宋代 方岳 Fang Yue  宋代   (1199~1262)
Azolla Otomi a birthday [Christmas] gift
Azolla And Cheng University encyclical
Shuidiaogetou the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Drunk in
Shuidiaogetou Hall With Su Yun
Shuidiaogetou the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar View more building With Wu Assistant minister charm
Shuidiaogetou birthday (surname) Shang Shu
Shuidiaogetou birthday surname Wenchang
Patio Spring
Qin Yuan Chun and Sung (in ming and qing dynasty) county magistrate To Moss Mei
Qin Yuan Chun and Zhao Secretary households flower of Chinese harbaceous peony
Qin Yuan Chun and Lin professor
Coffee Senna Seed
Butterfly in love Rhyme Huai Qiu
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Magnolia huaman (surname) Shang shu Entertain guest at a banquet View Lian Tsang Extempore Rhyme
Like a Dream Spring Thinking
Like a Dream Chinese cherry apple
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river million Garden Zhu Yun was with the parent line system Shuai Zhao Side out

   Fang Yue

Spent the early wind funny, happy side of Pavilion remains the same, Liu Chun leisure business.
Tobacco Suigong dance to, who sent million of red embroidery around.
Results wine cause, loading the spring of wealth, but also Jinglun hand.
Farewell music sound, blowing a river clear green crepe.
Yu Jian is flying at that knowledge Crane House, the flower press Langan day.
Oil screen instruments laughing, and I do things worthy of tea wine.
Repay the east, to hang around the West at Green pondered for a long time outside.
And no negative spring, drunk, full of tears return of Hong sleeves.

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