙回至澛港,值其生日) Mo yuer follow, listen to, submit to Hunan Appease Zhao Xiuzi Changsha municipality Huizhilugangzhiqi a birthday [Christmas] gift
洞仙歌(次韵花蕊夫人) Dong xiange write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Hua Ruifuren
洞仙歌(次韵苏子瞻) Dong xiange Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Semen perillae acutae gaze
念奴娇(咏牡丹) Stories of chant peony
念奴娇(献再一兄成室大任) Stories of dedicate Another Big brother into the room either
念奴娇(夏夜流萤照窗) Stories of Summer Fireflies According to the window
念奴娇(寿姚橘州) Stories of Shouyaojuzhou
满江红(丁未九月望赏月) Azolla Dingwei, the forty-fourth of the cycle of the sixty in chinese calendar September hope Moon
古诗 ancient style poetry
忆昔浑家衣天香,翩翩风流公子裳。 蟾宫步武云送上,雁塔姓名星摇芒。 绿袍照眼初意锐,青毡入手前路长。 谁知蕉鹿成夜梦,日与蓬鷃争时光。 累累鹄形走山谷,战战茧足履冰霜。 貂裘已弊有嫂轻季子,牛衣虽泣无妻问王章。 悬鹑襹褷不投俗,扪虱勃窣徒谈王。 岂不欲羡补衮居峻地,岂不欲著锦绣归故乡。 顾瞻外饰至此面自赪摸索中襟凄其汗如滂。况今玄冥令凛冽, 难把赤立身支当。彼狨鞍宝马重狐貉, 彼毳茵绣帐双鸳鸯。或锦步障五十里, 或金缕衣十二行。与富贵家自择伴, 如衰飒辈难登堂。老者衣帛盍早计, 大寒索裘真痴忙。缙绅遗绪惨莫继, 章缝本色终难忘。从来固多急义谱, 今亦何敢浅识量。君不见履常长贫冻至死, 絮袄不具有识空悲伤。又不见范叔一寒如此极, 绨袍之恋千载犹芬芳。