奉和執契靜三邊應詔 Feng and Static trilateral contract enforcement accept the emperor's order
奉和行經破薛舉戰地應製 Feng and Row The broken xue ju battleground write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和元日應製 Feng and Mongol write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和初春登樓即目應詔 Feng and The first month of spring Ascend building The present accept the emperor's order
奉和秋日即目應製 Feng and Autumn The present write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和喜雪應製 Feng and Snow Hi write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和登陝州城樓應製 Feng and Deng Shan A town within a "zhou" Building write poem according to the emperor's order
遊清都觀尋瀋道士得清字 View all searching Shen Qing Yu Taoist So clear word
奉和儀鸞殿早秋應製 Feng and Miriam luan hall early autumn write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和詠雨應詔 Feng and Yong Yu accept the emperor's order
奉和過慈恩寺應製 Feng and Guo Jionji write poem according to the emperor's order
鼕日宴於庶子宅各賦一字得歸 Winter banquet for Illegitimate The word house was owned by Fu
送劉散員同賦得陳思王詩山樹鬱蒼蒼 Songliusanyuan with Fu de Chen si wang Shi Shu Yu Shan ashy
奉和宴中山應製 Feng and Banquet zhongshan write poem according to the emperor's order
奉和聖製登三臺言志應製 Feng and Saint-system Teng 3 taiwan wills write poem according to the emperor's order
安德山池宴集 quiet Tokuyama Pool Feast
古詩 ancient style poetry
曦馭循黃道,星陳引翠旗。濟潼紆萬乘,臨河耀六師。 前旌彌陸海,後騎發通伊。勢逾回地軸,威盛轉天機。 是節歲窮紀,關樹蕩涼颸。仙露含靈掌,瑞鼎照川湄。 衝襟賞臨睨,高詠入京畿。