贺新郎(寿张宜轩) Congratulate benedict Shouzhangyixuan
贺新郎(黄玉林为风月楼作,次韵以谢) Congratulate benedict Topaz Lin Gentle breeze and bright moonlight Building for Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words To thank
贺新郎(次韵江定轩咏菊) Congratulate benedict Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Jiang Dingxuan Yong Ju
贺新郎(次玉林感时韵) Congratulate benedict time Yulin affect Rhyme Time
贺新郎 congratulate benedict
贺新郎(追次玉林所赋溪楼燕集韵) Congratulate benedict Chase times Yulin The Fu River House martin Ji Yun
贺新郎(用前韵自寿) Congratulate benedict Rhyme with the former Since the life
沁园春(次韵四友吴会卿次子西上) s poem Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Four Friends Wu Huiqing Cadet West on
沁园春 Patio Spring
沁园春(用定轩雨余有感韵写山中之趣) s poem with the rain I will Hin Thoughts Rhyme writing In the mountains Of interest
沁园春(和答吕柳希) s poem And a Lv Liuxi
沁园春(二月二日寿玉林) s poem February on the 2nd birthday Yulin
水调歌头 Shuidiaogetou
念奴娇(次韵玉林寄示) Stories of write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Yulin Send show
金菊对芙蓉 The plant on the hibiscus
木兰花慢(次韵奉酬玉林病中见示) Magnolia huaman Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Feng pay Yulin Disease See show
西江月(太岁日作) The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river extremely Year-old date and
古诗 ancient style poetry
一雨霈然,六合全清,空无点埃。 喜秋容新沐,为谁媚妩,凉蟾留照,正尔徘徊。 蜡屐清游,渔蓑淡话,富贵于予何有哉。 双溪上,总旧盟鸥鹭,来往无猜。 烟霞竹石松梅。 更无数幽花陆续开。 渐黄鸡啄黍,肥堪一著,浮蛆拍瓮,美可三杯。 儿解应门,翁方索句,俗客来时莫放来。 青山好,尽从今日日,闼不妨排。